[ Hallman @ 02.07.2004. 07:01 ] @
Tesla ili Edison?

Ja 100% siguran da je Tesla... ali neki kazu Edison...
[ MilošV @ 02.07.2004. 08:09 ] @
Otkrio je Tesla a Edison je zestoko napadao kao opasnu i beskorisnu...
Pretpostavljam da to nije bilo Edisonovo stvarno misljenje vec je imao "odredjene" ekonomske razloge...
Citao sam negdje da je T.A. Edison organizovao javno ubijanje ovaca naizmjenicnom strujom da bi demonstrirao koliko je opasna... Posto je Teslu sponzorisao (ili uposljavao) Westinghouse, to su nazivali "vestinghausovanjem" ovaca...

Naravno, ko zna gdje i kad sam procitao ovo o vestinghausovanju, mozda nije ni tacno...
[ Ivan Dimkovic @ 02.07.2004. 09:17 ] @
Da, sistem napajanja naizmenicnom strujom je izmislio Tesla, kao unaprednjenje Edisonovog sistema napajanja jednosmernom strujom koji je imao dosta mana.


Pretpostavljam da to nije bilo Edisonovo stvarno misljenje vec je imao "odredjene" ekonomske razloge...

Gubitnik ima pravo da se buni :-) Fora je sto je tad kapitalizam bio u "nepreciscenijem" obliku pa su takve stvari kao Edissonova reakcija bile sasvim uobicajene.
[ Not now, John! @ 02.07.2004. 10:12 ] @
Da. Ja sam takođe čuo da je Edison. kao antireklamu za Teslinu struju izmislio električnu stolicu. Kakav plemenit pronalazač.
[ MilošV @ 02.07.2004. 10:34 ] @
Izgleda da su dosta zivotinja izprzili, ne znam otkud mi bas ovce ostadose u sjecanju :)


Edison reacted to the competition by starting a smear campaign against Westinghouse, claiming AC technology was unsafe to use. In 1887, Edison held a public demonstration in West Orange, New Jersey, supporting his accusations. Edison set up a 1,000 volt Westinghouse AC generator attached to a metal plate and executed a dozen innocent animals. The press had a field day describing the event and the new term " electrocution " was used to describe execution by electricity.

On June 4, 1888, the New York Legislature passed a law establishing electrocution as the state's method of execution, but since two potential designs (AC and DC) of the electric chair existed, it was left to a committee to decide which form was better. Edison actively campaigned for the selection of the Westinghouse chair, expecting that the consumer would not want the same type of electrical service in their homes.

Later in 1888, the Edison research facility hired inventor Harold P. Brown. Brown had recently written a letter to the New York Post describing a fatal accident where a young boy died after touching an exposed telegraph wire running on AC current. Brown and his assistant Dr. Fred Peterson began designing an electric chair for Edison. They conducted cruel experiments using dogs, horses and cows to research AC electro-cution, publicly experimenting with DC voltage to show that it left the poor lab animals tortured but not dead, then testing AC voltage to demonstrate how AC killed swiftly.

The press always invited to watch these experiments gave the research much publicity. Dr. Peterson steered the government committee that had to select the best electro-cution method. Peterson was still on the payroll of the Edison Company, so it was not surprising when the committee soon announced that the electric chair with AC voltage was chosen for the State's prison system.

On January 1, 1889, the world's first electrical execution law went into full effect. Westinghouse protested and refused to sell any AC generators directly to the New York State prison authorities. Edison and Brown found a way around Westinghouse and provided the AC generators needed for the first working electric chairs. Westinghouse funded the appeals for those first few souls sentenced to death by electrocution, the appeals were made on the grounds that "electrocution was cruel and unusual punishment." Edison and Brown both testified for the state that execution was a quick and painless form of death. The State of New York won the appeals. For many years people referred to the process of being electrocuted in the chair as being "Westinghoused".
[ van t hoff @ 02.07.2004. 16:45 ] @
[nhf] Jao, nemate blage veze, kakav Tesla i Edison, ni jedan ni drugi ! :) [/nhf]

Sada i ja ispadam malo glup jer se ne sjecam tacno imena covjeka koji je otkrio naizmjenicnu struju, ali nisu ni Tesal ni Edison, AC je otkrivena mnogo pre i jednog i drugog, samo je Tesla uvidjeo njene prednosti, i omogucio njenu efkasnu proizvodnju, prenos i sto je jos vaznije potrosnju, tj. transformaciju u druge vidove energije, kao sto su mehanicka i svijetlosna, sto nikome prije njega nije poslo za rukom!
[ cedomir @ 02.07.2004. 20:43 ] @
Tesla je izmislio polifazne sisteme naizmenicne struje.
[ Not now, John! @ 03.07.2004. 00:25 ] @
Da! To podrazumijeva obrtno magnetno polje, asinhroni i sinhroni motor, transformaciju, prenos i još stotine drugih pronalazaka (vezanih ne samo za naizmjeničnu struju).