[ luaay @ 28.05.2014. 06:45 ] @
Imam netbook machiny,sedmicu,desava mi se ne retko da kad stavim komp na sleep ili hypernate i zelim ugasiti komp ne ide vec moram da kasapim bateriju i da je opet vracam.
o cemu se radi.?
[ CakNoris @ 06.06.2014. 09:00 ] @
- Be patient. Some PCs take up to 30 seconds to wake up.
- Look for a Suspend or Hibernate key. Some laptops have special keys or buttons for one or both, but the user might not have noticed them if he normally uses some other wake-up method.
- Try pressing and holding the PC’s power button for five seconds or more. On a PC that's configured to Suspend or Hibernate with a press of the power button, holding down the power button will usually reset and reboot it.
- Most laptops have an [Fn] key you can press in conjunction with other keys to control laptop-specific features, including power management.
- As a last resort, remove all batteries, wait a few minutes, and then replace the batteries.


Ako nista od pomenutnog ne resava problem onda probaj da promenis podesavanaj u Power management.
[ luaay @ 14.06.2014. 02:46 ] @
CakNoris: -
- As a last resort, remove all batteries, wait a few minutes, and then replace the batteries.



uvek sam do sad morao sklanjati bateriju..
Dobar sajt btw..