[ devil79 @ 24.06.2014. 22:09 ] @
Da li neko ima iskustva sa narucivanjem ometaca za mobilni u Srbiju? Phone jammer.

Znam da je nelegalan za koriscenje, ali nece se koristiti kod nas vec samo proslediti.

Zanima me da li ce to zapleniti na carini. Narucivalo bi se brzom postom Fedex EMS ili sl, i to 3 komada a najaci bi imao domet 200-300m.

[ ventura @ 24.06.2014. 22:14 ] @
Verovatno će ga pustiti da prođe carinu da bi te uhvatili u krađi automobila...
[ devil79 @ 24.06.2014. 22:26 ] @
Bas bih se raspitivao po forumima za tako nesto( a i 300m za automobil...).

Treba da se prosledi u USA jer tamo ne moze da prodje, bar kako su meni rekli.

Pravo da ti kazem i ne znam koji ce im, ali je firma od drugara pa me zamolili da se raspitam.

Vrednost bi bila oko 2000$ pa pretpostavljam da bi proveravali sta je u pitanju, pa rekoh da li je neko imao iskustva.
[ VeseliD @ 24.06.2014. 22:40 ] @
Bilo je reci da radio uredjaji,radio stanice i slicno ne prolaze carinu.
Tako da ne rizikuj,glupo je :)
[ devil79 @ 25.06.2014. 09:07 ] @
Da li ima kod nas da neko prodaje tako nesto. Uglavnom su manji do 30-ak m range.

Pitao sam ih ... Treba im da radnici ne bi drndali telefone u radno vreme, pa zato i ovaj domet od 200-300m.

Moze i PP ako neko zna, da ne bude reklama.
[ ademare @ 25.06.2014. 12:44 ] @
Stani ako oni ne mogu da poruce iz Kine , kako ces ti da im posaljes ??

[ mr. ako @ 25.06.2014. 19:13 ] @

Bas bih se raspitivao po forumima za tako nesto( a i 300m za automobil...).

Treba da se prosledi u USA jer tamo ne moze da prodje, bar kako su meni rekli.

Pravo da ti kazem i ne znam koji ce im, ali je firma od drugara pa me zamolili da se raspitam.

Vrednost bi bila oko 2000$ pa pretpostavljam da bi proveravali sta je u pitanju, pa rekoh da li je neko imao iskustva.

U USA jammeri su zabranjeni. :)

Evo ti jucerasnja vest npr:

'Vigilante motorist' faces fine after using mobile signal jammer to keep others off their phones


An American driver is facing a $48,000 fine after using a mobile signal jammer in his car to block motorists around him from using their phones on the road.

Jason Humphreys reportedly used the jammer from the back seat of his Toyota Highlander for around two years before being caught by Florida police.

The 60-year-old said that he used the jammer – which transmits radio signals that interfere with mobile phones – because he was ‘fed up’ with watching others use their phones on the road.

Although it’s not illegal to make a phone call while driving in Florida, motorists are only allowed to text when stationary.

Police cottoned on to Humphrey’s vigilantism after a mobile phone operators (Metro PCS) reported interference to their phone towers’ signal during commuting hours.

Agents from the Federal Communications Commission tracked down the blocking signals to Humphrey’s SUV, with their report stating that as they pulled the car over they lost contact on their police radios.

“He indicated on the day that we stopped him that he was pretty much fed up with watching cell phone usage while people were driving,” Larry McKinnon, a spokesperson for Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office told ABC Action News.

Unfortunately for Humphreys, mobile phone jammers are banned in the US because they can interfere with devices used by ambulances and other emergency responders.

“The moral issue is that it's just very dangerous,” said McKinnon.

Humphreys now has 30 days to pay the $48,000 fine or file a written response with the FCC.


[ devil79 @ 26.06.2014. 09:20 ] @
@mr. ako Zato i ne moze na carinu u USA :)

Ono sto nude kod nas retko pokriva i 4g a dometi su uglavnom do 50m, bar ono sto sam ja pronasao.

Legalno, znaci da se prijavi sta je, ne moze ni kod nas da se uveze(fizicko lice).