[ FranjoZG @ 05.05.2015. 09:36 ] @
| Trebalo bi na postojeću web stranicu dodati upitnik.
Rezulatati bi se upisivali u SQL server.
Koristim Delphi XE7 i IntraWeb kontrole.
Trebam pomoć oko pokretanja programa:
Kada pokrenem program, pokreče se projekt server (sa tab-ovima: "Server" i "Log") i nakon odabira browser-a, starta se program unutar browser-a.
Kako pokrenuti program direktno u bowseru bez pokretanja projekt servera? Može li se to uopče?
[ savkic @ 05.05.2015. 15:23 ] @
IntraWeb resenje zahteva server koji ce biti aktivan (ali to moze biti i na nekom drugom racunaru).
Dugo nisam gledao IntraWeb deo pa ne znam tacno za klijent kako idu podesavanja, ali sigurno mozes setovati default browser i da se auto startuje na F9.
[ FranjoZG @ 06.05.2015. 07:50 ] @
Meni je ovo prvi susret sa IntraWeb-om, pa mi je sve malo u magli. Googla-o sam, ali ništa pametno (bar ne ništa što mogu razumjeti u jedan dan) nisam našao.
Napravio sam mali programčić (test) koji se na mom kompu pokrene (nakon projekt servera) u browseru, ali kad ga postavim na web stranicu i link na njega - kod korisnika se ne pokreće već radi download.
Kao što sam ranije napisao: program je dosta jednostavan, upitnik koji treba popuniti, a odgovore upisati u bazu. Pitanja nisu unaprijed definirana u programu već se isčitavaju iz baze. Sam program je jednostavan za napraviti, samo da shvatim kako cijelu stvar pokrenuti na web-u...
[ savkic @ 06.05.2015. 09:02 ] @
Da li si gledao neke od demoa koji dolaze uz IntraWeb, obicno to pomogne.
[ captPicard @ 07.05.2015. 11:26 ] @
Nisam nikada radio sa IntraWeb, ali možda ovo pomogne (pogledao sam na brzinu tako da nisam siguran da li je to ono šta ti treba):
[ captPicard @ 07.05.2015. 11:28 ] @
> > Hi,
> > I can find no explanation on host server requirements for hosting an intraweb function.
> > Once a .exe or .dll application is generated for intraweb, it should be uploaded to a web space or to a web sub folder.
> > When I upload for example the intraweb .exe file to a web host and try to access, activate, or execute it, nothing happens...
> > When I try the http://dns:port/$/start function, still nothing.
> > Why can the intraweb application not launch when the normal url is applied?
> >
> > Is something missing?
> > Must the internet host server have a specific function or set up?
> > I will appreciate your support.
> > Thanks,
> > Pieter
> How did you deployed your IW app? as an exe with GUI or as a service (stand alone webserver)? as an ISAPI DLL (it requires IIS or Apache to load it already be running)?
> Your app should already be running in one of those ways so it can hear the request by the port. You should ask your provider how was installed. If it was as an EXE with GUI (stand alone server) or installed as a service, it must already be running, you should check if the computer where the app is running is forwarding the requests to that port. If it is behind a firewall you should check also the rules so any petition to the Port xxxx should be forwarded to that computer.
> If it is deployed as an ISAPI DLL, then it must be installed in IIS/Apache as an extension and already be running with IIS/Apache. IIS/Apache is a webserver and must be configured to laod your DLL and also what port to listed and what URL will respond to and forward your request to that DLL already running by the webserver.
> The IW app will not work only if copy it to a webspace only, it should be executed and loaded by the server (locally) that stores it. Maybe I misunderstood your message, but for how I read it is like you are trying to execute an EXE in a shared network folder. None service or webserver work that way.
> For deployment options please check the below documentation:
> http://www.atozed.com/intraweb/docs/Deploy/index.aspx
> http://docs.atozed.com/docs.dl...%20Stand%20Alone%20Server.html (Stand Alone specification Updated)
> SpiderWeb have made a small whitepaper of how to deploy your IW service as ISAPI - Apache and as a Standalone Server on an Amazon EC2 Server (Cloud)
> http://spydercomp.com/articles/iwapacheamazon.html
[ FranjoZG @ 13.05.2015. 07:40 ] @
Zahvaljujem na pomoči. Pogledat ću linkove koje ste poslali.
Nisam bio neko vrijeme na forumu, radio sam druge stvari. Ne sjećam se kad sam zadnji put radio samo jedan projekt u jedno vrijeme :)
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