You can get ICS to use a different range. However, this is an
unsupported configuration, not tested or suggested by Microsoft. It
might cause networking problems on the host computer, so make a system
restore point before doing it:
1. Temporarily assign a static IP address to the network connection
that you want to share, using an address that isn't in 192.168.0.x.
2. Enable ICS on that network connection.
3. Manually change the IP address of the LAN (home network) connection
to a different subnet, such as 192.168.1.x.
4. Restore the proper IP address for the shared network connection.
This unsupported configuration will automatically disable the DHCP
server that normally runs on the ICS host. You'll have to assign
static IP addresses to all of the ICS clients.
If you have any alternative to this configuration, I recommend using
the alternative.
i sve lepo radi, manuli smo DHCP i registry, mada je naprosto neverovatno da ne moze legalno da se menja?!? tnx. gojko & broker.