[ LaMpiR @ 14.09.2004. 12:50 ] @
Na serveru irc.bl-chat.com se pravi kanal #muzika i tamo mozete skidati fajlove putem dcc-a. Posjetite pa vidite. E sad treba mi mala pomoc u vezi toga. Znam da ima kod za prebrojavanje fajlova u folderu putem mirca ali za zaboravio, pa zna li neko?
[ bananko @ 19.09.2004. 15:42 ] @
Comanda u mircu se zove fserve:

File Server

The mIRC fileserver allows other users to access files on your hard disk and is therefore dangerous since if used improperly it will allow them to access private/confidential information.

The /fserve command
A fileserver is initiated by using the /fserve command which initiates a DCC Chat to the specified user. You must specify a homedirectory. The user will be limited to accessing only files and directories within this homedirectory. The format is:

/fserve <nickname> <maxgets> <homedirectory> [welcomefile]

The maxgets is the maximum number of simultaneous dcc gets that a user can have during a fileserver session.

The welcome file is a text file that is sent to the user when they first connect. For example:

/fserve goat 5 c:\users\level1 level1.txt

This will initiate a filserver session to user goat with his homedirectory as c:\users\level1 and will send goat the text in the level1.txt file (presumably informing him that he is a level1 user and what files he can access etc.). The user can only have 5 simultaneous gets.

In each directory, you can place a dirinfo.srv file which describes that directory. Everytime the user does a CD to change into a directory, mIRC will look for this file and if it finds it, the text in it will be sent to the user.

Fileserver commands
The commands availabe to a user connected to your fileserver are:

cd <directory> - change to the specified directory.

dir [-b|k] [-#] [/w] - lists the name and size of each file in the current directory. The /w switch forces a wide listing. The [-b|k] selects bytes or k's. The [-#] specifies the number of files on each line in a horizontal listing.

ls [-b|k] [-#] - lists the name of each file in the currenty directory using a wide listing.

get <filename> - asks the fileserver to DCC Send the specified file.

read [-numlines] <filename.txt> - reads the specified text file. The user will be sent a default of 20 lines and then prompted whether to continue listing. The -numlines option changes the default number of lines to a value between 5 and 50.

help - lists the available commands.

exit or bye - terminates the connection.


Inace u helpu ti sve ljepo pise.
[ BytEfLUSh @ 19.09.2004. 16:54 ] @
Ma to je za fileserver (koji je, pri tom, sav bangav)... Ako niko ne odgovori do večeras, napisaću kod, sad me mrzi pisat...
[ igac @ 19.09.2004. 21:26 ] @
BytEfLUSh: ako malo pogledas njegove postove, uvijek postavi pitanje kako da uradi nesto i ocekuje 100% gotovi rjesenje... samo mu odmazes tako :)

lampir: ako iole znas programirati nece ti biti tesko napisati takav alias (posto bas f-je ne postoje u mirc scriptingu :( )... u svakom slucaju, imas help koji je perfektno odradjen pa samo potrazi mirc f-ju ako vec ima gotova za to :) poodavno sam mirc-scriptao tako da nisam siguran ima li ali svejedno to ti je par redova scripta

srecno :) ako zapnes u programiranju - javi :)
[ LaMpiR @ 20.09.2004. 19:38 ] @
haha. Kad sam postavio temu, rijesenje je nadjeno u roku od sat vremena. Nisam htio da postavljam da moderatori izbrisu ovu temu posto stvarno ne gledaju teme...