[ Gojko Vujovic @ 02.03.2004. 21:00 ] @
Sa nanog-a:

Thought folks might find this blurb from Sophos on the geography of Spam interesting. 30% of Spam, they report, comes from hijacked PC's. Matches pretty close to what we see across our network - i.e. all sorts of stuff from swbell.net

o U.S. Routes More Spam than World Combined, Study Shows

Paris -- Intentionally or not, the U.S. routes more spam e-mail traffic
than the rest of the world combined, according to a new study by
anti-virus firm Sophos. The study concludes that most of the unsolicited
junk e-mails originate in Russia and then passes through hacked computers
in the U.S. "More than 30% of the world's spam is sent from these
compromised computers, underlining the need for a coordinated approach to
spam and viruses," said Charles Cousins, Sophos' Asia managing director .
The U.S. accounts for a whopping 56% of the global spam pie, followed by
Canada with 6.8%. Europe did not fair very well in the report either, with
the Netherlands (5th), Germany (7th), France (8th), the U.K. (9th) and
Spain (12th) all making the list.
[ salec @ 03.03.2004. 09:13 ] @
Sve moje male istrage izvorišta spama su vodile ka broadbend ISP-ima, najčešće negde izvan engleskog govornog područja (najdalje iz Argentine), kako bi se usporila reakcija primalaca, zbog jezičke barijere. Ali "abuse@<operator>" obično pogađa gde treba.

BTW i OT, Gojko, kako bi bilo da nađeš neke druge sponzore za banere...upravo mi je ušla koleginica u kancelariju...malo sam postiđen... a i ovde se beleži koliko ko dovlači porna!