[ kUdtiHaEX @ 06.03.2004. 23:41 ] @

mIRC 6.14 has been released! (March 3rd 2004)
A fresh new version of mIRC released today! With this new release we think to address the most important comments, requests and remarks we received after the release of version 6.12. The new version fixes lots of the small but nevertheless annoying buggies found in the previous version. While we tried to focus on fixing things, of course new features and functions have been added. You'll have to dig through the help file in mIRC and the whatsnew.txt on the Web to learn about the complete list of changes and their impact. If you have additional questions, may we invite you to the Message Board on this website? The board offers great help with everything related to mIRC!


Jel neko skinuo/probao? Kakva su iskustva :D sa novim starim mIRC-om?
[ Miroslav Strugarevic @ 07.03.2004. 12:34 ] @
Pa pošto ga odavno nisam koristio, ne mogu baš da znam šta je novo a šta nije.. U svakom radi sasvim okej...
[ Darko Prelic @ 10.03.2004. 03:16 ] @
Ne znam samo kako im nije muka, pošto bi meni sigurno bilo ;)

Kao svakih par dana nova verzija koja je u suštini ista kao prethodna, samo je sada OK bliži za 0.1 mm Cancel nego što je ranije bio i naravno nadamo se da će vam ovo poboljšanje puno pomoći u budićem ircovanju, GL HF ;)

Ajde da i mi poludimo, sigurno je mnogo bolje.. ;)