[ jankobg84 @ 12.11.2016. 08:04 ] @
Uopšte ne znam da li sam dobro dao naslov temi, ali iz teksta se nadam da će biti jasno šta se desilo.

Sestra je juče kupila komp sa Hdd od 2 TB i Windows 10 na njemu. Jedino što je trebalo da uradim je da se zakačim na team viewer i pomoću EASEUS Partition Master-a da joj podelim C: particiju na dve particije. Međutim, kad sam upalio program, Hdd je bio podeljen na 5 particija, sistemska C: je imala 1,80 TB, ostale su bile Unlocated jedna od 12 Gb dve od po nekih 700 Mb i jedna od nekih 1 Mb. I ja sve vreme imam informaciju od sestre da ima cd sa Windowsom 10 i šifru, ako nekad odluče da formatiraju komp da mogu opet sa tim legalnim windowsom sve da odrade. Obrišem 3 particije koje spojim u jednu i ostane C: sistemska, ostane ta jedna D: kojoj sam dao lokaciju preko Disk management i ostane jedna od tih nekih 700 Mb koju nikako nisam mogao ni da obrišem ni da pripojim nekoj od ove dve... I odem na Merge i da mi opciju samo na C: sistemsku particiju da je pripojim a na D: mi ne dozvoljava. I kliknem YES...radi min, dva nešto, prekida se team viewer, sestra preko skype (sa lap topa) kaže diže se sistem i kaže pise no bootable device. Skontam da sam sa tom malom particijom zeznuo što sam hteo da je pripojim sistemskoj, kažem sestri da ubaci cd sa windowsom, kaže izgleda da nam nisu dali cd da je sve na kompu... I meni mrak na oči jer skontam da su sve te podeljene particije bile recovery i boot particije... I što je najgore nisu dobili ni Windows CD-KEY, nego kad hoce da formatiraju Windows u nekom koraku treba samo serijski broj računara da ukucaju i sam sistem se diže (preko tih sad već nažalost obrisanih particija)... Da li ima šanse nekako da se povrate te particije da ih ne oderu u servisu u Atini?

Izvinjavam se na malo dužem postu, i nadam se da ima neke pomoći (iako mi ne deluje da ne može bilo šta da se povrati)...

[Ovu poruku je menjao jankobg84 dana 12.11.2016. u 09:17 GMT+1]

[Ovu poruku je menjao jankobg84 dana 12.11.2016. u 09:20 GMT+1]
[ jolemisa @ 12.11.2016. 14:48 ] @
Ovako.Idi desni klik na ikonu My Computer,pa izaberi komandu Manage,kada se otvori sledeci prozor,sacekaj par sekundi,nekad nece odma da otvori.Idi na komandu Disk Management i sacekaj da se otvori sledeci prozor sa tim particijama.Ne diraj samo C particiju zbog OS-a idi od zadnje desni klik na nju,kad se otvori sledeci prozor idi na komandu Delete Volume i tako na svaku particiju koja ti je prazna,ako imas nesto na D particiji,prebaci negde i sacuvaj ako ima nesto bitno.kad to uradis dobi ces Unlocated particiju,klikni ponovo na nju desnim klikom i klikni na komandu shrink volume,tako uradi i na sledecu do nje,znaci isto kreni od zadnje.Kad okviri poplave,znaci da su aktivne idi na predzanju i klikni desni klik i idi nakomandu Extend volume.Te dve ce se spojiti u jednu,tako opet uradi sa sledecom ispred i na tu komandu Extend volume,spajaces jednu po jednu.tako idi do zadnje leve slobodne,t.j. do C particije koje smo reklida ne diras nista i tako ces spojiti sve particije u jednu.Kad zavrsis izadji iz toga redom.Onda udji levim dvoklikom opet u ikonu My Computer i proveri da li pokazuje dve particije.C sa OS-om i D koja ce biti prazna,posle ono sto si sacuvao od dokumenata mozes vratiti na tu particiju,ili posto je tako velik HDD mozes ostaviti 3 Particije,slucajno ako bi hteo jos jedan OS pored 10-ke.Onda onu drugu celu particiju mozes podeliti na pola,tako sto ces ici na onu komandu Shrink volume i tamo imas mogucnost da upises pola cifre od date i tako ce se ta particija podeliti i imaces tri,jednu za drugi OS ako hoces,a druga za cuvanje podataka,kao sto su slike muzika i t.d.Samo polako sve ce ti biti jasnije kad se pocnu otvarati prozori sa komandama.Evo i nesto na You Tube-u,pa pogledaj,samo tamo je kontra kako se prave nove particije,pa kako se brisu,ali bice ti mnogo lakse raditi kad vidis kako izgleda.
[ jankobg84 @ 13.11.2016. 08:01 ] @
Hvala na detaljnom odgovoru, uspeli smo na drugi način. Otišli smo na sajt De.. posto je njihov računar, tamo smo ukucali serijski broj računara, krenuo je da skida Windows 10, narezali bootabilan disk i digli sistem najnormalnije sa "njegovim" pripadajućim Windowsom... I kad je to urađeno, opet sam se zakačio na team viewer, i preko easeu partition mastera video pet particija, c: Sistemsku i cetiri manje... Nisam hteo da ih diram jer sve ukupno nemaju sad ni 2gb i samo sam c: skratio na 500 gb a d: napravio na ostatak...

E sad me više muči što izbacuje ovu poruku non stop kad se diže sistem, to u životu nisam video, šta sa tim da radim, kad se ode na ESC uvek ponavlja poruku prilikom resetovanja ili paljenja kompa, a F12 kaže da će da obriše TPM (trusted platform modul)... Šta mi je činiti? A pritom nisu menjane nikakve komponente tj konfiguracija kao što piše gore u naslovu poruke, jer je preključe kupljen komp...

[ Sceka @ 13.11.2016. 16:03 ] @
Kucaj u guglu "trusted platform module windows 10" i/ili "clear trusted platform module windows 10" i bice ti sve jasno kad procitas nekoliko linkova, pa izaberi sta ces da radis...

[ jankobg84 @ 13.11.2016. 18:31 ] @
Ok hvala.
[ Goran Mijailovic @ 14.11.2016. 13:43 ] @
Scenario 2: Turn off or clear the TPM

This scenario covers two common tasks that administrators would perform during a reconfiguration or recycling of a TPM-equipped computer. These tasks are turning off the TPM and clearing the TPM.
Turn off the TPM

Some administrators might decide that some TPM-equipped computers in their network should be prevented from making full use of the capabilities that a TPM provides. The following procedure steps you through the process of turning off the TPM.
A physical presence is not required to turn off the TPM if you have the TPM owner password.

To perform the following procedure, you must be logged on to a TPM-equipped computer with administrator credentials.
To turn off the TPM

Click Start, click All Programs, click Accessories, and then click Run.

Type tpm.msc in the Open box, and then press ENTER. The TPM Management console is displayed.

If the User Account Control dialog box appears, confirm that the action it displays is what you want, and then click Continue. For more information, see Additional resources at the end of this document.

In the Actions pane, click Turn TPM Off.

In the Turn off the TPM security hardware dialog box, select a method for entering your password and turning off the TPM:
If you have the removable media onto which you saved your TPM owner password, insert it and then click I have a backup file with the TPM owner password. In the Select backup file with the TPM owner password dialog box, click Browse to locate the .tpm file saved on your removable media, click Open, and then click Turn TPM Off.
If you do not have the removable media onto which you saved your password, click I want to type the TPM owner password. In the Type your TPM owner password dialog box, enter your password (including dashes), and then click Turn TPM Off.
If you do not know your TPM owner password, click I do not have the TPM owner password, and follow the instructions provided in the dialog box and subsequent BIOS screens to turn off the TPM without entering the password.
You can turn off the TPM or perform a limited number of TPM management tasks without entering the TPM owner password by just being present at the computer.

The status of your TPM is displayed in the Status box in the results pane.

Clear the TPM

Clearing the TPM cancels the TPM ownership and resets it to factory defaults. This should be done when a TPM-equipped client computer is recycled, or when the TPM owner has lost the TPM owner password. The following procedure steps you through the process of clearing the TPM.
A physical presence is not required to clear the TPM, if you have the TPM owner password.

To perform the following procedure, you must be logged on to a TPM-equipped computer with administrator credentials.
To clear the TPM

Click Start, click All Programs, click Accessories, and then click Run.

Type tpm.msc in the Open box, and then press ENTER. The TPM Management console is displayed.

If the User Account Control dialog box appears, confirm that the action it displays is what you want, and then click Continue. For more information, see Additional resources at the end of this document.
Clearing the TPM resets it to factory defaults. You will lose all created keys and any data protected only by those keys.

In the Actions pane, click Clear TPM. If the TPM is turned off, turn on the TPM before clearing it. (The steps to turn on the TPM are provided in Step 1: Turn on the TPM.)

In the Clear the TPM security hardware dialog box, select a method for entering your password and clearing the TPM:
If you have the removable media onto which you saved your TPM owner password, insert it and then click I have a backup file with the TPM owner password. In the Select backup file with the TPM owner password dialog box, click Browse to locate the .tpm file saved on your removable media, click Open, and then click Clear TPM.
If you do not have the removable media onto which you saved your password, click I want to type the TPM owner password. In the Type your TPM owner password dialog box, enter your password (including dashes), and then click Clear TPM.
If you do not know your TPM owner password, click I don't have the TPM owner password, and follow the instructions provided in the dialog box and subsequent BIOS screens to clear the TPM without entering the password.
You can clear the TPM or perform a limited number of TPM management tasks without entering the TPM owner password by just being present at the computer.

The status of your TPM is displayed in the Status box in the results pane.
