[ StratOS @ 19.04.2002. 15:29 ] @
Evo par dobrih puzzla:

Ništa nije tako težko, da se nebi moglo rješiti. Zato sjedni dole i riješi ove problemčiče, koji mislim nisu težki.
Tko misli, da jih je točno riješio ili bi htio rješenje neka napiše mail na [email protected] ili pošlje PM, pa ču mu poslati rješenja.

Evo prvi, matematički :

let a=5^5
let b=5^a
let c=5^b
let d=5^c
let z=5^y

Koja su zanjih osam brojeva z-ja ?

Ovo je too simple zadatak, rješljiv samo sa malo matematike, hm, da bih pisao program ... ne znam koliko decimalki bi rješenje imalo ...

I jedan veoma dobar ...


We fear that this task may be too much for you to handle. But you are the best, and so we entrust you to complete it. You must find what is in the pcx file. You must let us know the answer it contains. Unfortunately it came from the hard drive of Kevin, the hacker of Midas. Kevin is refusing to cooperate with us, but we don't believe that he is needed as we think we have everything necessary to solve this little annoyance. We found the source code to Kevins encryption program, as well as the program itself. The only thing we don't know is the password. Our analysts tell us that they suspect Kevin would use an easy to remember password but they suspect that he would use some kind of hacker speak alteration to make it difficult for us. We want you to investigate and solve the problem for us. Good luck.

A ovaj puzzle dolazi upravo sa HD Kevina od Midasa.
Treba skužiti što se nalazi u pcx fajlu. Priložen je source code enkripcije i sam exe fajl.
Jedino što neznamo je password, koji bih mogao biti hackerska tako dobro poznata engleska rečenica.
A sada na posao

a fajl kojeg trebate nalazi se Ovdje .
[ StratOS @ 07.05.2002. 17:17 ] @
onaj prvi je easy, a onaj drugi jako me muči.

hm, do rješenja je doči easy, malo matematike i ponavljanja ...

hm riješenje je 08203125.

5^(5^5) = 8203125 mod 10^8

moči je i bruteforce i sa malo logike zadnjih 8 cifara se ponavlja i kod 5^5^5, što znači i gornji izraz.