[ ouros @ 09.03.2002. 21:07 ] @
Treba mi pomoc. Imam 2 klase za sada.
Base class : Person
Derived class : Student

Treba da uradim dynamic linked list. Znaci trebaju mi funkcije tipa Add Student, Delete Student, List Students ....

Jel te funkcije treba da stavim u Student class-u ili u Person class-u.
Hteo bih da uradim BEZ templates, pa ako moze neko da mi pomogne. Otprilike znam kako da se krecem kroz listu, ali ne znam kako da pocnem :(

ovako izgledaju klase

class Person
friend ostream &operator <<(ostream &, const Person &);

Person(char *, char *, char *);
//~Person(); //Use default destructor.
void setName(char *);
const char *getName();
void setAddress(char *);
const char *getAddress();
void setSSN(char *);
const char *getSSN();

char name[40]; //Person's name
char address[60]; //Person's Address
char SSN[12]; //Person's Social Security Number

class Student : public Person
friend ostream &operator <<(ostream &, const Student &); //Allows us to print a student.

Student(char *, char *, char *, char *, float, int);
void setMajor(char *);
const char *getMajor();
void setGPA(float);
float getGPA();
void setGraduationYear(int);
int getGraduationYear();
void setNextStudent(Student *);
Student *getNextStudent();

char major[5];
float GPA;
int graduationYear; //4 digit year of graduation (eg. 2004)
Student *nextStudent; //Pointer to next student in list.

Hvala vam puno
[ Dragi Tata @ 09.03.2002. 21:46 ] @
Hmmm, pa ja bih napravio posebnu klasu


class CStudentsList
Student* head;
Student* current;
CStudentList() {}
~CStudentList() {}
void AddStudent (Student* newStudent) 

... itd

[Ovu poruku je menjao Dragi Tata dana 09.03.2002 u 07:41 PM GMT]
[ ouros @ 09.03.2002. 21:57 ] @
I jel bi ova class-a

class CStudentsList

bila friend class-i Student ili ne ?

[ Dragi Tata @ 09.03.2002. 22:04 ] @
I jel bi ova class-a

class CStudentsList

bila friend class-i Student ili ne ?

Nema potrebe, pošto si deklarisao setNextStudent(Student *) i getNextStudent() kao public.
[ ouros @ 09.03.2002. 23:39 ] @

I dalje imam poteskoca. Jel ima neki site gde bih mogao da vidim primer ali da se koriste CLASS-e, a ne STRUCT.
Sve sto sam nasao na netu je bilo sa struct-om :(