[ captaingox @ 25.12.2016. 14:27 ] @
Napravio sam freeware igru u Unity-ju, zadovoljan sam njom i hteo bih da je okačim na internet kako bi ljudi mogli da je igraju. Šta mi predlažete, gde da je udomim?
[ bkaradzic @ 26.12.2016. 01:19 ] @
Najbolje da je postaviš na https://itch.io/.
[ GeraTheGreat @ 18.02.2017. 15:17 ] @
GooglePlay,Opera,Amazong,Samsung,Indi forumi. Ovo su najjaci i najbolji.I potreban ti je dobar marketing jer je to 30% uspeha. Pozzdrav
[ svepomalo @ 18.02.2017. 16:07 ] @
Sta su Indi forumi? Neki primer ili link?
[ GeraTheGreat @ 18.02.2017. 16:31 ] @
An independent video game (commonly referred to as an indie game) is a video game that is created without the financial support of a publisher. Indie games often focus on innovation and rely on digital distribution.




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