[ marko1101 @ 22.03.2004. 21:58 ] @
situacija je sledeca:

internet, javanIp-ruter-lokalniIP , lokalna mreza

korisnici u lokalnoj mrezi nemogu da cuju zvuk koji dolazi sa interneta, a oni na internetu cuju zvuk koji dolazi iz lokalne mreze,

podesavao sam gatekeeper i onda radi ali samo kad se neko sa interneta nakaci , ustvari ja ga registrujem na gkiperu, na mom ruteru

ali korisnici u lokalnoj mrezi treba da se kace na directory na internetu, jer je tamo spisak korisnika kojima treba da pristupe, znaci moraju da podese netmeeting za direktnu vezu sa internetom a ne kod mene na gkiperu

da li je neko imao slicnih problema sa netmeetingom i H.323 protokolom i da li postoji resenje.

[ dulem @ 23.03.2004. 14:52 ] @
To je cest problem sa NAT-om.

Koji ruter koristis?

[ marko1101 @ 24.03.2004. 01:49 ] @
[ dulem @ 24.03.2004. 15:05 ] @
VoIP presents a problem for NAT. The problem is that when IP phones or routers establish VoIP call signaling, call control, and media communications, the IP address and port number are embedded within the data payload of the IP packets. This causes end-to-end routing problems between the end points if the embedded IP addresses are private IP addresses.

The following is a list of NAT limitations.

- NATs work at Layer 3 (IP layer).
- NATs modify the source/destination IP address.
- NATs do not modify Layer 4, Layer 5, Layer 6, and Layer 7 addresses embedded within the IP payload.

Many applications embed IP addresses at Layer 4 through Layer 7.

NAT breaks the end-to-end model of IP for routability, encryption, and so on, due to the embedded Layer 4 through Layer 7 IP addresses.

This limitation of the NAT feature can be overcome with added intelligence to the software. Cisco IOS NAT and PIX support a feature called Native Support or Fixup Protocol for various applications such as FTP, HTTP, H.323, and Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)

Ovo ti je u najkracem sazeto objasnjenje zasto ti to ne radi.

Ja koristim PIX i nemam problema sa NAT-om i H.323 protokolom.

[ Marcony @ 26.03.2004. 22:31 ] @
Gde moze da se skine PIX software?
Imao sam isti problem kao i Marko1101, a koristio sam Sygate manager.
[ Gojko Vujovic @ 26.03.2004. 22:33 ] @
Za koji pix tačno ti treba software? Legalno verovatno možeš samo preko TACa da ga nabaviš. Najbolje je da se obratiš svom distributeru opreme, uputiće te kako i šta.
[ Marcony @ 27.03.2004. 21:20 ] @
Izvinjavam se zbog ne znanja...mislio sam da je PIX ustvari software!!!