[ Aleksandar Marković @ 19.11.2004. 13:27 ] @
Much of scholarly research is learning what others have discovered and building on it. As the famous Isaac Newton quote goes, "If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." Today Goorle are launching the beta version of a service which we ...Google hope will help this process. Google Scholar is a free service that helps users search scholarly literature such as peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, preprints, abstracts and technical reports.

For you students out there…

[ Gojko Vujovic @ 09.12.2004. 17:36 ] @
Zaboravio sam odmah da prokomentarišem temu, ali hajde sada sa zakašnjenjem. Scholar je fenomenalna stvar, koristio sam ga već u par navrata i našao je sve što sam hteo - najnovije izdanje knjige iz koje je citat, isbn, slične tekstove. Prava stvar.
[ Aleksandar Marković @ 13.01.2006. 23:36 ] @
+ Denmark http://scholar.google.dk/
+ Finland http://scholar.google.fi/
+ Norway http://scholar.google.no/
+ Sweden http://scholar.google.se/

You can also change the Google Scholar interface by using the GS preferences page http://scholar.google.com/scho...l=en&lr=&output=search. It's also now possible to limit to Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), English, and Portuguese from the preferences page http://scholar.google.com/scho...l=en&lr=&output=search. At this time, a language limit does not appear on the advanced http://scholar.google.com/advanced_scholar_search?hl=en&lr= GS interface. Those with interest in other languages might want to monitor this page on a regular basis for new additions.
[ aleksandaraleksandar @ 09.07.2006. 15:15 ] @
+ Serbia http://www.elitesecurity.org/t...olar-Narodna-biblioteka-Srbije