[ Carduel @ 25.11.2022. 21:52 ] @

pregledavajući svakojake baze podataka naletio sam na atribut vremenski pečat.

Što je to i čemu on služi u bazama podataka?
[ Carduel @ 26.11.2022. 01:29 ] @
Naletih na odgovor, ako se važno pratiti datum i vrijeme dodavanja nekog sloga onda se doda vremenski pečat. :)

In some Access tables, it is important to keep track of the date or the date and time when a new record is added. This is often referred to as a date or time stamp. You can use the Now function or Date function to have Access automatically fill in the date or time when a new record is added. Use the Now function to fill in the date and time, or the Date function to fill in just the date.