[ Silencer @ 07.10.2004. 16:28 ] @
Windows 2003 enterprize edicija.
Dignut ADS napravljeni useri stavio sam koji user na koju masinu moze da se loguje.
Sta je problem, kod sambe u linuxu podesim lagano da mi se cita logon.bat i da svaki user ima svoj home drajve p: sa profilom koji se tu snima. Kako to uraditi na windows 2003 ads-u?

Ja u sustini znam da se to nalazi u Profile pa imam sledece:
Profile Path: Tu stavim P:\profile
Logon Script: \\silencer\netlogon\logon.bat
Connect: P: \\silencer\username

Ovo nece da radi :(
Logon script ne znam zasto nece da se natera da kad god se logujem da se automatski startuje ali manualno mogu i radi. Ali mi je bitno to da sredim.
Profile Path tu stvarno ne znam dal treba da stavim na C:\.... ili P: koj se napravi kad se odradi Connet: P: \\silencer\username.

Kako da podesim jednostavno da se profili snimaju kod mene na serveru.

[ Ser_Boyler @ 10.10.2004. 13:59 ] @
Tekst dole bi trebalo da ti pomogne u resenju problema:

A roaming profile is stored on a network server and allows users to access their user profile, regardless of the client computer to which they’re logged on. Roaming profiles provide a consistent Desktop for users who move around, no matter which computer they access. Even if the server that stores the roaming profile is unavailable, the user can still log on using a local profile.
To create a roaming user profile, you create a network share that will store the roaming user profile, create the user profile, then copy the user profile to a shared network folder. You would use the following steps to create a roaming user profile:
1. Create a network share on the computer that will store the roaming profile. Assign NTFS permissions and share permissions to any users who will access the roaming profile. Example: \\Server2003\Profiles.
2. Create a user using the Active Directory Users And Computers utility that will be used as a template account to create the roaming user profile. In this example, we are using a user called Test.
3. Log on as the Test user and create a local user profile with whatever settings the roaming user profile should have (for example, desktop environment, appearance settings, shortcuts, and Start menu options).
4. Log on as an administrator to the computer that is storing the local profile.
5. Select Start -> Control Panel -> System.
6. Select the Advanced tab and click the User Profiles Settings button to access the User Profiles dialog box.
7. Select the user’s profile that you want to copy and click the Copy To button.
8. The Copy To dialog box will appear. Specify the network location where the roaming user profile will be stored. In this example, the roaming user profile is stored in \\Server2003\Profiles\Test.
9. At the bottom of the Copy To dialog box, you will see the Permitted To Use option. Click the Change button to specify which users can access this profile. Click the OK button.
10. From the Active Directory Users And Computers utility, access the Test user’s properties and click the Profile tab, and under User Profile, Profile Path, specify the network share where the user profile was copied (in this example \\Server2003\Profiles\Test) and click the OK button.
11. You can test the roaming profile by logging in at a remote computer.

If you are using roaming profiles, the contents of the user’s roaming profile from the shared network path folder will be copied to the local computer each time the roaming profile is accessed. If you have stored large files in any subfolders of your user profile folder, you may notice a significant delay when accessing your profile remotely as opposed to locally. If this problem occurs, you can reduce the amount of time the roaming profile takes to load by moving the subfolder to another location, such as the user’s home directory, or you can use Group Policy Objects within the Active Directory to specify that specific folders should be excluded or loaded after the roaming profile is loaded.

Using Logon Scripts
Logon scripts are files that run every time a user logs on to the network. They are usually batch files, but they can be any type of executable file.
You might use logon scripts to set up drive mappings or to run a specific executable file each time a user logs on to the computer. For example, you could run an inventory management file that collects information about the computer’s configuration and sends that data to a central
management database. Logon scripts are also useful for compatibility with non–Windows 2000/Windows XP/Windows 2003 clients who want to log on but still maintain consistent settings with their native operating system.
To run a logon script for a user, enter the path to the logon script in the Logon Script text box in the Profile tab of the user Properties dialog box.

Setting Up Home Folders
Users normally store their personal files and information in a private folder called a home folder. In the Profile tab of the user Properties dialog box, you can specify the location of a home folder as a local folder or a network folder.
To specify a local path folder, choose the Local Path option in the Profile tab and type the path in the text box next to that option. To specify a network path for a folder, choose the Connect option and specify a network path using a UNC (Universal Naming Convention) path.
In this case, the network folder should already be created and shared.

[ Silencer @ 10.10.2004. 16:43 ] @
Hvala ti puno.
Mislio sam da niko to ovde nezna :)
Hvala ponovo...
[ Silencer @ 10.10.2004. 19:04 ] @
U sustini ja uradim sve sad kako treba.
Kad se user loguje detektuje P: kao home dir
ali ne snima nista

Odem u System->advanced->user profiles
i kad hocu da stavim usera na romaing koji je sa domain-a ne mogu da ga metem kao romaing stoji samo local :(
[ Ser_Boyler @ 11.10.2004. 09:21 ] @
Kada se user loguje da li izlazi neka greska?
Jedan od mogucih problema je da user nema dovoljno prava nad tim direktorijumom gde hoces da ga smestis.
[ Silencer @ 11.10.2004. 15:24 ] @
Ma ne izlazi hvala bogu to su one klasicne smorne poruke kad ne moze da procita user profil sa servera. jok ucita kolko sam ja shvatio lokalni profila a onaj roaming ne trazi jer ne postoji. Permisije ima da pise cita. Ne kontam gde gresim. Ne znam dal da brisem usera pa da ga kreiram ponovo blah smislicu vec nesto valjda, ili kupujem neku M$ knjigu za win2k3...
[ djk494 @ 11.10.2004. 18:01 ] @
Kreirao si \\racunar\profili share na serveru nad kojim svi imaju mogucnost da citaju i pisu. Odes u Active Directory Users and Computers kreiras usera i u Profile tab-u stavis mu Profile path \\racunar\profili\username ulogujes se i izlogujes jednom na njegov nalog i to je to.
Proveri samo dal vidis taj share na racunaru na kom pokusavas da se ulogujes.