[ pctel @ 30.07.2004. 10:45 ] @
Ovu poruku mi je poslao izvesni Mitar Nikolic, [email protected]:


Ovo je jedna od najneverovatnijih ponuda koju sam dobio i koju vam prosledjujem:


Za pristup je neophodno da unesete moj ID oc3pp (prepravljali su nesto, mozda i nije).

Nudi se BESPLATNO clanstvo u programu koji ce nam od 1. oktobra obezbediti besplatene internet veze, brzine 2M/sec. bez obzira na vrstu konekcije i jos 27L (48$, ili 39?) za svakog direktnog novog clana i 1.78L (5,7$) za svakog njihovog.. i niz sasvim neverovatnih stvari. Citaj i krsti se:

Once you have access to your affiliate area on October 1st, YOU will be able to do the following WITHOUT COST;

1. Create your very own FREE broadband ISP with the touch of one button which instantly imports all your existing customers (every customer you connected) to your new FREE broadband ISP.

2. Brand your very own FREE Broadband ISP with a FREE domain name and a dynamic eye popping flash ISP website and fully functional business bureau operated invisibly by JUICE to look after your customers without you doing a thing.

3. Re-branding facility for all your existing and new referrals to engage the business opportunity and operate their very own FREE broadband ISP just like you without ever bothering you.

4. Submit your ISP and offers to every search engine on the planet each week using an automated submission service for FREE.

5. You will still earn £27.00 GBP every customer you connect plus £1.78 GBP override for every customer your downline connects however, after 1st October you will also generate a residual income from EVERY customer who uses the FREE broadband service for more than 5 hours a week (total mouse/keyboard activity). Wealth is ALWAYS generated from residual income.. You get paid a residual income of 0.005 pence (GBP Sterling) for every minute each of your customers uses your broadband Internet service. To qualify for the residual payment your customer must remain online for a minimum of 5 hours a week.

6. You will earn an override residual of 0.002 (GBP Sterling) for every minute your whole group's customers stay online (total mouse/keyboard activity).

7. Each of your customers will be invited to take part in a recruitment drive that will offer high street dividends as a reward for each new customer they recommend to your ISP. No cost to you.

This and much, much more.

Nista vas ne kosta da se uclanite, a svi zajedno cemo cekati da vidimo sta ce biti 1. oktobra. Ako ovo bude istina, ovi neverovatni Englezi ce zaista otvoriti Novi Internet u kome cete vi biti na vrhu, kao sto obecavaju!

At no time will JUICE require payment for any service or feature offered to you under this business opportunity. It is all for FREE.

Get working for your own future. Create it and shape it into a better than ever dreamed of life style and "no boundaries business" that will pay you commission plus a residual income for LIFE for usage not on your customer spend levels.

This is the start of the new Internet; don't miss out on the real incredible income opportunity. YOU are at the top of the money tree, make the most of YOUR position and time before October 2004. JUICE is a "Win-Win" opportunity.

The New Internet Starts HERE; Are YOU going to be at the top of the money tree?

NISTA NE MOZETE DA IZGUBITE, A DOBICETE MNOGO (ako bude kako kazu). Kada dobijete svoj link, saljite ga svima koje znate, da se i oni uclane i savetujte im isto.


Mitar Nikolic