[ Predrag Damnjanovic @ 09.03.2002. 18:46 ] @
Pisem jedan FAQ, pa me interesuje kako da kreiram u VC++u .lib fajl, preuzimajuci imena funkcija iz nekod DLL-a?
Ja koristim borland, a kod njega se to radi ovako:
implib [ime].lib [ime].dll

Interesuje me kako se to radi kod VC++a.
[ Dragi Tata @ 09.03.2002. 22:13 ] @
[ Predrag Damnjanovic @ 09.03.2002. 22:27 ] @

Zanimljivo je to da sam tu stranicu posetio pre otvaranja ovog threada, ali nisam bio zadovoljan onim sto sam procitao na njoj.
Naime, tamo pise "for Visual C++ 2.x/4.x/5.x", a sta je sa 6.x i 7.0?
Zar VC++ nema svoj prirodan implib, kao borland ?
[ Ivan Dimkovic @ 09.03.2002. 22:31 ] @
link.exe /implib
[ Predrag Damnjanovic @ 09.03.2002. 22:38 ] @
Ivan Dimkovic:
link.exe /implib

I koji su mu parametri?
[ Predrag Damnjanovic @ 09.03.2002. 22:59 ] @
Tata, pazi sta na onoj strani (http://msdn.microsoft.com/libr...en-us/dnopen/html/msdn_gl1.asp) pise:
Link with the following libraries:
GLAUX.LIB (optional)

Da li to znaci da VC++ vec ima ove LIB-ove?
Heh, a ja celo vece trazim po netu kako se kreiraju LIB fajlovi u VC++u.
[ Ivan Dimkovic @ 09.03.2002. 23:33 ] @
Naravno da ima - nalaze se u /MSVC/LIB/ direktorijumu - jos od verzije Visual C++ 2.0

I, pogledaj malo MSDN


You can use LIB with the /DEF option to create an import library and an export file. LINK uses the export file to build a program that contains exports (usually a dynamic-link library (DLL)), and it uses the import library to resolve references to those exports in other programs.

In most situations, you do not need to use LIB to create your import library. When you link a program (either an executable file or a DLL) that contains exports, LINK automatically creates an import library that describes the exports. Later, when you link a program that references those exports, you specify the import library.

However, when a DLL exports to a program that it also imports from, whether directly or indirectly, you must use LIB to create one of the import libraries. When LIB creates an import library, it also creates an export file. You must use the export file when linking one of the DLLs.