[ milan82 @ 22.09.2004. 20:04 ] @
Imam 3 racunala sa Windowsima (XP, win2000 i me) s kojima zelim pristupiti internetu preko racunala s Debianom. Nasao sam neki tutorial u kojem se kaze da stvorim skriptu rc.firewall, kako sad da osiguram pokretanje skripte kod svakog podizanja sustava (Debiana)? I ako to sredim (ako mi pomognete), sta bi jos trebao podesit na win racunalima, je li ko radio nesto slicno? Osim toga, imam neobjasnjiv problem sa povezivanjem na internet (CARNet), koristim wvdial i uredno se spoji te sa ifconfig znam da sam spojen ali ne radi mi nista, od browsera do telneta. Kod prethodne instalacije sve je radilo, nakon sto sam formatirao disk sve je otislo u k*.
[ random @ 22.09.2004. 22:35 ] @

Takođe bi bilo zgodno da podigneš caching-only DNS server na Debian mašini. Onda staviš Windows mašinama da im je Debian mašina default gateway i primary DNS server.
[ dr ZiDoo @ 23.09.2004. 10:08 ] @
Ova situacije poslje konektovanja ti je vjerovatno do DNSova. Podesi DNSove, stavi one od carneta.
[ milan82 @ 23.09.2004. 10:25 ] @
dr ZiDoo: Nemam sta podesavat, automatski su mi se upisali u /etc/resolv.conf a znam da su ti pravi DNS-ovi jer sam pogledao na sluzbenim stranicama. Opet ne radi.
random: zanimljiv link, ali mi nije bas pomagao jer trazim konkretno da skriptu firewall.rc (koju sam napravio) pokrecem kad se sustav dize. Inace bi stavio liniju (/etc/rc.d/rc.firewall) u datoteku /etc/rc.d/rc.local ali te datoteke nemam, kod Debiana imam rc.boot, rc0.d itd. To me buni, ali pitanje se sastoji samo u tome kako da omogucim da se skripta pokrece kod bootanja ?
[ mrki @ 24.09.2004. 12:51 ] @
Evo ti najprostija scripta koja ti omogucava delenje ppp0 na linux-u odnosno kreiranje linux-gateway (moras imati potrebne module u okviru distribucije)
sve ti pise, uradi chmod 0755 ubaci je u neku datoteku koja se pokrece prilikom boot-a, nadjes na debian-ovom sajtu tu datoteku...i to je to!
Na win masinama stavis za default gatway IP ethx, a za DNS stavis broj DNS-a svog localnog ISP-a... I radi ce bez greske :)
[ mackey @ 25.09.2004. 07:24 ] @

ovo je napisao pocetnik Roberto, al' ne bi bilo lose
da se smesti u neki bukvar ;)
cut ..........................................

Thanks to Marvin Stodolsky and Jacques Goldberg's precious help,
and thanks to this mailing list I could achieve to be connected to
Internet with my modem, an USB one. I'm giving a complete step by step
report of the whole procedure I had to follow, in case it could turn
to be useful to somebody else. I tried to write it carefully, but
there might be errors and imprecisions.

1) I identified the kernel of my Mandrake Linux 9.1:
the command '# uname -r' gave the following output:

[root@localhost rodolfo]# uname -r

2) I identified my modem's chipset:

[root@localhost rodolfo]# lsusb
Invalid product/subclass spec at line 2650
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 0000:0000
Bus 002 Device 002: ID 046d:c001 Logitech Inc. N48/M-BB48
[FirstMouse Plus] Bus 001 Device 001: ID 0000:0000 Bus 001 Device
002: ID 0483:7554 SGS Thomson Microelectronics 56k SoftModem Bus
001 Device 003: ID 05d8:4002 Ultima Electronics Corp. Lifetec
LT9385 Scanner

From this it came out that the chipset was an SGS Thomson etc. From
a short investigation in Internet it also came out that this modem
should work with a driver provided by SmartLink: see:
http://www.qbik.ch/usb/devices/showdev.php?id=3D2637 , and then we
came to:
http://www.smlink.com/main/ite...;item_id=3D84&main_id=3D32 ,
from where it is possible to download the driver (see step 11).

3) # urpmi kernel-source

4) # cd /usr/src/linux-2.4.21-0.13mdk

5) # make mrproper

6) # cp /boot/config-2.4.21-0.13mdk .config

7) # make oldconfig

8) I modified the file '/usr/src/linux-2.4.21-0.13mdk/Makefile':
the fourth line of that file in my case must to be:

9) # make dep

10) # mv /etc/devfs/conf.d/modem.conf /root/

11) From this site:
http://www.smlink.com/main/ite...;item_id=3D84&main_id=3D32 =
downloaded the file slmodem-2.9.10.tar

12) I created the directory /home/rodolfo/slmodem,
copied the file slmodem-2.9.10.tar into this directory
and inside this directory I said:
$ gzip -dc slmodem-2.9.10.tar.gz | tar xf -

13) $ cd slmodem-2.9.10

14) $ make

15) # make install

16) # modprobe slusb

17) # /usr/sbin/slmodemd --country=3DITALY /dev/slusb0

18) (in another terminal console) # wvdialconf /etc/wvdial.conf

19) # emacs /etc/wvdial.conf
, and I edited the file `/etc/wvdial.conf' so that it looked
exactly like:

<blank line>
[Dialer Defaults]
Modem =3D /dev/ttySL0
Baud =3D 460800
Init1 =3D ATZ
Init2 =3D ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=3D0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=3D0
ISDN =3D 0
Modem Type =3D Analog Modem
Phone =3D 10550813521010
Username =3D [email protected]
Password =3D mypassword
# Stupid mode =3D yes
Carrier Check =3D no

, then closed Emacs.

20) In
it was found the following:

-- Dati tecnici: Verificare sempre che le seguenti configurazioni
siano correttamente impostate:

- Connessione con DNS Assegnati dal Server.
In alternativa =E8 possibile specificare:
DNS Primario:
DNS Secondario:

# emacs /etc/resolv.conf
, and I edited the file '/etc/resolv.conf' so that it looked
exactly like:

domain libero.it

, then closed Emacs.

21) With slmodemd still running from step 17:
# wvdial

22) I launched the web browser and enjoyed the connection

23) I closed the web browser

24) I closed wvdial with:
# Ctrl-c

25) I closed slmodemd with:
# Ctrl-c

26) I automated slmodem, to make it start directly at boot:
25a) I copied slmodem-2.9.10/scripts/mandrake/slmodemd into
/etc/rc.d/init.d; 25b) in /etc/rc.d/rc3.d, I did `ln -s
/etc/rc.d/init.d/slmodemd S92slmodemd'; 25c) in /etc/rc.d/rc6.d,
I did `ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/slmodemd K29slmodemd'. 25d) I
modified the slmodemd: I changed every occurrence of `slamr' into
`slusb'. Note that the number `3' occurring in 26b) depends on
the boot level the user wants: mine is 3 because I want Linux to
prompt me for username and password before entering the graphic

27) I wanted to start wvdial as a non root user:
# visudo
I navigated to the last line of the file and pressed the i key to
get into insert mode. Then I got to the end of the line and
pressed Enter to get a new line. On the new line I added: rodolfo
ALL=3D/usr/bin/wvdial (Add one line for each user whom you want to
authorize.) Then I pressed the Esc key to leave insert mode. Then
I typed `:wq' followed by ENTER to write the file and quit visudo.
I checked that the editing went well: # less /etc/sudoers . Now,
when I want to start wvdial I say $ sudo wvdial , then I'm
prompted for my password. To turn off wvdial, simply C-c.