[ matija-s @ 16.06.2004. 11:07 ] @
Kaspersky Labs detects Cabir, the first network worm for mobile phones
Kaspersky Labs, a leading information security software developer, has detected Cabir, the first network worm which propagates via mobile networks. It infects telephones running Symbian OS. So far, Cabir does not seem to have caused any security incidents.

It seems that the worm was created by a virus writer going under the name of Vallez. This pseudonym is used by 29a, an international group of virus writers. The group specialises in creating proof-of-concept viruses. Among the group's creations are Cap, the first macro virus to cause a global epidemic; Stream, the first virus for additional NTFS streams; Donut, the first virus for .NET and Rugrat, the first Win64 virus.

Preliminary analysis of the malicious code shows that that Cabir is transmitted as an SIS file (a Symbian distribution file), but the file is disguised as Caribe Security Manager utility, part of the telephone security software. If the infected file is launched, the telephone screen will display the inscription "Caribe". The worm penetrates the system and will then be activated each time the phone is started. Cabir scans for all accessible phones using Bluetooth technology, and sends a copy of itself to the first one found.

Analysis of the worm's code has not so far detected any malicious payload.

The worm is coded to run under Symbian OS, used in many Nokia telephones. However, it is possible that Cabir will function on handsets produced by other manufacturers.


Srecom, crv crv nazvan Cabir se još uvijek ne širi "u divljini", već je riječ samo o proof-of-concept varijanti, a smatra se kako ga je proizvela grupa pisaca virusa poznata kao 29a - isti oni koji proizveli 64-bitnog Rugrata.

Ovo je pocetak - virusa i crva ce u buducnosti biti sve vise i vise sa svakom novom generacijom mobilnih telefona....nebih se cudio da za koju godinu ne pocnu dolazit telefoni s antivirusima, s mogucnosti downloadanja "critical updates-a" i takvim stvarima.


[ Maniac @ 16.06.2004. 20:29 ] @
60 din/MB...
[ smfilip @ 16.06.2004. 21:06 ] @
istina je da se pojavio crv
[ Bojan Basic @ 16.06.2004. 21:18 ] @
Miloše, ne znam odakle ti ideja da je tako nešto nemoguće. Štaviše, to je nužno zlo, kako se povećava broj korisnika Symbian operativnih sistema povećavaće se i broj virusa pisanih za njega. Osim toga, update-i za te antiviruse će biti manji od 10kB mesečno, a cen GPRS-a će morati da padne da bi se kroz koju godinu mogao takmičiti sa ostalim načinima pristupa internetu, tako da je sve sasvim normalno.
[ bole9 @ 20.06.2004. 20:29 ] @
Nije izasao crv vec trojan,procitao sam u casopisu mobilni.Istina je.
[ matija-s @ 20.06.2004. 21:36 ] @
Bit ce da se kaspersky zabunio

Yeah, right.

[ Sundance @ 21.06.2004. 19:29 ] @
ye man, 29a rox again! doci ce vrijeme kad ce svi imati mobach koji ce moci vrlo brzo procesirati velike kolicine podataka, opet ce se dogoditi proof-of-concept havarija sa novom tehnologijom (sl. kao sto je bio i love you za vbs, morris, pa i helkern/slammer u novije vrijeme kad svi misle da je sve sigurno). ph33r :-)