[ postmortem @ 02.05.2004. 13:40 ] @
epa ne znam shta se deshava, kad god upalim komp CPU usage je nekih 99-100%, kao da renderujem neshto ne daj boze, i primetio sam u task manageru fajl avserve.exe, koji kad sam iskljucio, najednom je vratio sistem u normalu.

zabranim ja njegov load u msconfig-u, kad ono cudo, sledeci put, opet CPU neshto dela, pogledam ja, a ono startovao se avserve2.exe

oba fajla su u dir. c:\windows

jel zna neko o cemu se radi, i kako da resim ovo?

[ Burgos @ 02.05.2004. 14:34 ] @
Procitaj ovo, mozda ti pomogne! To je (verovatnO) W32/Sasser.worm

Hello there everyone,
I had the same problem and I fixed it just today. It turns out that the virus also prevents one from going to Norton's Symantec Website. Anyway, do the following:
1- Restart your computer in safe mode (by pressing F8 on reboot)
2- Go to this website: http://es.mcafee.com/virusInfo...description&virus_k=125007 for information and to download the "stinger tool."
3- Run stinger.exe (it will scan your system and delete the avserve.exe virus/worm)
4- Go to http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/MS04-011.mspx and download your relevant windows update that will prevent this problem from happening again.)
[ euripyd @ 02.05.2004. 20:12 ] @
Cisti worm si pokupio!
Skini sa symantec.com removal tool dok je vreme!
[ postmortem @ 02.05.2004. 21:06 ] @
hvala, pomoglo je