[ ventura @ 03.01.2001. 22:30 ] @
Dali ste probali flash modul za PERL?

ja sam ga evo jutros skinuo.. nisam stigao puno da se igram.. posto trenutno radim neke statistike sa GD modulom...
[ Gojko Vujovic @ 04.01.2001. 00:33 ] @
bas mi pre par dana kaze drug da je izaslo i zaboravih da ga probam. evo sad ga skidam pa cu da vidim kako to radi :).. cuo sam da je mocna stvar. ali nemam iskustva sa GD-om ako je to potrebno..
[ Gojko Vujovic @ 04.01.2001. 00:38 ] @
Cudno mi je bilo sto ga nema na CPAN-u ! Prvi put cujem da perl modula nema na cpanu. Onda sam nasao ovo:

The point of Flash::SWF is to let you generate and parse macromedia flash 4 files in Perl.

Theres not really much here yet -- I made a start on the module, and havent had a chance to get back to it, so I figured Id throw it out there for anyone else to comment on until I got back to it.

Id like some feedback as to what kind of an interface people might want for dealing with the various tags.. I expect this to be fairly low-level (perhaps a function per tag?), from which higher-chunk modules could be formed.. (Eg, pie charts..)

Feel free to take this and hack it! Just share what you come up with. (of course!)

Immediate goal: enough functionality to read a file, change TEXT tags, and write the data back to SWF format. Basically, that means adding the ZLib stuff, SWF header encoding, and encode/decode routines for the TEXT tag.

Theres no need to parse/decode any other tags yet.. I hope decoding only the tags we need will make up for any speed issues from doing pure perl..

source (unzipped - this is where Im working on it) is in http://www.sabren.com/code/perl/Flash/.

Za sada dakle moze da se menja samo text tag... ocekivao sam vise moram priznati.

[Edited by Gojko on 01-04-2001 at 01:45 AM GMT]
[ MrYoo @ 05.01.2001. 10:29 ] @

Znaci jos nije preboleo decije bolesti.
[ Gojko Vujovic @ 05.01.2001. 12:15 ] @
uh pa ne da nije preboleo nego cim ga jos nema na cpan mrezi znaci da nije ni zavrsen. ali vredi cekati cini mi se..
[ mire @ 19.04.2001. 12:20 ] @
Mozes da se snadjes tako sto ces da uzmes swift generator ...
[ Gojko Vujovic @ 24.04.2001. 12:20 ] @
Hmm pa cuo sam za taj swift ali nisam ga koristio. Jel zeznuto mnogo? Imas li neki primer? Imas li neki sajt koji ga koristi?
[ mire @ 27.04.2001. 09:50 ] @

Ne znam adresu, dobio sam ga kao linux elf izvrsni fajl. U flash fajlu u tekst poljima stavljas promenljive tipa {promenljiva1}, zatim imas formular kojim prosledis podatke swift generatoru (stavis ga u cgi-bin) i on ti da rezultat flash fajl sa zamenjenim vrednostima.

Mi smo ga pozivali iz object-embed kombinacije tagova (stavljali kao source flash fajla) ... Nismo ga nesto puno koristili ...

Postoji i opcija sa LoadVariables komandom i komunikacijom sa bilo kojim cgi skriptom kao i komunikacija preko xml-a (ovo jos treba da probam)...