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Izuciti EXIF
EXIF is short for Exchangeable Image File, a format that is a standard for storing interchange information in digital photography image files using JPEG compression. Almost all new digital cameras use the EXIF annotation, storing information on the image such as shutter speed, exposure compensation, F number, what metering system was used, if a flash was used, ISO number, date and time the image was taken, whitebalance, auxiliary lenses that were used and resolution. Some images may even store GPS information so you can easily see where the images were taken!
Primer site na kome se mogu iscitati EXIF podaci
Preko programa kao sto je ACDSee i sl. se mogu iscitati EXIF podaci. EXIF podaci su u vecini slucaja pridodati slici kada se slikaju kamerom tj. dig. foto aparatom. Pojedini uredjaji imaju mogucnost da se to ne upisuje.
Imati na umu da se exif podaci mogu brisati menjati i sl. kao i sto se moze vrsiti promena atributa za file koji se ticu datuma kreiranja izmene i sl.- na primer iz Windows (Total) Commandera je to moguce.
Pomenuti Commander koliko se secam ima u plugin (dodatak) sa EXIF image metadata.
Dakle treba napisati kod koji podrzava citanje EXIF podataka tj. image metadata ako se ima potrebe da bi se deslo do tacnih podataka.