[ romeo-xix @ 02.05.2014. 19:56 ] @
Cesto se susrecem sa pitanjima,"radis li paralenu kompresiju ili ne"??
Verujem da ce mi neko pojasniti..Mozda je nesto i sto sam radio,ali ne zovem tako..
Hvala lepo..
[ Kovacevic Vladimir @ 03.05.2014. 07:04 ] @

Parallel Compression: "One way of achieving the distinctive sound of your vocals or drum sound being slammed by a quality compressor while maintaining the dynamics and life of the original source, is to use an auxiliary and bus your vocal to the compressor, bring it back on the next channel and blend it with the original. So, quite often I'll apply gentle compression to my vocal channel on the insert but I'll also bus the vocal out to a secondary compressor and get the two compressors to work against each other almost * one is attacking and the other is releasing, those kind of effects.

"With drums, often I may not compress the individual drum mics at all but send them as a group to a Neve compressor or a Fairchild, compress the heck out of it and just blend in a little bit of it back into the mix. The combination might be anything from 70 percent of the dry, unaffected drums and 30 per cent of it super-compressed; to 50-50, depending on what the track needs. If the drums don't have enough tone, try using a compressor that has an automatic, very slow release on it. You'll find that it'll let the drums ring, and keep the drums constantly up there and hold their tone in your face as opposed to the drums' attack being overly dominant.

Joe Chiccarelli."

A pomoć prijatelja - Google-a na pitanje: šta je paralelna kompresija, može dobro doći u razjašnjenju - kako i o čemu se, zapravo to radi. Konkretnim primerima i primenom u praksi.

[ romeo-xix @ 03.05.2014. 14:42 ] @
Hvala Vladimire..guglao sam naravno.ali bas i ne nadjoh nesto..
Verovatno je nesto sa dva kompresora,jedan na insert jedan na send..pojma nemam..lupam..
hvala..valjda se javi jos neko.
[ Sceka @ 03.05.2014. 21:31 ] @
Tako je. Jedan na Insert a drugi na Send ali samo za taj kanal (regulise se Mix na samom kompresoru a zavisi od mnogo cega, iskusni se oslanjaju na ono sto se cuje...).

Nekada ima efekta, nekada nema - zavisi od mnogih cinilaca. Ako nema mnogo instrumenata (Track-ova, elemenata...) onda je lako uraditi ali ako ima, ako je "guzva" onda je dosta pipavo i treba dosta vremena da se uradi. Kako god, probaj...

[ romeo-xix @ 04.05.2014. 21:24 ] @
Hvala Sceka..
Siguran si da se ne duplira taj zeljeni kanal??
Nadjoh nekih video snimaka..pozz
[ Sceka @ 05.05.2014. 11:40 ] @
Pa moze i da se duplira kanal... ali cemu to raditi kad se isto postize i sa sendom.

[ romeo-xix @ 05.05.2014. 21:04 ] @
Ok..Hvala jos jednom.