[ Duck_ @ 29.12.2004. 23:09 ] @
Pozdrav svima!!!!!!

Video sam u nekoliko poruka na ovom forumu da spominjete koliko je koja igra zaradila ili u koliko je kopija prodata. mene ti podaci strašno interesuju. Pokusavao sam da nadjem takve podatke na internetu ali bezuspešno. Kako vi dodjete do tih podataka? Da li takvi podaci uopšte mogu biti relevantni ili su to samo izjave za
štampu ili novinarske procene?
[ bkaradzic @ 30.12.2004. 03:05 ] @
Duck_: Kako vi dodjete do tih podataka?

Zavisi kako kada... Nekada je iz "štampe" što je na zapadu uvek tačna informacija (napomena: pričam za igre ;), niko ne laže o tome novinare i novinari ne lažu tek tako radi senzicijalizma (postoji ceo mehanizam provere informacija pa laž ispliva vrlo brzo na površinu). Nekada izdavači da bi podigli cenu njihovih deonica objavljuju "press release" sa podacima koliko koja igra se prodaje, izdaju godišnje izveštaje za deoničare pa se mogu videti podaci o prodaji. Onda malo matematikom i drugim javnim podacima prikupljenim iz drugih izveštaja (npr. svake nedelje se pojavi Top 10 igre koje se prodaju, pa se za neku od tih igara čuje tačan broj, onda znaš da je neka druga igra na listi prodata u više ili manje od tog broja kopija koji znaš) ti podaci se pretvore u približan broj prodatih kopija neke igre. Ovo važi uglavnom za veće hitove, ali ne i za propale igre. Za sve igre podaci se prikupljaju od prodavnica i se mogu naći na (nije besplatan sajt):

Uglavnom izdavači imaju pretplatu na ovaj sajt i na osnovu prodaje drugih igara prave odluke tipa kojeg žanra će im biti sledeća igra.

Ja poznajem par ljudi koji imaju pristup ovom sajtu pa od njih saznam kako se prodaje neka igra koja me posebno zanima. Takođe dosta takvih informacija se čuje na sastancima u firmi i od kolega na poslu...

[ bkaradzic @ 30.12.2004. 03:14 ] @
Evo primera radi godišnji izveštaji Take 2:

Možeš da vidiš sve podatke o zaradi, rashodima, planovima, čak i plate menadžera. ;)

[ Goq @ 30.12.2004. 15:42 ] @

Slucajno sam naleteo na ovaj sajt. Imas oko 300 igara "samostalnih" game developera i tacno po broju pregleda, downloada i rejtinga mozes da zakljucis koliko je neka igra interesantna.
[ bkaradzic @ 31.12.2004. 00:08 ] @
"Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude" sold less than 114,000 copies total on the Xbox and PS2.

"The Guy Game," which featured video footage of spring break coeds stripping to little more than smiles, did even worse, selling just over 60,000 copies combined on the Xbox and PS2.

[ bkaradzic @ 06.01.2005. 18:29 ] @
"Bungie's Halo 2 has already sold through 6.3 million units"

[ Dark Icarus @ 07.01.2005. 17:07 ] @
Primećujem da na Zapadu ljudi kriju kolika im je plata kao zmija noge. Da li onda postoji neka legalna odrednica koja zabranjuje distributeru/gamedev timu da govore podatke o prodaji? Ili mogu da samo pošaljem email tipu koji je pravio igru (ako je omanja igra) i pitam ga "hej, šta ima, jel' možeš da mi kažeš kako se igra prodala?"
[ bkaradzic @ 07.01.2005. 23:13 ] @
Dark Icarus: Primećujem da na Zapadu ljudi kriju kolika im je plata kao zmija noge. Da li onda postoji neka legalna odrednica koja zabranjuje distributeru/gamedev timu da govore podatke o prodaji?

Nisi obavezan da čuvaš tajnu kolika je tvoja plata, ali ne smeš da uznemiravaš kolege na poslu pitajući ih kolika je njihova. U praksi niko ne priča o platama jer se plate razlikuju... Ako bi svi znali kolika je čija plata, bilo bi ljubomore i zavisti (što bi se odrazilo na moral i produktivnost), pa bi jedino rešenje bilo da se svima izjednače plate ili da se koristi neki obrazac kao što je školska sprema (što je takođe loše rešenje), a to nije ni u interesu radnika niti poslodavca. Zato narod ne voli da priča o tome.

Što se tiče prodaje igre, zaposleni uglavnom ne smeju o tome da pričaju jer su obavezani ugovorom. A ovo se piše u ugovor da se ne bi trebalo svakom pojedinačno objašnjavati zašto je to tako. A ukratko, objašnjenje je da ovakve informacije imaju vezu sa marketingom, pa ako bi svi mogli da daju izjave i pričaju na kojim projektima rade, onda bi to onemogućilo marketing da pravi bilo kakvu strategiju nastupa. A loš marketing se direktno odrazi na prodaju proizvoda...

Izdavač obično dostavlja podatke o prodaji igara proizvođaču svaka 4 meseca. Nekada traje i duže... Ti podaci se ne vide u realnom vremenu, i postoji velika pauza od slanja proizvoda u prodavnice do prvih izveštaja o prodaji. Desi se nekada da posle četiri meseca dobiješ podatak kako se igra prodavala prvog meseca jer se izdavaču završio kvartal baš tada pa su za naredni imali samo te podatke. Izdavaču obično nije frka što postoji ovakav lag jer imaju druge proizvode koji prave novac, ali nekom proizvođaču koji nije dobro isplanirao izlazak igre ovo može da predstavlja veliki problem. ;)

Dark Icarus: Ili mogu da samo pošaljem email tipu koji je pravio igru (ako je omanja igra) i pitam ga "hej, šta ima, jel' možeš da mi kažeš kako se igra prodala?"

Da, niko ti ne brani da ovo uradiš, samo mislim da bi imao malog uspeha. Možda grešim, nisam nikada probao, ali da ja imam firmu koja pravi "omanje igre" ja ti ne bih odgovorio na email. ;)

[ Dark Icarus @ 08.01.2005. 21:25 ] @
Hvala na informacijama!
bkaradzic: Da, niko ti ne brani da ovo uradiš, samo mislim da bi imao malog uspeha. Možda grešim, nisam nikada probao, ali da ja imam firmu koja pravi "omanje igre" ja ti ne bih odgovorio na email. Branimir
E, dobro si me podsetio da pitam! Šta ćemo sa igrama koje se kompletno distribuiraju preko mreže? Radio sam Storyline+Mission dizajn na jednoj igri (Galactic Federation, http://www.am-games.com/GF/ ) za procenat od prodaje (jedan od onih "garažnih" projekata, bukvalno 1 programer + 1 dizajner + 1 modeler). Igra je distribuirana preko ShareIt-a. Kao jedini developer je registrovan programer igre (koji je misteriozno propao u zemlju otkako je igra počela da se prodaje ) tako da pravno gledano nemam dokaz da pružim ShareItu da sam bio deo razvojnog tima. I kako ja sada da znam u koliko je primeraka igra prodata i koliki je moj profit? I još nešto. Rekao si da developer dobija kvartalni izveštaj od distributera; kako idu stvari sa online distributerima u tom pogledu? Oni bi trebalo da imaju precizan log koliko puta i kada je igra downloadovana i od strane koga...
[ bkaradzic @ 09.01.2005. 06:02 ] @
Dark Icarus: I još nešto. Rekao si da developer dobija kvartalni izveštaj od distributera; kako idu stvari sa online distributerima u tom pogledu? Oni bi trebalo da imaju precizan log koliko puta i kada je igra downloadovana i od strane koga...

Mislio sam na klasičnog izdavača. Kod online prodaje podaci su realtime i postoji tačan log, jer servisi vrše samo naplaćivanje, a ti vršiš distribuciju igre, ključa, itd. Plaćanje od strane servisa se vrši svakih par meseci ili kada se nakupi određena suma novca. To je prednost online prodaje, ali mana je što se ne nalazi u prodavnici pa nema "impulse buy" potrošača.

Jedini način da saznaš kako se igra prodala je da pitaš Radivoja... :)

Sudeći po broju downloada, prodaja verovatno ide loše...

Downloads: 3,866

Downloads: 2305

Downloads: 3

Downloads: 97

Download Popularity: 46%

Prva tri sajta su jedni od najvećih distributera demo igara, a za ova druga dva nemam pojma.

[ Dark Icarus @ 09.01.2005. 14:02 ] @
Znam za većinu ovih brojki, pratio sam ih (bar download.com i avault). Ne samo da ima (relativno) malo downloada, ima i slab procenat kupovina po skinutom demou. Koliki beše otprilike "normalan" stepen konverzije?

A Radivoja ću da pitam za junačko zdravlje kad ga nađem međ' živima... što je najcrnje ja njega jurim zato što sam sam mu već takoreći napravio expansion pack za igru ali on ima jedini funkcionalan mission scripter... umesto da on juri mene... c, c, c...

I kao znak zahvalnosti za tako strpljivo odgovaranje na naša pitanja, sledi... još pitanja. :D Ako se igra na kojoj sam radio slabo prodaje (ne mislim samo na GF, generalno me interesuje), da li da je stavim u CV ili ne ("Šta? On je radio na tom promašaju koji se prodao samo u 100 primeraka? Mičite mi ga sa očiju!")? I generalno, kada u CVu navodim igre na kojima sam radio, da li navodim podatke o prodaji, linkove itd?
[ bkaradzic @ 09.01.2005. 17:49 ] @
Dark Icarus: Znam za većinu ovih brojki, pratio sam ih (bar download.com i avault). Ne samo da ima (relativno) malo downloada, ima i slab procenat kupovina po skinutom demou. Koliki beše otprilike "normalan" stepen konverzije?

Ako 2% od onih koji skinu demo, kupe igru to se smatra uspešnim...
Dark Icarus: Ako se igra na kojoj sam radio slabo prodaje (ne mislim samo na GF, generalno me interesuje), da li da je stavim u CV ili ne ("Šta? On je radio na tom promašaju koji se prodao samo u 100 primeraka? Mičite mi ga sa očiju!")?

Nikoga ko gleda rezime ne zanima prodaja igara na kojima si radio, nego iskustvo koje si stekao radeći na tim igrama. Zato bez obzira kako se igra prodala obavezno je navedi u rezimeu. Verovatno 90% ljudi u industriji igara radi na igrama koje neće uspeti na tržištu. I taj uspeh/neuspeh je nekada nevezan za kvalitet igre i za one koji su radili na njoj. Tako da bi bilo teško/skupo zaposliti nekoga ako bi se prodaja igre gledala.
Dark Icarus: I generalno, kada u CVu navodim igre na kojima sam radio, da li navodim podatke o prodaji, linkove itd?

Brojke o prodaji navedi samo ako hoćeš da se pohvališ prodajom... A linkove navedi samo ako su kratki. Ili navedi samo jedan link prema sajtu na kojem imaš linkove.

[ bkaradzic @ 10.01.2005. 18:56 ] @
Officials from Sony have announced that world-wide shipments of the PlayStation 2 reached the 80 million mark during December.

Neither Microsoft nor Nintendo have released new world-wide figures for some time, but the installed user base for the Xbox is thought to be around 16 to 17 million and the GameCube around 15 million.

[ bkaradzic @ 11.01.2005. 00:56 ] @
Blizzard Entertainment today announced that World of Warcraft has sold through more than 600,000* units to customers in North America, Australia, and New Zealand.

[ bkaradzic @ 11.01.2005. 02:43 ] @
Brojke od pre par meseci...
A decade after its release, the original PlayStation has reached a milestone worthy of Ronald McDonald's high-volume burger empire. Sony announced today that, as of Tuesday, it has sold 100 million units of its first console worldwide.

Sony claims that since then, more than 7,300 original PlayStation games have been published.

File this one under "the rich get richer." Electronic Arts announced today that The Sims 2 has sold more than 1 million copies at retail stores worldwide in its first 10 days on the shelves, making it the biggest PC title launch in the company's 22 years.

[ Duck_ @ 14.01.2005. 15:02 ] @
Zahvaljujem na odgovorima!
Ako naletite na još neke "brojke" nemam ništa protiv da ih napišete, to je uvek zanimjlivo
[ Dark Icarus @ 16.01.2005. 14:29 ] @
Kad smo već kod prodaje igara...
(sa mp3licensing.com)
Do I need a license to use mp3/mp3PRO in games?

Yes. Games using mp3/mp3PRO encoded content are licensed on a per-title basis.
However, no license fees are due if less than 5 000 copies of a particular game title are distributed.
Dalje piše da je mp3 royalty rate = US$ 2 500.00 per title.

Drugim rečima, ako ja izdam igru koja koristi jednu jedinu bednu mp3 numeru, i ona uspe da se proda u 5000 primeraka (hm, recimo uz intervenciju nekog omanjeg božanstva), onda sam ja obavezan da pošaljem ovim ljudima 2500$ i ako to ne uradim samoinicijativno ima da me tuže kada saznaju?

Takođe, evo šta piše o FMODu, alatu koji je ušao u razmatranje za enkodiranje/dekodiranje zvuka u mojoj igri (radi jednostavnosti, recimo da neću koristiti mp3 format već neki besplatni npr. ogg):
Because some developers are single hobbyist programmers, or sell at an extreme low price-points with no distribution except through a website, and no expectations of high sales that could warrant or recoup the price of a normal product/site license, the 'shareware/budget' license option has been created: 1 product, PC only. $100
Da li je ovo dobar dil za jedan sound engine ili samo hoće da me oderu? Da li ja ove pare njima šaljem pre nego što izdam igru? I uopšte kakvi su stavovi o tom licenciranju u mutnim vodama shareware programa? Mislim da je neko na ovom forumu rekao da ne moram baš odmah da licenciram sav softver pre nego što igram igru. Da li je to istina? Npr. pravim igru sa (recimo) piratskim 3dS maxom, igra izađe u februaru, u maju skupim pare i kupim 3dS max, da li sam oslobođen krivice za vjeki vjekova? Naravno nikada ne bih koristio 3DSMax zato što košta đavo i po da se kupi... ko zna tek koliko se plaća kada te actually u'vate da radiš bez licence. Ali to je druga priča. A propo toga... koji je najbolji 3d modeler (treba mi za renreding bitmapa) u cenovnom rangu do npr. 200$?
[ bkaradzic @ 18.01.2005. 22:02 ] @
NPD: $9.9 billion worth of console games sold in 2004

The top 10 console games of 2004, according to NPD, are listed below. Sales figures are approximate:

1. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS2) - 5.1 million
2. Halo 2 (Xbox) - 4.2 million
3. Madden NFL 2005 (PS2) - 3.2 million
4. ESPN NFL 2K5 (PS2) - 1.5 million
5. Need for Speed Underground 2 (PS2) - 1.4 million
6. Pokémon FireRed (with adapter) (GBA) - 1.2 million
7. NBA Live 2005 (PS2) - 1.2 million
8. Spider-Man 2 (PS2) - 1.1 million
9. Halo: Combat Evolved (Xbox) - 1.1 million
10. ESPN NFL 2K5 (Xbox)- 1.0 million

[ bkaradzic @ 19.01.2005. 05:10 ] @
Dark Icarus: jedinu bednu mp3 numeru

Eh da je samo MP3... Npr. trenutno gomila game development firmi (praktično svako ko je pravio 3D igru) je na sudu zbog ovog patenta:
Dark Icarus: Da li je ovo dobar dil za jedan sound engine ili samo hoće da me oderu? Da li ja ove pare njima šaljem pre nego što izdam igru?

Po mom mišljenju FMOD je kvalitetan sound system. I da li je dobar dil i da li odgovara tvojim potrebama možeš sam da proceniš, jer dobijaš ceo API na neodređeno vreme pre nego što platiš išta. Teoretski moraš prvo platiti da bi izdao igru.

[ Duck_ @ 19.01.2005. 07:24 ] @
Dark Icarus: Dalje piše da je mp3 royalty rate = US$ 2 500.00 per title.
WMA je sličnih karakteristika kao MP3 a ima povoljniju licencu.
Pogledaj ove linkove, možda će ti koristiti:


[ bkaradzic @ 20.01.2005. 21:21 ] @
Ubisoft Reports Sales

* Prince of Persia Warrior Within: 1.9 million copies sold in one month

* Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon 2: 1.4 million units sold in seven weeks

* The Settlers: Heritage of KingsTM (PC): 220,000 units sold in five weeks in Germany alone

A Good Year For Xbox

Halo 2 has now sold more than 6.4 million copies worldwide.

The overall Halo franchise, which includes predecessor "Halo: Combat Evolved" for the PC and Xbox, has sold a collective 12.8 million copies in just three years.

[ bkaradzic @ 21.01.2005. 19:06 ] @
Officials from Microsoft are claiming that the total number of Xbox Live members has exceeded 1.4 million world-wide.

Official figures for online PlayStation 2 owners have not been updated for some time, but were previously put at around 3 million.

[ bkaradzic @ 25.01.2005. 06:05 ] @
2004 Japanese Console Sales Charts Released

1 / Dragon Quest VIII / Square Enix / PS2 / 3.3 million
2 / Pokemon FireRed/LeafGreen / The Pokemon Company / GBA / 2.4 million
3 / Dragon Quest V / Square Enix / PS2 / 1.6 million
4 / Pokemon Emerald / The Pokemon Company / GBA / 1.4 million
5 / World Soccer Winning Eleven 8 / Konami / PS2 / 1.0 million
6 / Sangoku Musou / Koei / PS2 / 1.0 million
7 / Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou: Fist of the North Star / Sammy / PS2 / 0.9 million
8 / Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater / Konami / PS2 / 0.7 million
9 / Gran Turismo 4 / SCE / PS2 / 0.7 million
10 / Derby Stallion 04 / Enterbrain / PS2 / 0.6 million

[ bkaradzic @ 27.01.2005. 18:41 ] @
Half-life 2, the follow-up to the hit 2000 Half-life, is already clocking up a massive success. With nearly 1.7 million copies sold in less than two months, this new release by Sierra Entertainment (a VU Games company) and Valve looks set to become one of the biggest hits of 2005. Sales have been particularly good in Germany, the UK, France, Italy, Spain and Scandinavia - as well as the US.

[ bkaradzic @ 28.01.2005. 19:10 ] @
Microsoft Releases Worldwide Xbox Sales Figures
The company's new figures reveal that the Xbox has sold 19.9 million copies worldwide since launch – 13.2 million consoles in North America, 5.0 million consoles in Europe, and 1.7 million consoles in the Japan and Asia Pacific region.

Microsoft Corp. has reported its fiscal results for the second fiscal quarter of 2004 (October-December 2004)
The high earnings make this the first fiscal quarter in the history of Microsoft's Xbox-containing home and entertainment division in which that sector of the company has turned a profit, as it posted a profit of $84 million for the three-month period.

[ bkaradzic @ 28.01.2005. 23:46 ] @
Nokia Announces Overall N-Gage Sales To Date

According to the report, Nokia has sold 1.3 million of the systems since its launch in October of 2003 -- the company refers to these sales as "cumulative," which likely refers to sales of both the original N-Gage and the remodeled N-Gage QD in all territories where the system has been released so far.

[ bkaradzic @ 28.01.2005. 23:57 ] @
In the world of video games, baseball is far from the national pastime. Football is where the bragging rights are – and where the money's at. In 2004, baseball games took in $93 million at retail. Football titles took in more than four times that amount – generating $384 million in sales, according to Banc of America analyst Gary Cooper.

Still, Take Two has seemingly struck a blow with the deal. EA's "MVP Baseball" was last year's top baseball title, selling over 1.3 million copies. That's not an insignificant amount, but it's not really a breadwinner.

[ bkaradzic @ 29.01.2005. 00:04 ] @
Square Enix Releases Q3 2004 Fiscal Results

Another gaming publisher has released their financial results for the October-December period, which makes up the third quarter of the fiscal year by Square Enix's accounting.
The high profits were fueled mainly by the release of the eighth game in the Dragon Quest series, which at this point is not so much "wildly popular" in Japan as much as it is a cultural institution. With roughly one month on the shelves between its November 27th release and the end of the quarter, it shipped 3.59 million copies in Japan alone.

Other strong sellers were Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, the Game Boy Advance link between the original Kingdom Hearts and its forthcoming sequel, and the English release of Star Ocean: Chain of Memories in the United States and Europe. Kingdom Hearts: CoM sold 940,000 copies worldwide, while Star Ocean sold 470,000.

[ bkaradzic @ 29.01.2005. 17:47 ] @
As the battlefield levels in the war for portable gaming dominance in Japan, Sony will be relieved, if not surprised, to see its PlayStation Portable edge ahead of Nintendo’s plucky twin-screened DS.

The most recent sales charts, concluding on January 16, show sales of PSP hitting 64,600, some way ahead of the DS, which sold 53,500 units.

[ bkaradzic @ 02.02.2005. 01:13 ] @

THQ Debuts Q3 2004 Results

Fiscal year-to-date, THQ shipped more than four million units of The Incredibles, two million units of The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie, two million units of WWE SmackDown! vs. Raw, two million units of Finding Nemo and one million units of SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom. In addition, original properties Tak 2: The Staff of Dreams and Full Spectrum Warrior are approaching shipments of one million units. The company also said that MX Unleashed, launched in February 2004, recently surpassed one million units shipped.

[ bkaradzic @ 02.02.2005. 19:12 ] @
Gran Turismo worldwide best-selling racing videogame franchise that has sold more than 38 million units worldwide.
[ bkaradzic @ 04.02.2005. 18:36 ] @
U slučaju da neko mari za prodaju igara u Japanu, evo link:

Japan Charts: Market picks up as three new titles debut over the 100k unit mark
[ bkaradzic @ 04.02.2005. 19:32 ] @
Japanese hardware charts for the week ending January 30t, 2005.

# PlayStation Portable: 74,405 (Annual: 267,602)
# PlayStation 2: 58,673 (Annual: 305,285)
# Nintendo DS: 43,226 (Annual: 249,922)
# Game Boy Advance SP: 11,589 (Annual: 114,046)
# GameCube: 8,214 (Annual: 40,751)
# Xbox: 467 (Annual: 2,650)
# Game Boy Advance: 399 (Annual: 3,038)


Japanese software charts for the week ending January 30t, 2005.

1 PS2 Another Century's Episode ACT Banpresto 2005.01.27 \6,980
2 PS2 Radiata Stories RPG Square Enix 2005.01.27 \7,800
3 GC Resident Evil 4 ADV Capcom 2005.01.27 \7,800
4 DS Yoshi Touch & Go ACT Nintendo 2005.01.27 \4,571
5 PS2 Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner 2 RPG Atlus 2005.01.27 \6,980
6 PS2 Death by Degrees ACT Namco 2005.01.27 \6,800
7 PS2 Monster Hunter G ACT Capcom 2005.01.20 \4,752
8 PS2 Gran Turismo 4 (incl. Limited Edition and Version with PS2) RCE SCE 2004.12.28 \32,000
9 DS Wario Ware: Touched! ETC Nintendo 2004.12.02 \4,571
10 DS Super Mario 64 DS ACT Nintendo 2004.12.02 \4,571

[ bkaradzic @ 09.02.2005. 19:10 ] @
World Of Warcraft has seen quite a bit of success since its release here in North America and abroad and today, with the European debut just a few days off, it seems the game has seen another increase in sales. Following our post awhile back reporting that World Of Warcraft had sold 600,000 units, an updated on Vivendi Universal's website reveals that the game has now passed over 700,000 copies sold since its debut. Expect more news as it develops.

[ bkaradzic @ 11.02.2005. 17:58 ] @
Japanese charts for the week ending February 6th, 2005
- PlayStation Portable: 48,781 (Annual: 316,383)
- PlayStation 2: 47,963 (Annual: 353,248)
- Nintendo DS: 29,552 (Annual: 279,474)
- Game Boy Advance SP: 13,459 (Annual: 127,505)
- GameCube: 6,922 (Annual: 47,673)
- Game Boy Advance: 411 (Annual: 3,449)
- Xbox: 388 (Annual: 3,038)

1 GBA Super Robot Battle: Original Generation 2 SLG Banpresto 2005.02.03 \5,800
2 PS2 Another Century's Episode ACT Banpresto 2005.01.27 \6,980
3 PS2 Radiata Stories RPG Square Enix 2005.01.27 \7,800
4 GC Resident Evil 4 ADV Capcom 2005.01.27 \7,800
5 DS Yoshi Touch & Go ACT Nintendo 2005.01.27 \4,571
6 PS2 WWE SmackDown! vs RAW SPT YUKE'S 2005.02.03 \6,800
7 PS2 Gran Turismo 4 (incl. Limited Edition and Version with PS2) RCE SCE 2004.12.28 \32,000
8 PS2 Death by Degrees ACT Namco 2005.01.27 \6,800
9 DS Wario Ware: Touched! ETC Nintendo 2004.12.02 \4,571
10 PS2 Monster Hunter G ACT Capcom 2005.01.20 \4,752

[ bkaradzic @ 14.02.2005. 19:04 ] @
Blue Fang's award-winning "Zoo Tycoon" franchise, published by Microsoft(R) Game Studios, has now sold more than 5 million units worldwide LTD and over 2.5 million units in the United States.

[ bkaradzic @ 15.02.2005. 18:15 ] @
PARIS, France. 15th February, 2005 - Blizzard Entertainment® today announced that World of Warcraft® has become an overnight success in Europe, achieving record-breaking sales in its first 24 hours since the game launched on Friday, 11th February. World of Warcraft, the company's subscription-based massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG), has sold-through an estimated 280,000* copies at retail on day-one, selling more units in one day than what was previously thought to be the overall cumulative size of the European MMORPG market. This figure rose to more than 380,000 units being sold-through by the end of the first weekend.

[ Gojko Vujovic @ 15.02.2005. 18:59 ] @
Da, užas. Igra je toliko sveobuhvatna i predstavlja splet žanrova, verovatno je zato i privukla najrazličitije profile igrača. Uopšte nije zahtevna što se konekcije tiče, i sa 500ms RTT može sve da se odradi. Sad još samo da "spoje" nekako realm-e (različite servere) tj. omoguće nekakvu tranziciju likova između njih i biće pravi bum. Ja nisam neki igrač niti volim te fantazije i izmišljene svetove, ali ova igra prevazilazi sva očekivanja, prava zaraza.
[ Gojko Vujovic @ 15.02.2005. 20:13 ] @
Taman sam ih pohvalio, popadase svi evropski serveri pod opterecenjem:

Izbice masovna panika ;)
[ bkaradzic @ 17.02.2005. 17:46 ] @
GameCube exclusive Resident Evil 4 was the best selling game of the month, clocking up over 300,000 units - although with 200,000 units on the Xbox and over 180,000 on PS2, Mercenaries outstripped it in terms of cross-platform performance.

Take Two's Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas continued to sell strongly, topping the PS2 rankings with over 240,000 units sold throughout January, while other pre-Christmas hits such as Need for Speed Underground 2 (over 140,000 units on PS2) and Halo 2 (almost 125,000 units) also sold well throughout the month.

[ bkaradzic @ 18.02.2005. 17:45 ] @
The latest PS2 fighting game based on the Dragon Ball Z anime franchise has gone straight in at number one in the Japanese charts, with the Bandai-published title selling 427,000 units in its first weekend at retail.

That puts sales of the game - the third in the beat 'em up series - well ahead of opening weekend sales of the previous iteration, which managed 324,000 units in the same period of time.

The Japanese market continues to show unseasonably good results, with a total less than five percent off from the weekly average. Sales were dominated by PlayStation 2 fighting game Dragon Ball Z 3 (aka Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3), which sold 426,896 copies, more than 100,000 extra units compared to its predecessor in its first week on sale (although Dragon Ball Z 2 did have the misfortune to come out on the same week as Pokémon FireRed/LeafGreen).

Dragon Ball Z 3’s first week sales have put the performance of other titles in the top ten in shadow, though, with second placed PoPoLoCrois Monogatari: Pietro Ouji no Bouken managing only 33,759 sales. Nevertheless, Sony’s new role-playing game has achieved the highest chart position of any PSP title thus far in Japan.

# PlayStation Portable: 45,972 (Annual: 362,355)
# PlayStation 2: 39,889 (Annual: 393,137)
# Nintendo DS: 26,205 (Annual: 305,679)
# Game Boy Advance SP: 10,372 (Annual: 137,877)
# GameCube: 4,499 (Annual: 52,172)
# Game Boy Advance: 573 (Annual: 4,022)
# Xbox: 262 (Annual: 3,300)

[ bkaradzic @ 03.03.2005. 22:55 ] @
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas selling over 12 million units

[ bkaradzic @ 16.03.2005. 18:12 ] @
Polyphony Digital's Gran Turismo 4 was the best-selling title in the USA last month, according to the latest figures from NPD Funworld, with EA's NBA Street V3 also selling strongly at its debut.

The PS2 exclusive title - which became one of the UK's fastest selling titles ever when it rolled out last Friday - sold over 600,000 units in the USA during February, and helped to drive 13.2 per cent year on year growth in the software market.

[ yooyo @ 17.03.2005. 13:00 ] @
Galactic Invasion 2 (ili na nasem NAPAD) je delo Zorana Stupica i Petra Malica.
Momci spremaju jos nesto zarazno. Vise o tome uskoro...


[ bkaradzic @ 17.03.2005. 21:01 ] @
WOW! :)
Irvine, Calif. - March 17, 2005 - Blizzard Entertainment® today announced that World of Warcraft®, its massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG), has surpassed the 1.5 million subscriber mark*, underscoring the game's continued success around the world. Building on its record-breaking debuts in North America, Korea, and Europe, World of Warcraft has reached global peak concurrency - the number of subscribers playing at the same time in each market - of more than 500,000 players.

* Europe:

- Over 290,000 account creations and 180,000 peak concurrency in its first weekend.

- Over 500,000 active subscribers, and 230,000 peak concurrency to date.

* Korea:

- The most successful 100-day launch of any MMORPG in Korean history since its commercial release on January 18, 2005.

- World of Warcraft is currently played in 75% of Korean Internet Game Rooms (IGRs), the primary venue for playing games in Korea. IGRs subscribe directly to MMORPGs and then players buy blocks of time from the IGRs for game time.

* North America:

- Over 200,000 subscribers and 100,000 peak concurrency achieved in the game's first 24 hours.

- Current subscriber base of over 800,000 players.

[ bkaradzic @ 30.03.2005. 19:44 ] @
NAPOMENA: Ovo nije zvanična informacija, nego post u jednom forumu. Prenosim ga jer izgleda tačno tj. deo podataka koji su meni već poznati, pa na osnovu toga mislim da je u celosti tačan.
North America
PlayStation 2 - 32.86 million
Xbox - 13.2 million
GameCube - 10.11 million

Japan / Asia
PlayStation 2 - 19.47 million
Xbox - 1.7 million
GameCube - 3.78 million

Europe / PAL
PlayStation 2 - 29.06 million
Xbox - 5.0 million
GameCube - 4.13 million

PlayStation 2 - 81.39 million
Xbox - 19.9 million
GameCube - 18.03 million

All Three Consoles
North America - 56.17 million (47.08%)
Japan / Asia - 24.95 million (20.91%)
Europe / PAL - 38.19 million (32.01%)
Worldwide - 119.32 million

I'll list the Handhelds separately, since there are three.

North America
Game Boy Advance - 32.82 million
Nintendo DS - 1.36 million
PlayStation Portable - N/A

Japan / Asia
Game Boy Advance - 15.48 million
Nintendo DS - 1.45 million
PlayStation Portable - 0.51 million

Europe / PAL
Game Boy Advance - 17.44 million
Nintendo DS - 0.03 million
PlayStation Portable - N/A

Game Boy Advance - 65.74 million
Nintendo DS - 2.84 million
PlayStation Portable - 0.51 million

All numbers are total sales till the End of 2004

And global sales by all time:
NES: 61,780,000
Sega Master System: 13,000,000
Nintendo Gameboy: 118,420,000 (possibly includes color?)
Sega Game Gear: 8,650,000
Atari Lynx:

NEC Turbografx 16: 2,500,000 (est.)
NEC Turbografx CD:
Sega Mega Drive (Genesis): 30,750,000
(Sega CD): 2,500,000 (North America)
(Sega 32X): 50,000-200,000 (est.)
NEC Supergrafx:
SNK Neo Geo:
Nintendo SNES: 49,020,000

Philips CDi:
NEC TurboDuo:
SNK Neo Geo CD:
Atari Jaguar: 10,000 (est.)

Nintendo Virtual Boy: 770,000
Gameboy Color:

Panasonic 3DO:* 700,000 (est.)
Sony Playstation: 100,000,000
Sega Saturn: 9,260,000
Nintendo 64: 32,930,000

Wonderswan color:
Game Boy Advance / GBA SP: 65,740,000
Nokia N-Gage: 1,300,000

Sega Dreamcast: 10,600,000
Sony Playstation 2: 81,390,000
Microsoft Xbox: 19,900,000
Nintendo Gamecube: 18,030,000

Nintendo DS: 2,840,000
Sony PSP: 510,000

[ Gojko Vujovic @ 02.04.2005. 14:55 ] @
Blizzard nažalost nije izdržao nalet tolikih korisnika u Evropi i prvog aprila je doživeo gotovo totalni krah sistema. Baza uplata i korisničkih podataka je izgleda izgubljena pošto se već više od dva dana podaci ne vraćaju, pola njih ne može nigde ni da se uloguje. Mnogi su dobili dvostruko naplaćenu uslugu, pa se pominju i tužbe. Na support forumima se pojavilo na hiljade nezadovoljnih korisnika, a iz Vivendija izgleda otišli za vikend kućama, ne popravljaju ono što su pokvarili u petak poslednjim patchom.

Sumirano: http://forums-en.wow-europe.co...3&p=1&tmp=1#post117393

Nerviranje korisnika trenutno vrlo izraženo na tech support forumu:

Neverovatno je da ne mogu da iskoriste činjenicu da milioni žele da im daju pare. :/

Eto šta se desi kad izaberete pogrešnog partnera (čitaj VU games).
[ Reljam @ 02.04.2005. 20:12 ] @
Blizzard ni u Americi nije bas sjajno prosao - ja sam na Burning Legion serveru (Kolari, ko hoce da me nadje :)), koji je jos kao i dobar u poredjenju sa ostalima, ali zato stalno izbacuje, pada server za autentikaciju, itd.

Mada, Blizzard je kul jer uredno refundira pare za dane kada ne rade, i onda posle poklone neki in-game item kao izvinjenje. Znam nekoliko ljudi iz Blizzarda, i svi kazu jednu stvar, a to je da nisu ocekivali toliku navalu, i da imaju problema da izadju sa tim na kraj. Videcemo da li ce to nastaviti da se desava, ili je u pitanju samo decja bolest. 1.5M korisnika je jako mnogo ljudi - to nije samo web server.
[ bkaradzic @ 08.04.2005. 02:17 ] @
FOSTER CITY, Calif., April 7 /PRNewswire/ -- Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. announced today that the first week sales of the PSP(TM) (PlayStation® Portable) handheld entertainment system generated more than $150 million at North American retailers, outpacing the launch week sales for any other product in the space. Additionally, demand drove the sell through of over 500,000 PSP Value Packs in the first two days alone -- an unprecedented number further validating PSP as the most anticipated product of 2005 and an industry altering force -- and remained strong throughout the first week. Making the $150 million mark all the more spectacular, PSP sales were achieved during a traditionally slower non-holiday season launch, and during a period when many retailers were closed for Easter.

[ bkaradzic @ 09.04.2005. 01:54 ] @
Men Drop More Cash On Gaming Than Music

Music-industry fears have been confirmed: Men are spending more of their hard-earned scratch on video games than they are on CDs and MP3s.

The interactive branch of Nielsen Entertainment claims the findings of a study conducted earlier this year affirm the notion that video games are supplanting other forms of media when it comes to men's consumerism leanings, according to Reuters.

Not only that, but video games are pulling in older money. According to the study, which surveyed 1,500 people over the course of January and February, 25 percent of all video-game enthusiasts are aged 40 and older, debunking the prevalent perception that the gaming industry's rapid growth in recent years — last year taking in $10 billion in annual revenues — was owed almost entirely to teens and 20-somethings.

When it comes to guys, Nielsen said video games play second fiddle only to DVDs as a purchase category. Right behind games were CDs, followed by MP3 files.

The findings also revealed that African-Americans and Hispanics fork over more cash on games each month than Caucasians. In addition, Nielsen discovered that 40 percent of U.S. households have some sort of system dedicated to game play — be it a PC, one of the big three consoles or a handheld device. Among gamers who own at least one of the most popular consoles on the market — Nintendo's GameCube, Sony's PlayStation2, and Microsoft's XBox — eight percent owned all three.

The study also explored the amount of time devoted to gaming, and found gamers spend little more than five hours each week playing alone, and approximately three hours playing socially or online.

[ bkaradzic @ 13.04.2005. 00:22 ] @
Malo predviđanje budućnosti:
Microsoft Could Ship 3M Xbox 2 Units In Dec. Quarter

The research firm, which rates Microsoft at "outperform," expects Xbox 2 to be available for retail sale in October or November at a retail price of about $249 to $299. Goldman said the Xbox console would cater to the lower-end of the consumer segment. The firm expects Microsoft to ship about 3 million units of the Xbox 2 worldwide in the December quarter. Sony is expected to debut the PS3 at E3, "although the product is not expected to be available in the U.S. until mid-2006 (perhaps a Japan launch in the fourth quarter of 2005 although more likely in the first quarter of 2006)," Goldman said.

[ bkaradzic @ 14.04.2005. 18:16 ] @
GSC Game World are glad to state that there have been 200 thousand copies of RTS "Alexander" sold outside ex-USSR during the 6 weeks of sales in 2004. The project, set up over the license of Oliver Stone movie, is published by French company UbiSoft. "Yet again the dynamics of our product sales are higher abroad than in CIS", - said Sergey Grushko, GSC World Publishing Head of Sales department, the publishing subdivision of GSC Game World.


[ Gojko Vujovic @ 16.04.2005. 11:53 ] @
Inače, Blizzard je 15. aprila pustio na EU tržište dodatnih 250.000 kopija WoW-a i 18 novih setova servera ("realms") koji bi trebalo da podrže taj novi talas igrača.

Zna li se uopšte ukupan broj prodatih kopija i da li je igra rekorder i kojih razmera?
[ Nothingman @ 16.04.2005. 12:36 ] @
Nisam siguran da je rekorder, ali bi to bila sigurno da su u blizzardu bar malo sumnjali u ovakav odziv igracha. Ne secam se da je ikada za nekom igricom vladala ovakva pomama. Ljudi prosto zele da im daju pare.
Kad pogledas da u Srbiji originali prakticno nestanu sa polica i pre nego sto su stigli, odma ti je jasno koliko je sati :)
Znam ljude iz NS koji su isli u Madjarsku sa nadom da ce negde pronaci igricu.
Na nekim domacim forumima ljudi su nudili po 60-65 evra za original.
Znachi na kraju ce jos ispasti da je pored svih bezuspesnih pokusaja u borbi protiv piraterije Srbe uspeo da primiri tek tamo neki World of Warcraft ;)
[ bkaradzic @ 16.04.2005. 17:19 ] @
Gojko Vujovic: Zna li se uopšte ukupan broj prodatih kopija i da li je igra rekorder i kojih razmera?

Ja znam čuo za količinu novca koju je igra zaradila od kada je na tržištu, mada pošto se radi o nezvaničnoj brojci nema smisla je objavljivati ovde.

Nezvanično, rekorder je po zaradi, ali još uvek nije po broju igrača. Lineage od NC Soft-a ima više igrača (Južna Koreja). Zvanične vesti o prodaji treba očekivati u sledećih mesec dana, oko E3. Inače osim ovih vesti o prodaji biće uskoro još vesti o egzodusu iz Blizzard-a... Izgleda da je dosta ljudi žešće razočarano veličinom bonusa. Ukratko situacija je: najveća zarada od MMORPG ikada, bonusi manji od prosečnih. :)

Čim bude nešto zvanično objavljeno postovaću ovde. :)

Nothingman:Znam ljude iz NS koji su isli u Madjarsku sa nadom da ce negde pronaci igricu. Na nekim domacim forumima ljudi su nudili po 60-65 evra za original. Znachi na kraju ce jos ispasti da je pored svih bezuspesnih pokusaja u borbi protiv piraterije Srbe uspeo da primiri tek tamo neki World of Warcraft ;)

Sa MMO igrama kupovanje originala nije kraj plaćanja igre. MMO igre stvaraju crack-cocaine tip zavisnosti, pa se onda igrač vraća po još... Jedina razlika je što ti diler droge prvi uzorak da besplatno, WOW moraš da platiš... ;)
[ bkaradzic @ 16.04.2005. 17:29 ] @
Ovo nema veze sa prodajom igara, ali verujem da će dosta onih koji prate ovu temu biti zainteresovano da vide premijeru nove Xbox konzole na MTV-u...
Xbox 360: Global Pre-E3 TV Outing Confirmed

Microsoft’s US marketing wing has confirmed a pre-E3 showing of the next generation of Xbox, with the machine set to be unveiled on May 12 this year.

A half-hour special entitled MTV Presents: The Next Generation Xbox Revealed, will unveil the machine, software and other pertinent information, and is slated to air on MTV, synchronised across all global stations:

North America: Thursday, May 12, at 9:30 p.m. (21:30)
Japan/Asia: Friday, May 13, at 11:30
Europe: France: Friday, May 13, at 19:00
Germany: Friday, May 13, at 19:00
Italy: Friday, May 13, at 23:30
Netherlands: Friday, May 13, at 19:30
Poland: Friday, May 13, at 21:00
Portugal: Friday, May 13, at 20:00
Romania: Friday, May 13, at 20:00
Scandinavia: Friday, May 13, at 22:00
Spain: Friday, May 13, at 21:30
U.K.: Friday, May 13, at 20:00
Australia: Friday, May 13, at 19:00

[ Reljam @ 16.04.2005. 18:25 ] @
bkaradzic: Lineage od NC Soft-a ima više igrača (Južna Koreja). Zvanične vesti o prodaji treba očekivati u sledećih mesec dana, oko E3. Inače osim ovih vesti o prodaji biće uskoro još vesti o egzodusu iz Blizzard-a...
Hm, mozda prva recenica ima neke veze sa tom trecom.
[ bkaradzic @ 16.04.2005. 19:00 ] @
Reljam: Hm, mozda prva recenica ima neke veze sa tom trecom.
Isti pasus? :)
Koliko je meni poznato, ne idu iz Blizzard-a u NC Soft (ustvari možda i ode neko, ali nije organizovano u grupama). :)
[ Nothingman @ 17.04.2005. 13:39 ] @
bkaradzic: Sa MMO igrama kupovanje originala nije kraj plaćanja igre. MMO igre stvaraju crack-cocaine tip zavisnosti, pa se onda igrač vraća po još... Jedina razlika je što ti diler droge prvi uzorak da besplatno, WOW moraš da platiš... ;)

Znam :)
Mozes mislit kako je meni, fan sam RPG-a jos od c-64, i konacno mi se ostvare snovi i pojavi se nesto poput WOW a ja nemam odgovarajucu internet konekciju da ga igram. I onda svaki dan visim po raznim WOW forumima i citam sta ljudi prichaju, gledam screenshotove i vec sam se debelo navuko a igru nikad nisam ni video :)
I onda uzmem i odigram Baldur's Gate, Fallout, Might & Magic 6 ili Gothic po hiljaditi put da se malo smirim ;)
[ Reljam @ 18.04.2005. 08:55 ] @
Navodno WoW radi i na obicnim modemima, mada ces verovatno morati da nabavljas patcheve kod nekog ko ima broadband. ( http://www.blizzard.com/support/wow/?id=aww0823p )
[ bkaradzic @ 20.04.2005. 01:07 ] @
Prodaja hardvera u SAD za Mart 2005:
Based on analysis by by the research firm NPD Group, the month of March was a winning month for Sony:
Sony PS2: 495,000 sold
Microsoft Xbox: 227,000 sold
Nintendo GameCube: 94,000 sold

And on the handheld front, the PSP launched strongly enough to sell more units in the last week of March than Nintendo sold for the entire first three months of this year:
Sony PSP: 620,000 sold
Nintendo DS: 428,000 sold.

[ Nothingman @ 20.04.2005. 17:38 ] @
Reljam: Navodno WoW radi i na obicnim modemima, mada ces verovatno morati da nabavljas patcheve kod nekog ko ima broadband. ( http://www.blizzard.com/support/wow/?id=aww0823p )

Meni drug reche da moze da radi ako imas savrsenu 56K modemsku konekciju, sto je na ovim prostorima retkost s obzirom na stanje telefonskih centrala.
Na ISDN-u radi prilicno OK, ali za pravo uzivanje je ipak potrebna brza veza.
Ono sto je meni problem je sto 80% vremena godisnje provedem u Bg gde nemam ni obicnu telefonsku liniju jer me telekom vec godinu i po zavlaci u fazonu "uskoro, uskoro". Tako da je veliki broj mojih postova na ovom forumu poslat preko GPRS konekcije, a koliko me to kosta bolje da vam i ne govorim :(
Uf, ovo je bilo skroz offtopic, ali necu vise obecavam ;)

[ bkaradzic @ 25.04.2005. 19:26 ] @
E3 Organizers Survey Dominant Game Genres

Action/Adventure games: 19 percent
Role-playing games: 13 percent
Sports/Driving/Racing games: 11 percent
Child/Family games: 6 percent
Strategy games: 5 percent
Simulation games: 4 percent
Educational/Edutainment games: 3 percent
Arcade games: 3 percent
Other games: 4 percent

[ bkaradzic @ 26.04.2005. 21:16 ] @
The success in the UK follows in the wake of exceptional sales in the US and Japan where over 3 million Nintendo DS units have been sold worldwide since launch.

[ bkaradzic @ 27.04.2005. 18:03 ] @
PS2, PSP to sell 12 million units each in FY06, says Sony

Twelve million units apiece of the PlayStation 2 and PlayStation Portable consoles will be shipped worldwide in the financial year through to March 31st, 2006, according to the latest projections released by Sony.

The figures would bring worldwide shipments of the PSP to around 15 million units by the end of the financial year, while the PlayStation 2 - which currently has a global installed base of well over 80 million units - would be within shouting distance of 100 million units.

In addition to the projections for the current financial year, Sony has also released hardware and software shipment figures for the last quarter of FY2005, which ran through to March 31st.

During the period, some 6.1 million PS2 hardware units were shipped worldwide, around 1.2 million more than the company originally predicted as it struggled to fill the supply channel which was left disastrously dry in the run-up to Christmas.

Around 2.46 million units of the PSP hardware shipped during the quarter, a million of which went to supply the North American launch of the device, while the balance went to Japan - the only other territory in which the console is currently available.

In software terms, Sony shipped 50 million units of PSone and PS2 software during the quarter, along with 4.4 million units of PlayStation Portable software - making up an impressive overall software figure, with the home console software figure a good 12 million units ahead of the firm's guidance.

[ ajdinos @ 28.04.2005. 14:43 ] @
pa odes na stranicu www.gamerevolution.com tamo ces naci sve podatke o igricama ali na engleskom jeziku
[ bkaradzic @ 29.04.2005. 01:37 ] @
Ubisoft Announces Fourth Quarter Sales, Plans

French-headquartered developer and publisher Ubisoft has released a number of preliminary details regarding its fourth quarter 2004 financial results, for the period ending March 31st 2005.

For the quarter, the company generated sales of €221 million ($285 million), 50 percent better than the previous year. Particularly highlighted was the new Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 title, which sold 1.7 million units, and the new Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell games, which sold through 2.5 million units. Shifting the financial figures to encompass the entire fiscal year, Ubisoft generated sales of €537 million ($693 million), totaling 8% growth for the company.

However, the company did not explicitly state its profit or loss for the quarter, but noted that the net income excluding exceptional items for the year was €18-22 million ($23-28 million), and that its long-term debts were now €82 million ($106 million), compared to €119 million ($154 million) on March 31st, 2004.

Ubisoft went on to discuss its portfolio of "major brands", which have now sold 17 million units, accounting for 65% of all business, including 5.1 million units for the Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell brand, 3 million units for the Prince of Persia brand, 2.8 million units for the Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon brand, and 1.7 million units for the new Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 brand.

The company also mentioned that it attended to recruit 600 new employees over the next year, expanding the production workforce to 2,900 by 31 March 2006. It also specifically noted that 7 titles will be launched over the next year on Nintendo DS, 5 on Sony’s PlayStation Portable and 4 on the new Microsoft console.



[Ovu poruku je menjao bkaradzic dana 30.04.2005. u 07:52 GMT+1]
[ reject @ 29.04.2005. 13:26 ] @
bkaradzic:...and 4 on the new Microsoft console.

Ko li ce to da im programira? ;)
[ bkaradzic @ 05.05.2005. 00:20 ] @
The company bullet-pointed accomplishments, highlighting six titles that sold more than a million units over the full fiscal year

--The Incredibles: Over 4.5 million units
--The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie: Over 2.5 million units
--WWE SmackDown! Vs. Raw: over 2 million units
--Finding Nemo: Over 2 million units
--SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom: Over 1 million units
--Full Spectrum Warrior: Over 1 million units

[ bkaradzic @ 09.05.2005. 02:38 ] @
Nezvanični podaci o MMO igrama.

Sudeći po ovoj "piti" Lineage je još uvek naj-"massive" u odnosu na sve ostale MMO igre. :)

HINT (za one što igraju WOW u Srbiji, a nisu zadovoljni sopstvenim primanjima): Vrednost virtualnog WOW zlata u USD. :)
According to data gathered by Advanced Economic Research Systems, a company that tracks eBay sales, through April more than $2 million was spent on World of Warcraft (WOW) gold this year.
Sukow discovered that the top seller of WOW gold made more than $23,000 in April, just on WOW gold. And that wasn't even a good month--in January and February the number-one seller took home more than $44,000 each month.

[ bkaradzic @ 09.05.2005. 21:39 ] @
In its first week of launch in North America and Europe, approximately 250-thousand players created Guild Wars accounts. In Korea the game hit 500-thousand accounts in its first week of open beta service, surpassing numbers from the first week of Lineage® II's open beta service two years ago. Guild Wars® is expected to launch commercially in Korea in the second quarter.

[ bkaradzic @ 10.05.2005. 03:43 ] @
Midway rezultati za prvi kvartal... Nema zvaničnih brojki o prodaji igara, ali ima o zaradi po platformi (na kraju dokumenta). Pa ako nekoga baš zanima može da odradi inverzni inžinjering iz zarade u broj kopija:
[ bkaradzic @ 12.05.2005. 00:57 ] @
Research firm Jupiter Research, a division of Jupiter Media, has released a new survey predicting that revenue from console video gaming will grow from its current level of $8.7 billion a year to $11.3 billion a year by 2010.

[ bkaradzic @ 19.05.2005. 19:48 ] @
May 19 (Bloomberg) -- Sony Corp., the world's biggest video game console maker, has sold 1.3 million units of its PlayStation Portable player in the U.S., helping spur sales of games and movies, said Kazuo Hirai, president of the gaming unit.

Global shipments of the handheld have reached 2.97 million units at the end of March, according to the company's latest figures. The company last month said it sold 500,000 units in the first two days of the U.S. debut in March, after it had prepared 1 million units for the launch. Sony, which started sales of the PSP in Japan last December, plans to sell the gadget in Europe from September.

[ bkaradzic @ 26.05.2005. 18:15 ] @
Downloaded Mobile Games Are A Guy Thing, Study Says

Males are twice as likely to download games to their mobile devices than females, according to a study released Monday by M:Metrics.

However, females are almost as likely to play mobile games, the study found. It found that 32 percent of females say they play mobile games compared to 34 percent of males. M:Metrics measures data and applications accessed by mobile subscribers.

The study concluded that the findings represent an opportunity for the mobile industry.

"There is a significant opportunity for the industry to provide a compelling gaming experience for women, as currently, only half of the mobile games audience is being served," Mark Donovan, M:Metrics' vice president and senior analyst said in a statement.

Another analyst for the firm, David Hu, said that the discrepancy in downloads is due to the nature of the games being offered.

"Of all the games being offered by carriers, 48 percent are sports and action/adventure titles, which our data shows are least appealing to women," Hu said. "Only 10 percent of games are arcade puzzle games like Tetris, and card games, which are universally popular, and the most common genres downloaded by women."

[ bkaradzic @ 03.06.2005. 18:08 ] @
Sony has announced that as of June 2nd 2005 its "cumulative production shipment" of PlayStation 2s has exceeded 90 million units worldwide.

By comparison, worldwide shipments for the Xbox are currently put at approximately 21 million units, with Microsoft currently slowing production of the current Xbox as the Xbox 360 launch later this year nears. Nintendo's GameCube is fairly close behind Microsoft's console, having a worldwide user base of around 18 million.

[ bkaradzic @ 03.06.2005. 21:37 ] @
The Nintendo DS was trailing the PSP and PS2 the week before the release of Nintendogs, selling 21,698 units against 28,950 PSP units and 30,572 PS2 units. But when Nintendogs arrived, DS sales exploded to 96,191 units, outselling both the PSP (33,004) and the PS2 (33,080) combined. Sales of the DS are starting to settle down now, but as of the week of May 16, the DS continued to outsell both the PS2 and the PSP, selling 29,808 units, compared to 27,370 PSP units and 24,122 PS2 units.

[ bkaradzic @ 05.06.2005. 06:16 ] @
bkaradzic: 16.04.2005 Inače osim ovih vesti o prodaji biće uskoro još vesti o egzodusu iz Blizzard-a... Izgleda da je dosta ljudi žešće razočarano veličinom bonusa. Ukratko situacija je: najveća zarada od MMORPG ikada, bonusi manji od prosečnih. :)

Čim bude nešto zvanično objavljeno postovaću ovde. :)

Ok nije baš zvanično, ali tek sada počinje da se priča... ;)
GameSpot kasni skoro dva meseca za ES-om... ;)
June 4, 2005 RUMOR #1: World of Warcraft developers are leaving Blizzard Entertainment in droves to work at NCsoft.

[ bkaradzic @ 06.06.2005. 00:13 ] @
In lifetime-to-date sales, the Nintendo DS has now sold 2,400,094 units, while the PSP has sold 1,374,443 units.

[ bkaradzic @ 07.06.2005. 18:35 ] @
European Game Hardware Figures Discussed
In particular, the installed hardware user base for each of the current generation consoles, as of March 31st 2005, includes the PlayStation 2 at 25.1 million, the Game Boy Advance: 15.4 million (with 8.0m for the GBA, and 7.4m for the GBA SP), the Xbox at 5.2 million units, and the GameCube at 3.9 million units. The Nintendo DS, having only just launched at the time of the survey, was at 0.3 million units, and the survey also notes that the original PlayStation was the largest single European platform, with 29.2 million units.

General wisdom usually has it that Germany is the largest single market in Europe, but Screen Digest’s figures show that the biggest is in fact the UK, followed by Spain, France, Germany, Italy and Scandinavia. The PC market is particularly vibrant in Germany though, and much less important in the UK, which would account for the discrepancy in these rankings. More information is available in Screen Digest's full report released in March, and named: 'European Interactive Games: The 2005 State of the Industry Report'.


[ bkaradzic @ 08.06.2005. 02:16 ] @
Capcom announced that Resident Evil 4 for the GameCube has reached the 500,000 sales mark in the United States and Canada, a healthy sales figure for Nintendo's current-gen hardware platform. "It's been rewarding to see that the incredible response the game has received from fans and critics has been mirrored by a phenomenal retail performance," said Todd Thorson, Capcom's director of marketing. Seen another way, though, the news has a slightly negative tint: despite being a high-profile game with universal critical acclaim, and the latest proper entry in a long-running, popular series, it still took nearly six months from the January 11th release to hit the half-million mark, partly due to the GameCube's relatively small installed base compared to the PlayStation 2 in North America.

[ bkaradzic @ 14.06.2005. 22:07 ] @
IRVINE, California – 14 June, 2005 – Blizzard Entertainment® today announced that World of Warcraft®, the company's highly acclaimed subscription-based massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG), has surpassed two million paying subscribers worldwide*. As the game's worldwide population continues to grow, so does the game itself: Blizzard recently introduced the highly anticipated player-vs.-player (PvP) Honor System and the game's first two Battlegrounds, Alterac Valley and Warsong Gulch. These new PvP battlefields offer a variety of fast-paced combat and some of the most valuable rewards yet seen in the game.

[ bkaradzic @ 21.06.2005. 18:23 ] @
Some foreshadowing might be found in another game set in the "Matrix" universe. "The Matrix Online," published by Sega, has only sold 43,100 copies since its launch in late March, according to The NPD Group.

[ bkaradzic @ 21.06.2005. 18:46 ] @
LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - Sarah Michelle Gellar is attached to star in a feature version of the Electronic Arts video game "American McGee's Alice," which is itself based on Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland" novels.

"American McGee's Alice" became a critically acclaimed hit on the PC when it shipped in December 2000. The game received an 83% aggregate review score on Gamerankings.com, which helped Electronic Arts sell more than 488,000 units of the game and generate more than $11.8 million in revenue, consulting firm NPD Group said.

[ bkaradzic @ 25.06.2005. 01:01 ] @
North American video game sales statistics for May 2005 are now available, and topping the NPD-calculated list was Pokemon Emerald, released on the first of the month, with more than 882,000 units moved, and a net retail income of over $30 million. Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith occupied the next two slots, with the PlayStation 2 and Xbox versions selling 490,000 and 378,000 units respectively. In fourth place, and significantly down from the big sales of the top three, is Microsoft Game Studios’ Forza Motorsport, with over 184,000 units, beating out the 150,000 unit-selling Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition for the racing crown.

The top handheld titles, Pokemon dominance aside, were Star Wars Episode III and Lego Star Wars on the GBA, with 87,000 and roughly 71,000 units moved each. Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee grabbed the top slot for PSP, with almost 50,000 units, and the familiar face Star Wars Episode III was the top Nintendo DS seller, with over 43,000 units moved.

[ bkaradzic @ 27.06.2005. 17:57 ] @
Nintendo DS hits 1 million mark!

Consumers across Europe have picked the Nintendo DS as their console of choice with over one million consoles having flown off the shelves in just three months since launch.

Since the Nintendo DS launched in Europe on the 11th March 2005, it has achieved record-breaking sales - with 500,000 units sold in its first three weeks alone. From this point, Nintendo DS purchases have ‘skyrocketed’ to shatter the one million mark in under three months. Worldwide, over five million consumers have already got to grips with the Nintendo DS, embracing its innovative touch-screen technology as the stylish and most original games console of this generation.

[ bkaradzic @ 28.06.2005. 19:35 ] @
Interesantan članak o prodaji manjih tzv. casual igara.
John Welch, president and chief executive of PlayFirst, a publisher of casual games, including "Diner Dash," said the $20 game had sold more than 50,000 copies and continued to sell about 1,000 a day.

And games like "Diner Dash" have become big business. Casual games--generally simple-to-play, short-duration games that are graphically unsophisticated--will represent about $250 million a year in sales, Welch estimated. They are a small but growing sector of the overall United States game industry, which is expected to generate $8.4 billion in sales in 2005, according to a forecast by PricewaterhouseCoopers.

[ bkaradzic @ 30.06.2005. 19:01 ] @
PopCap Games Acquires Sprout Games

SEATTLE--(BUSINESS WIRE)--June 29, 2005--PopCap Games(TM), creator of such hit casual games as Bejeweled(R) , Zuma(R), and Bookworm(R), today announced an agreement to acquire Sprout Games(TM), developer of Feeding Frenzy(R), Pizza Frenzy(TM) and Iggle Pop!(TM).

The two privately held companies share a similar philosophy of game design, focusing on simple but compelling game play accessible to everyone. The acquisition is expected to serve PopCap's overall growth strategy -- building expertise, expanding its talent base and maintaining a nimble, low-overhead production schedule -- while also providing Sprout Games with increased resources and an atmosphere of creative freedom.

"We've always been impressed with the Sprout team's approach to game design," said PopCap co-founder and Creative Director Jason Kapalka. "They concentrate on playability and fun, and create highly polished, professional games that are perfect for our audience. We think it should be a great match."

PopCap has delivered over 50 million downloads of its Deluxe version games such as Bejeweled, Bookworm, and Zuma to players worldwide.

[ bkaradzic @ 30.06.2005. 19:25 ] @
SingStar Series Hits 2 Million Units

London, June 30, 2005 – With sales of the SingStarTM series passing the two million mark, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE) has succeeded in establishing another hugely popular series for PlayStation®2. Created by SCEE's London Studio, SingStar was 2004's most successful new franchise in Europe, following in the path of runaway hits such as the EyeToy® franchise (biggest new IP in 2003) and The GetawayTM series (biggest new IP in 2002).

[ bkaradzic @ 02.07.2005. 17:38 ] @
DFC forecasts $8 billion increase in software sales by 2010

Analyst says interactive entertainment industry "continues to exceed expectations"

Financial analysts at DFC Intelligence have issued a new forecast for the interactive entertainment industry, predicting that the arrival of next-generation consoles will prompt a huge surge in profits.

Under a best case scenario model for each next-gen console, software sales are expected to hit the USD 25 billion mark in 2008, up from USD 18 billion in 2004 - while using more real-world figures, DFC estimates that sales will stand at USD 26 billion by 2010.

[ bkaradzic @ 13.07.2005. 21:29 ] @
Opet predviđanja...
In its new report on the next generation console transition, Wedbush Morgan Securities has predicted sales of interactive entertainment software to continue to grow at 10% per year through 2010. Click through for a data-feast.

It predicts next generation hardware shipments through the end of 2007 to reach 46 million units in the U.S. and Europe. Shipments of the current generation consoles in the same regions totalled only 41 million units during the analogous 2000 to 2002 period.

The report states, "In the current cycle, annual industry software sales began with a dip of 9% followed by growth of 4%, 15%, 12%, and 11% in the succeeding years. We expect sales to plateau over the next three years at a similar growth -rate, with the growth rate expanding slightly as the transition between console cycles gradually takes effect."

It goes on to predict the following:

The addressable market opportunity for U.S. software publishers is $16 billion in 2005 (software only) and growing at a double-digit pace.

The difficult Japanese market is opening up to U.S. publishers, as the likes of Electronic Arts and Take-Two enjoy success.

Tie-ratios in the next generation will drop, but higher prices will offset this negative.

Tie-ratio for PS2 will end up around 12.8 compared with about 11 for PS1.

Revenues from console online gaming will not be significant until around 2008.

Costs of development will come in at up to $15 million for the first games of the new generation, levelling out at $6 to $10 million. By contrast, games from PS1 generation cost about $1 million while current generation games cost around $4 million.

Stock prices for game publishers will likely rise, according to the report, in the second half of 2005, as investors get a clearer idea of next generation games and launch dates.

[ bkaradzic @ 13.07.2005. 23:31 ] @
Top 20 Best Selling game titles in Japan for the first half of 2005:

Gran Turismo 4 (PS2, Sony) - 1,051,961 units
Shin Sangoku Musou 4 (PS2, Koei) - 900,689 units
DragonBall Z3 (PS2, Bandai) - 639,950 units
Nintendogs (NDS, Nintendo) - 494,330 units
World Soccer Winning Eleven 8 Livewire Evolution (PS2, Konami) - 458,626 units
Romancing SaGa: Minstrel Song (PS2, Square Enix) - 443,005 units
Sawaru Made in Wario (NDS, Nintendo) - 398,380 units
Mobile Suit Gundam: The One Year War (PS2, Bandai) - 384,762 units
Super Mario 64DS (NDS, Nintendo) - 355,013 units
Tekken 5 (PS2, Namco) - 314,845 units
Radiata Stories (PS2, Square Enix) - 293,413 units
Devil May Cry 3 (PS2, Capcom) - 278,649 units
Dragon Quest VIII (PS2, Square Enix) - 276,604 [3,507,892] units
Another Century's Episode (PS2, Banpresto) - 254,527 units
Everybody's Golf Portable (PSP, Sony) - 231,933 [362,921] units
Monster Hunter G (PS2, Capcom) - 229,966 units
Mushiking (GBA, Sega) - 222,199 units
Biohazard 4 (GC, Capcom) - 220,704 units
Pokemon Emerald (GBA, Pokemon) - 218,574 [1,553,595] units
Touch! Kirby: Mahou no Efude (NDS, Nintendo) - 208,405 units

Hardware sales in Japan for the first half of 2005:

PlayStation 2 - 1,286,882 units
Nintendo DS - 1,236,268 units
PlayStation Portable - 1,137,597 units
GameBoy Advance SP - 497,931 units
GameCube - 159,559 units
GameBoy Advance - 16,040 units
Xbox - 9,045 units

[ bkaradzic @ 20.07.2005. 21:07 ] @
Strategy Analytics predicts that a combined 200 million next generation consoles will be sold by 2012, tapping Sony as the winner with a projected 61% market share.

According to a report released by Strategy Analytics, Sony will sell 121.8 million PS3s worldwide. The company believes Microsoft will pose a larger threat this time around though, selling 58.8 million units. Nintendo is written off as a bit player with 18 million units. Cumulative retail revenues for all consoles are expected to be $47 billion.

[ bkaradzic @ 21.07.2005. 18:06 ] @
Blizzard's World of Warcraft is now officially the largest MMOG in the world, with the title boasting some 3.5 million paying subscribers worldwide - including 1.5 million in China, where the game only launched in early June.

[ bkaradzic @ 21.07.2005. 21:18 ] @
Sales of the PSP, which was launched in Japan in late 2004 and earlier this year in the U.S., totaled 5.1 million units as of July 20. Sales in the U.S. are ahead of those in Japan, at 2.7 million units versus 2.3 million units, the company said at an event in Tokyo.


Kutaragi also revealed that, thus far, 5.7 million PSP units had been shipped worldwide, and the company expected to ship 12 million units in the current business year, and that the company expected to increase its monthly UMD manufacturing amounts from 3 million to 5 million, largely due to a greater variety of (and hopefully demand for) UMD movies.


[Ovu poruku je menjao bkaradzic dana 21.07.2005. u 22:23 GMT+1]
[ elmatnet @ 21.07.2005. 23:16 ] @
da li ima podataka o prodaji domaćih izdanja (bilo CD bilo shareware)
[ Vladimir P. Filipovic @ 22.07.2005. 09:27 ] @
Ovi podaci (ako dobro razumem) uglavnom poticu od samih tih firmi ili u slucaju onih velikih agregatnih statistika od velikih lanaca distribucije i prodaje. Ili od firmi koje se bave analiziranjem trzista. A ove druge dve grupe nemaju razloga da izvestavaju o bilo cemu osim onih najvecih naslova.

Dakle, ako te zanima kako poslovno prolaze Paprikari, mozes samo njih da pitas. Za sad ne vredi da iscekujes da naprosto jednog jutra osvanu u listi najprodavanijih igara u Japanu.
[ bkaradzic @ 26.07.2005. 02:43 ] @
Capcom Sales Numbers

1) Resident Evil - 27,300,000 units (40 titles)
2) Street Fighter - 24,000,000 units (53 titles)
3) Megaman - 24,000,000 units (100 titles)
4) Onimusha - 6,900,000 units (10 titles)
5) Devil May Cry - 5,900,000 units (4 titles)
6) Dino Crisis - 4,400,000 (13 titles)
7) Ghosts 'n Goblins - 4,100,000 units (13 titles)
8) Final Fight - 3,100,000 units (8 titles)
9) Breath Of Fire - 3,000,000 units (13 titles)
10) Disney - 1,320,000 units (33 titles)
11) 1942 - 1,200,000 units (3 titles)
12) Commando - 1,100,000 units (2 titles)

[ bkaradzic @ 26.07.2005. 07:48 ] @
Iz Game Developer Magazina Jun/Jul 2005.

Igra / platforma / broj prodatih kopija
Original IP
Licencirani IP

1. GTA: Vice City / PS2 / 6.3M
2. Super Mario / N64 / 5.9M
3. Grand Theft Auto 3 / PS2 / 5.4M
4. Pokemon Yellow / GB / 5.1M
5. GTA: San Andreas / PS2 / 5.1M
6. Pokemon Blue / GB / 4.8M
7. Goldeneye 007 / N64 / 5.0M
8. Pokemon Red / GB / 4.8M
9. Mario Kart 64/ N64 / 4.7M
10. Halo 2 / XBOX / 4.2M
11. Pokemon Silver / GBC / 3.9M
12. Pokemon Gold / GBC / 3.8M
13. Halo / XBOX / 3.7M
14. Zelda: The Ocarina Of Time / N64 / 3.5M
15. Gran Turismo 3: A-SPEC / PS2 / 3.5M
16. Madden NFL 2004 / PS2 / 3.4M
17. Gran Turismo 2 / PS / 3.3M
18. Madden NFL 2005 / PS2 / 3.2M
19. Gran Turismo / PS / 3.2M
20. Crash Bandicoot Warped / PS / 3.2M
21. Crash Bandicoot 2 / PS / 3.2M
22. Super Mario Bros. DLX / GBC / 3.0M
23. Frogger / PS / 2.9M
24. Tekken 3 / PS / 2.8M
25. Spyro The Dragon / PS / 2.8M
26. Driver / PS / 2.8M
27. Crash Bandicoot / PS / 2.8M
28. Tony Hawk's PRO Skater 2 / PS / 2.7M
29. Madden NFL 2003 / PS2 / 2.7M
30. Final Fantasy VII / PS / 2.6M
31. Tony Hawk's PRO Skater / PS / 2.5M
32. Super Smash Brothers / N64 / 2.5M
33. Super Smash Bros. Melee / GCN / 2.5M
34. Pokemon Stadium / N64 / 2.5M
35. Pokemon Pinball / GBC / 2.5M
36. Diddy Kong Racing / N64 / 2.5M
37. Metal Gear Solid / PS / 2.4M
38. Super Mario Advance 2 / GBA / 2.3M
39. Namco Museum vol. 3 / PS / 2.3M
40. Donkey Kong 64 / N64 / 2.3M
[ elmatnet @ 26.07.2005. 10:14 ] @
ako postaviš igru na www.download.com . Šta kaže statistika, na koliko klikova na igru se proda ista?
[ bkaradzic @ 27.07.2005. 18:24 ] @
For the first quarter, revenues were at $365 million - down around 16 per cent compared with last year's first quarter revenues, but that's still well ahead of analyst expectations, thanks to the million unit plus performance of Battlefield 2 and Medal of Honor European Assault.

"We remain sceptical that this year's edition of Need for Speed can achieve last holiday's 8.2 million units,"

[ bkaradzic @ 28.07.2005. 18:14 ] @
Detaljni izveštaji o prodaji/zaradi/itd. u prvom kvartalu...

Consolidated Financial Results
for the First Quarter Ended June 30, 2005


[ bkaradzic @ 11.08.2005. 21:29 ] @
Battlefield 2 Sells 1.2 Million

Electronic Arts announced today that Battlefield 2 has sold in excess of 1.2 million copies worldwide. It took the game less than 2 months to reach this milestone. This means the Battlefield franchise has sold over 7.2 copies worldwide.


[Ovu poruku je menjao bkaradzic dana 11.08.2005. u 22:30 GMT+1]
[ bkaradzic @ 16.08.2005. 18:28 ] @
Prodaja Nintendo hardvera i softvera...
Hardware & Software

Nintendo DS

DS Hardware Local: 1.72 million units
DS Software Local: 2.75 million units
DS Hardware Worldwide: 5.27 million units
DS Software Worldwide: 10.49 million units


GCN Hardware Local: 9.6 million units
GCN Software Local: 72.5 million units
GCN Hardware Worldwide: 18.50 million units
GCN Software Worldwide: 156.29 million units

Game Boy Advance (SP)

GBA/GBA SP Hardware Local: 28.5 million units
GBA Software Local: 117.2 million units
GBA/GBA SP Hardware Worldwide: 66.79 million units
GBA Software Worldwide: 268.36 million unit

All Current Systems & Software Worldwide

Total Hardware : 347.92 million units
Total Software: 2.03 billion units

Franchise Sales Stats

Total Mario series: more than 182 million units sold worldwide
Total Zelda series: more than 43 million units worldwide
Total Metroid series: more than 10 million units worldwide
Total Pok�mon series: more than 140 million units worldwide
Total Donkey Kong series: more than 43 million units worldwide

[ bkaradzic @ 19.08.2005. 03:16 ] @
Electronic Arts has announced that its newest football game, Madden NFL 2006, has broken sales records for the series and moved 1.7 million copies across all platforms in its first week.

[ bkaradzic @ 26.08.2005. 18:14 ] @
"Nintendogs sold over 700,000 units in Japan. It really provided a dramatic increase in DS sales," said George Harrison, Nintendo of America's senior vice president of marketing and corporate communications. "If you look at the handheld market, we are now constantly outselling (Sony's Playstation Portable) 2-to-1. It really had that kind of power."
[ bkaradzic @ 26.08.2005. 18:39 ] @
Genre Sales Per Platform

PlayStation 2

1. Football
2. General Action
3. Platform


1. FPS
2. Football
3. General Action


1. Platform
2. General action
3. RPG


1. Driving Action
2. Racing Action
3. FPS


1. Platform
2. Racing Action
3. FPS


1. Platform
2. RPG
3. Kids

[ bkaradzic @ 29.08.2005. 22:55 ] @
IRVINE, California - August 29, 2005 - Blizzard Entertainment®, Inc. today announced that World of Warcraft®, its subscription-based massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG), has reached more than one million paying customers in North America. This brings the total population for Blizzard's critically acclaimed game, the largest MMORPG in the world, to more than four million paying customers.

[ bkaradzic @ 01.09.2005. 18:40 ] @
Nintendo Reveals Impressive U.S. Nintendogs Figures

Nintendo has released initial and extremely positive sales figures on the North American launch of its DS handheld title Nintendogs, which lets owners train and care for lifelike puppies using the DS system's touch screen and microphone.

According to the Japanese-headquartered company, the game has racked up sales of an impressive quarter of a million units in its first week of American availability - according to Nintendo, "the best-selling new game franchise ever for a portable system."

[ bkaradzic @ 06.09.2005. 23:41 ] @
PSP Smash Hit in U.K.

According to Chart Track, the Sony PSP has sold more than 185,000 units since launching September 1. This makes it the most sucessful hardware launch in U.K. history, shattering the record previously held by the Nintendo DS at 87,000, which was set March 2005. Despite heavy sales, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe is apparently meeting hardware demand.

The software for the PSP is also selling well, though no singular title stood out particularly in terms of sales. Ridge Racer recorded the most sales, at 37,000 units sold. Other hit titles include Wipeout Pure, Virtua Tennis and Metal Gear Ac!d, for a total of 20 PSP titles entering in the U.K. top 40.

[ bkaradzic @ 07.09.2005. 23:34 ] @
Prodaja u Japanu, Avgust 2005

Winning Eleven 9 (Konami, PS2), released August 4, sold 810,000 copies in one month
Jump All Stars (Nintendo, DS) sold 290,000 copies
Tales of Legendia in third sold 240,000 copies

Nintendo DS - 290,000 Units
Playstation 2 - 130,000 Units
Sony PSP - 90,000 Units

[ bkaradzic @ 17.09.2005. 02:03 ] @
Microsoft has sold 21.9 million Xbox machines globally since it went on sale three years ago, but only about 1.8 million of those were sold in Asia, including Japan.

For most Japanese, the home console of choice is still Sony. The Japanese electronics and entertainment company has sold 91 million PlayStation 2 consoles worldwide over the last five years, 21 million of them in Asia. More than a 100 million of the original PlayStations have been sold worldwide.

Worldwide sales of Nintendo's home console GameCube lag behind PlayStation 2 and Xbox at about 18.8 million.

[ bkaradzic @ 23.09.2005. 23:18 ] @
GB Micro --- 170,306
Nintendo DS --- 72,167
Sony PSP --- 70,152
Sony PS2 --- 24,396
GBA SP --- 11,147
GameCube --- 1,882
GB Advance --- 624
MS Xbox --- 109

[ bkaradzic @ 28.09.2005. 03:46 ] @
Guild Wars, known for challenging the typical MMORPG models, announced it has reached 1 million players in only 5 months.

While most MMORPG titles charge users a monthly subscription to play and access new content, Guild Was sells for $39.99 to $49.99 with no monthly maintainence fee – more inline with standard game sales. Publisher NCsoft is targeting the wider game market with a business model that more consumers are used to for other games.

[ bkaradzic @ 28.09.2005. 17:56 ] @
Chinese MMOG Yulgang has amassed a massive audience of 9 million registered players, just two months since its launch. This is more than double World of Warcraft's global audience.

[ bkaradzic @ 28.09.2005. 17:59 ] @
Xbox košta Microsoft 4 milijarde dolara

Iako su svi znali da Microsoft naveliko gubi na proizvodnji i prodaji Xboxa (koji se prodaje ispod proizvodne cijene), tek je nedavni članak u Forbesu dao priliku vidjeti razmjere gubitaka. Ako je vjerovati autoru, od 2001. do sada na Xboxu je Microsoft izgubio 4 milijarde dolara, što je velika svota novaca čak i za diva iz Redmonda. Doduše, ne treba se bojati da će to ugroziti tvrtku na bilo koji način, jer u bankama Microsoft ima preko 40 milijardi dolara gotovine.

[ bkaradzic @ 05.10.2005. 01:30 ] @
Hardware - This Week | Last Week | Total 2005 Sales

1.) Nintendo DS - 68,123 | 72,167 | 1,766,415 [ Sales to date: 3,262,002 ]

2.) PSP - 50,629 | 70,152 | 1,335,996 [ Sales to date: 1,818,252 ]

3.) Game Boy Advance micro - 46,529 | 170,306 | 216,835

4.) PlayStation 2 - 25,518 | 24,396 | 1,452,226

5.) Game Boy Advance SP - 12,483 | 11,147 | 538,187 [ Sales to date: 5,533,240 ]

6.) GameCube - 2,267 | 1,882 | 159,391

7.) Game Boy Advance - 448 | 624 | 19,987

8.) Xbox - 98 | 109 | 10,111 [ Sales to date: 470,546 ]

[ bkaradzic @ 07.10.2005. 20:36 ] @
Oglašavanje u igrama – isplativo

Tvrtka Double Fusion koja se bavi plasiranjem reklama u računalne igre financirala je istraživanje koje je trebalo otkriti koliko ima smisla plaćati za takav oblik oglašavanja. Prema rezultatima koje je promatrajući rezultate oglasa u igri Metro3D na igračima dobio Nielsen Interactive Entertainment, takvog oglašavanje – ima smisla.

[ bkaradzic @ 11.10.2005. 17:54 ] @
The latest figures and analysis about the Japanese videogame market for the month of September have been released, including hardware stats showing that DS outsold Gameboy Micro in its launch month.

According to Famitsu, the DS was the top-selling hardware again with 240,000 units. In second came Game Boy Micro with 200,000 units and then the PSP with 140,000 units. The PS2 managed to sell 100,000 units.

The best selling game was Koei’s Shin Sangokumuso 4 Moshoden on the PS2 with 260,000 copies, in front of Super Mario Brothers (Nintendo) for the Game Boy Micro with 220,000 copies and Tamagochi (Bandai) for the DS with 150,000 copies.

[ bkaradzic @ 11.10.2005. 17:58 ] @
Xbox 360 sales will top 2.5m by 2006 - survey

Market analysis firm Wedbush Morgan Securities has published a new survey on hardware sales in the US and Europe which predicts that combined Xbox 360 sales in both regions will top 2.5 million by 2006.

The report's authors calculated the figure, which breaks down to 1 million consoles sold in Europe and 1.5 million in the States, based on the assumption that manufacturing began in August.

The report also assumes that 100,000 consoles per week were initially being produced, with that figure rising to 150,000 or more by the end of the year - making for a weekly average of around 130,000 consoles.

Wedbush Morgan also forecasts that Xbox 360 purchasers will buy two games at launch, and a further three games after two months - with the same ratio applying to rival consoles PlayStation 3 and Revolution when they go on sale next year. Xbox software sales will total USD 380 million in 2005, according to the report.

[ bkaradzic @ 18.10.2005. 19:51 ] @
Choi says his company is very satisfied with the progress of MU in China, which has been one of the top 10 most popular games over the past two years. The game has 32 million players in China, three times more than in other parts of the world.


MU = http://www.muonline.com/
[ bkaradzic @ 20.10.2005. 00:34 ] @
Such ventures -- known as massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPG) -- have spawned economies that would rival those of a small country but fly largely under the radar of economists, government statisticians and people beyond the 12-to-35-year-old demographic. However, these economies are becoming increasingly important, says Wharton legal studies professor Dan Hunter, adding that they could redefine the concept of work, help test economic theories and contribute to the gross domestic product in the United States. "Increasingly, these virtual economies are leading to real money trades," notes Hunter, one of a handful of academics closely following this trend.

Another is Edward Castronova, a professor at Indiana University, who has written a series of papers examining the virtual economy which he estimates at somewhere between $200 million to $1 billion. In general, virtual economies are supported by assets collected during a game -- such as the power to slay a dragon -- that are then sold on the Internet for real dollars to other players looking for a competitive edge.

Steve Salyer, president of IGE, says the market for virtual asset trading could hit $1.5 billion in 2005 and $2.7 billion in 2006. Salyer's projections are a blend of internal data and research from outside sources such as DFC Intelligence and the Yankee Group.

[ bkaradzic @ 20.10.2005. 19:42 ] @
Massive Video Game Growth
Interestingly, and perhaps not surprisingly, it's the video game industry that is expected to be the fastest-growing component of the media sector worldwide. Double-digit growth is expected to be propelled by sales of the upcoming next-generation consoles, online and wireless Internet access spending and online advertising.

The global video game market, according to PWC, will increase from $25.4 billion in revenue in 2004 to almost $55 billion in 2009, growing at a 16.5 percent compound annual rate -- and according to how they define the video game category, these figures don't even include the spending on hardware and accessories. PWC believes that the introduction of the next-gen consoles, as well as the continued growth of handheld and mobile gaming, will be key drivers of growth.

PC games in decline, says PWC
The analysts at PWC also think that the PC game market will continue to shrink. In fact, PC game sales are projected to decline from $771 million in 2004 to $655 million in 2009. There is one region, though, where PC games are expected to grow: Latin America. PWC says that limited competition from the new technologies of online and wireless games will enable PC games to flourish there.

The Asia-Pacific video game market, specifically, is also projected to maintain its leadership, growing by 18 percent on a compound annual rate through 2009, reaching $23.1 billion. The U.S. video game market isn't far behind and is estimated to grow by 12.9 percent compounded annually to reach $15.1 billion in 2009. The fastest growing region for video games, however, is believed to be EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa), which is expected to increase by a compound annual rate of 19.1 percent from $6.0 billion in 2004 to $14.3 billion in 2009.

[ bkaradzic @ 21.10.2005. 18:51 ] @
PlayStation Portable Cumulative Shipment by Territory (as of October 21, 2005)

- Japan (including Asia (*1)) 3.00 million units (launch date: December 12, 2004)

- North America 4.47 million units (launch date: March 24, 2005)

- Europe/PAL 2.53 million units (launch date: September 1, 2005)

Worldwide Shipment: 10.00 million units

[ bkaradzic @ 24.10.2005. 19:00 ] @
Prodaja indie igara (ostatak članka je takođe interesantan):
A good example is an independent company called Her Interactive, which couldn't get a publishing arrangement for the Nancy Drew computer games it developed for a very specific niche. So it sold them solely on Amazon.com (AMZN). Atari (ATAR) picked up the titles after the Amazon sales proved there was a market. [Note: To date, Her Interactive has sold more than 2 million units of Nancy Drew titles].

Galactic Civilization is an indie game that has sold over 100,000 copies via direct download. World at War is another, selling in high tens of thousands, also via direct download.

[ bkaradzic @ 24.10.2005. 19:02 ] @
Report Predicts $58.4 Billion Market in 2007

The global games industry will be worth $35.3 billion in 2005, 5.3% higher than in 2004, rising to $58.4 billion in 2007 according to new research from Informa Telecoms & Media. Tons of stats inside...

Informa: Global Games Market Value by Sector ($ million)

Console Hardware
2000: 4,791
2005: 3,894
2010: 5,771

Console Software
2000: 9,451
2005: 13,055
2010: 17,164

Handheld Hardware
2000: 1,945
2005: 3,855
2010: 1,715

Handheld Software
2000: 2,872
2005: 4,829
2010: 3,113

PC Software
2000: 5,077
2005: 4,313
2010: 2,955

2000: 70
2005: 1,944
2010: 6,352

Interactive TV
2000: 81
2005: 786
2010: 3,037

2000: 65
2005: 2,572
2010: 11,186

2000: 24,352
2005: 35,248
2010: 51,292

Software stats include sales and rental.

[ bkaradzic @ 25.10.2005. 01:16 ] @
In a new report released today, the Yankee Group says that the US portable games business will be worth $2.9 billion by 2009.

# One-half of all portable music players will be phone hybrids by 2009, yet these phones will account for only one-third of the portable music service revenue
# Dedicated digital audio devices will continue to be used more exclusively for their single purpose
# Game hand-held devices and phone hybrids will garner a near equal share of revenue by 2009

[ bkaradzic @ 25.10.2005. 19:07 ] @
Game developer Pandemic's Australian studio created "Destroy All Humans" for THQ. The game has shipped more than 1 million units worldwide since it launched in June.

[ bkaradzic @ 27.10.2005. 01:39 ] @
Foundation 9 Entertainment (F9E), the largest independent developer in North America, today announced that it has shipped its 300th title—Capcom Classics Collection for PS2 and Xbox—and it has generated an estimated $1 billion in sales, according to internal data and NPD data.

F9E's titles have sold over 11 million units in the U.S. Some of these include Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith and Spider-Man 2 for GBA, Midway Arcade Treasures and Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee.

[ bkaradzic @ 28.10.2005. 19:33 ] @
Kagan Research have published the ‘Future of Videogames 2005’ which reveals some important insights into the growth of the industry.

# Total videogame industry sales will reach $16 bil. in 2007, a 61% lift over 2004 sales of $9.9 bil.
# Xbox 360 will overtake Nintendo’s Revolution, selling almost twice as many next-gen consoles by 2010.
# U.S. software sales will pick up incrementally, reaching the $8 bil. mark in 2008 — a 30% lift over 2004 industry sales of $6.3 bil.
# 54 mil. U.S. households will own at least one console by 2010, and most will own both a fixed and a portable system.

[ bkaradzic @ 29.10.2005. 17:49 ] @
Zoo Tycoon
Blue Fang's award-winning Zoo Tycoon franchise, published by Microsoft Game Studios, has now sold more than 5 million units worldwide LTD and over 2.5 million units in the United States.

RollerCoaster Tycoon
According to the NPD Group, RollerCoaster Tycoon is the top-selling tycoon franchise, having sold nearly nine million units life-to-date worldwide.

More than 5 million copies in the series have been sold, according to Firaxis. Initial sales data for Civilization IV, which will sell for around $50, should be available in another week or two, Gilmore said.

Nintendo DS hardware
Nintendo has sold 6.65 million of its DS dual-screen handheld system and expects sales to reach 12.4 million by March. The company recently cut the price of the DS by $20 to $129.99. The DS was introduced in November 2004, a month earlier than the PSP.

Resident Evil
Based on the popular Resident Evil series which has sold more than 26 million units worldwide and is Capcom’s highest selling series, Resident Evil 4 sees the return of a familiar hero on a mission of the highest level.
[ bkaradzic @ 01.11.2005. 18:48 ] @
The young video-game creator from Nintendo Co. (NTDOY ) found the six-sided puzzle to be an ideal toy -- a cinch to get started, murder to solve, and impossible to put down. Miyamoto kept those qualities in mind when he created Super Mario Bros., which went on to become the hottest-selling video game of all time, with more than 40 million copies sold.
Miyamoto's three biggest hits -- Donkey Kong, Super Mario Bros., and The Legend of Zelda -- have sold 271 million copies worldwide.
His latest triumph is Nintendogs, a game for Nintendo's top-selling handheld console. It has sold 1.6 million units since its April debut.
[ bkaradzic @ 02.11.2005. 20:56 ] @
Sony has registered sales of more than 2.2 million PSP hardware
units in the U.S. since its March launch.
Sony forecasts
hardware sales in the U.S. to reach 5 million by the end of the year,
as consumers purchase PSP systems to play the new
[ bkaradzic @ 02.11.2005. 21:09 ] @
Two years after its launch Club Pogo, EA's casual games service, has announced its millionth paying subscriber, with woman making up 75% of users.

[ bkaradzic @ 02.11.2005. 23:08 ] @
Interesantna statistika ako treba da odlučite za koje grafičke kartice
da pravite igru:
Market share

Rank    Graphics Supplier       Q2 Market Share Q3 Market Share
1       Intel                   43.80%          41.80%
2       ATI Technologies        26.80%          26.20%
3       Nvidia                  15.90%          17.80%
4       VIA Technologies         7.80%           8.90%
5       Silicon Integrated       5.10%           4.80%
6       Matrox Graphics          0.30%           0.30%
7       XGI                      0.30%           0.20%
8       3Dlabs (Creative Tech)   0.02%           0.01%

[ bkaradzic @ 07.11.2005. 03:01 ] @
With over 23 million units sold worldwide to date, the series has grown over the years to span multiple fictional genres, including the science fiction Tiberium universe, the revisionist history of the Red Alert universe, and a twist on modern warfare with Command & Conquer: Generals.

[ bkaradzic @ 07.11.2005. 21:42 ] @
The Mario Party series has sold more than 5 million units worldwide and is one of the most popular video game franchises.

[ bkaradzic @ 08.11.2005. 21:45 ] @
PopCap's games have been downloaded more than 150 million times, and its flagship title Bejeweled has sold more than 5 million units across all major platforms.

Since its debut in 1998, the #1-selling StarCraft series* has won industry acclaim and has shattered sales records worldwide with over nine million copies sold**
*NPD Intellect/PC Data games category monthly sales April-September 1998
**Based on EDI sell-through, internal company estimates, and reports from key retail accounts around the world

[ bkaradzic @ 08.11.2005. 21:52 ] @
Revenue from Sawyer’s games, mainly including iterations of the Roller Coaster Tycoon franchise for PC, is estimated to be about $180 million, and Sawyer has already received about $30 million in royalties, but still lists multiple examples of what he suggests are incorrect deductions from his royalty total. The grounds for the suit were set up in 2003 when Sawyer brought in forensic accountants to audit royalties due to him from Atari/Infogrames, a process strongly recommended by game lawyer Tom Buscaglia in a recent Gamasutra column.
Neither parties have yet released public statements about the case, and it's unclear whether the future of the Roller Coaster Tycoon will be affected by this court case. According to earlier comments by Sawyer, the franchise had nearly nine million units sold life-to-date worldwide in early 2005, and it's believed that Sawyer still owns the original IP to the game series.

[ bkaradzic @ 09.11.2005. 19:35 ] @
World Of Warcraft (WOW)
According to Blizzard, the number of subscribers worldwide topped 4.5 million prior to the Taiwan launch and it is expected that this figure will rise sharply as gamers in Taiwan, Macau and Hong Kong begin playing the game. The figure is based on individuals who have paid a subscription fee or purchased a prepaid card, as well as those who have purchased the installation box bundled with one free month access.

[Ovu poruku je menjao bkaradzic dana 09.11.2005. u 20:36 GMT+1]
[ bkaradzic @ 10.11.2005. 00:25 ] @
CSI is the top-rated show on network television and won the People's Choice Award for Favorite Dramatic Series in 2003 and 2004. The CSI franchise published by Ubisoft has sold more than 1.5 million units worldwide since the first CSI title was released in March 2003.
[ bkaradzic @ 10.11.2005. 05:15 ] @
Video Game Industry to Hit $42 Billion By 2010, says DFC

DFC Intelligence today announced that based on its latest forecasts, the market research firm expects the worldwide interactive entertainment market to grow from about $28.5 billion in 2005 to around $42 billion in 2010.

"The upcoming launch of the Microsoft Xbox 360 heralds a new generation of console systems that together should push the worldwide game industry towards the size of the global recorded music industry by 2008," said David Cole president of DFC Intelligence.

Cole stressed that it's not just new console hardware that will fuel this growth. Portable systems, online gaming, digital distribution and PC games will all contribute. "There is a growing portable business and, contrary to some reports, the top PC games are making more than ever with the growth of online games and digital distribution," he said.

Ultimately, as the market evolves and business models change, Cole believes the industry will become "more like a network service business and less like a packaged goods industry."

"The skill set of today's major players does not necessarily translate into success going forward and that could open up some opportunities for new market entrants," Cole explained.

[ bkaradzic @ 10.11.2005. 22:41 ] @
WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2006 joins the highly successful line of WWE licensed video games, including last year's WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW for the PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system, which shipped more than two million units worldwide.

[ bkaradzic @ 10.11.2005. 22:42 ] @
"We're giving Star Wars fans what they want – an accessible, fun online adventure that starts where Star Wars: Episode IV left off," said Nancy MacIntyre, senior director of Star Wars Galaxies. "Since June 2003, we've sold more than 1.5 million units of Star Wars Galaxies, and the game has continually improved. The Starter Kit gives fans of all abilities the opportunity to join thousands of Star Wars fans online in nonstop, easy-to-play Star Wars action."

[ bkaradzic @ 14.11.2005. 23:25 ] @
Twenty years after this first appearance, Mario has become one of the best-known video games characters in the world. The Mario franchise has to date sold 190 million games around the world, across eight Nintendo consoles and has launched a hugely successful range of spin-offs including a motion picture, a cartoon series and numerous toy ranges loved by generations.

[ bkaradzic @ 14.11.2005. 23:29 ] @
Since the release of its first home video game system in 1983, Nintendo has sold more than 2 billion video games and more than 353 million hardware units globally, creating enduring industry icons such as Mario(TM) and Donkey Kong(R) and launching popular culture franchise phenomena such as Metroid(R), Zelda(TM) and Pokemon(R).

[ bkaradzic @ 15.11.2005. 23:38 ] @
The first PlayStation 2 title in the series, DRAGON QUEST VIII is the latest in the legendary franchise that has sold over 40 million units worldwide.

Square Enix brings two of Japan's best-selling franchises -- FINAL FANTASY, which has sold over 63 million units worldwide, and DRAGON QUEST, which has sold over 40 million units worldwide -- under one roof.

[ bkaradzic @ 15.11.2005. 23:42 ] @
The franchise issued The Sims and The Sims Bustin' Out -- each of which were met with great success. Combined, these two products have sold more than 8M units worldwide. The Sims 2 for PC shipped in September 2004 and brought fans worldwide a brand new experience with a richer depth of play, deeper emotional complexity and a laugh-out-loud sense of humor. Sales topped 4.5M units worldwide within its first year, making it the best selling PC game of 2004. The first expansion packs for the sequel, The Sims™ 2 University and The Sims™ 2 Nightlife shipped in March 2005 and September 2005 respectively. In Fall 2005, The Sims 2 was released for the videogame consoles. Today, the combined sales for the franchise have topped a staggering 58M units life-to-date.

[ bkaradzic @ 17.11.2005. 21:54 ] @
Created by UK developer Sports Interactive, Worldwide Soccer Manager 2006 features an award-winning game engine where gamers are responsible for overall team performance through the management of important franchise elements such as coaching, scouting, trading, training, human resources and finance. Simulated matches are played out using a top-down match engine developed with ex-Liverpool and Republic of Ireland legend, Ray Houghton. With single-player or multi-player modes, soccer enthusiasts, fantasy sports, tycoon fans, and other sports fans can put their knowledge to the test by managing every facet of a soccer club.

Officially licensed by the Major League Soccer (MLS) in the U.S., Worldwide Soccer Manager 2006 features leagues from 50 different countries, so gamers can manage clubs from countries such as the U.S., Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, England, Italy and Spain. The game includes a player database of more than 270,000 players and staff from more than 5,000 clubs worldwide in more than 170 divisions.

"Sports Interactive's games have sold over 8.5 million units worldwide," said Scott A. Steinberg, VP of Marketing, Sega of America, Inc. "This phenomenal new game is a 'must have' product for any soccer fan in this country."

[ bkaradzic @ 18.11.2005. 20:58 ] @
X-Men games rank among the company's most successful franchises, with more than 25 million units sold across all platforms to date.

[ bkaradzic @ 18.11.2005. 21:00 ] @
Dragon Ball Z

* One of the hottest brands in the video game industry with more than
eight million units sold since May 2002;

* 512 episodes of Dragon Ball(R), Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball GT(R)
have aired, collectively;

* More than $3 billion in worldwide merchandising;

* More than 20 million videos sold in the Dragon Ball franchise;

* 1.5 million monthly visitors to dragonballz.com.

[ bkaradzic @ 19.11.2005. 21:23 ] @
Microsoft’s own Halo, which, combined with Halo 2, has sold 13 million units for Xbox and the PC.

[ bkaradzic @ 20.11.2005. 21:37 ] @
How Many Games Sold Over 500,000 Units in 2004?

A record 12 games sold more than one million units, and of these, nine were rated E or T. Fifty-two console games sold more than 500,000 units.

[ bkaradzic @ 24.11.2005. 02:41 ] @
In just one week, more than 112,000 copies of Mario Kart DS have been sold in the US. Of that number more than 52,000 unique system/game pairs have connected to the online service for Wi-Fi multiplayer gaming.

[ bkaradzic @ 27.11.2005. 23:03 ] @
Nintendo has announced that more than 1 million copies of puppy sim Nintendogs have been sold across Europe since the game launched on October 7th.

[ bkaradzic @ 30.11.2005. 00:43 ] @
Microsoft sold 450,000 Xbox 360 consoles on Nov. 22, its first day on the market, according to estimates by Michael Pachter, a video-game analyst with Wedbush Morgan Securities. But shortages will keep sales to only an additional 550,000 units through the end of the year, accounting for $800 million in additional revenue to Microsoft, Mr. Pachter said.

Sales of the Sony portable PSP game device will also be strong, with an estimated one million units sold during the holidays, Mr. Pachter said. Introduced last March, the PSP has sold two million units to date, according to the NPD Group.

[ bkaradzic @ 30.11.2005. 21:45 ] @
PlayStation 2 has become the standard home entertainment system with over 14,000 PlayStation and PlayStation 2 titles playable, of which 6,200 titles are for PlayStation 2 alone. Cumulative software shipment has reached a total of over 1.869 billion units as of September 2005.

PlayStation 2 Cumulative Shipment by Territory (as of Nov 29, 2005)

· Japan (including Asia (*1)) 22.22 million units (launch date: March 4, 2000)

· North America 40.65 million units (launch date: October 26, 2000)

· Europe/PAL 37.14 million units (launch date: November 24, 2000)

Worldwide Shipment: 100.01 million units (*1) Includes shipment to Asian countries and regions including South Korea.

[ bkaradzic @ 01.12.2005. 21:35 ] @
Molotovs and madmen return to the PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system as SouthPeak Interactive and DC Studios unveil the first details behind State of Emergency 2 (SOE2). The sequel to State of Emergency which sold more than one and a half million units worldwide, SOE2 offers fans a huge variety of new gameplay options, including vehicular and aerial combat, gang control, character switching, unlockable content, hilarious cheats, and a frantic arcade challenge mode, all backed by a gripping storyline.

[ bkaradzic @ 03.12.2005. 03:54 ] @
-- Sale of video game consoles bottomed out in 2005 at 16.5 million units. The launch of new products in the segment will double the size of the market by 2008.

-- The PC is not dead. Some 100 million CPUs were sold in 2002; we estimate 187.3 million units will be sold in 2005.

-- As to be expected, not all applications paint rosy pictures. PDAs are a dying product line as they are being absorbed in smartphones. By 2009, shipment levels will be almost 1/3 of 2005 levels.

[ bkaradzic @ 03.12.2005. 21:14 ] @
The Madden NFL Football franchise from Electronic Arts has driven mass-market consumers to PlayStation 2 online. Madden NFL 2004 sold more than 3 million units on PlayStation 2 alone, more than any other console, and has inspired the largest third party online community. With the recent launch of Madden NFL 2005 , which sold 1.3 million copies in its first week of release, EA expects to see even more consumers logging-on to experience real-time football gameplay than ever before.

[ bkaradzic @ 07.12.2005. 00:35 ] @
PRESS RELEASE: Ford Street Racing Joins the Winning Team

With over a million units sold, the Ford gaming brand has become synonymous with heritage, style and performance, and the latest title in the series Ford Street Racing is no exception. Taking the power of Ford beyond the racetrack and onto the sun-bleached streets of LA, Ford Street Racing delivers a unique fast-and-furious team racing experience.

[ bkaradzic @ 07.12.2005. 00:37 ] @
PopCap's games have been downloaded more than 150 million times, and its flagship title Bejeweled® has sold more than 5 million units across all major platforms.

[ bkaradzic @ 07.12.2005. 21:27 ] @
The first TY the Tasmanian Tiger game is Australia’s best selling game made by an Australian company and the series has sold more than two million units worldwide.

[ bkaradzic @ 08.12.2005. 21:57 ] @
Nintendo DS retail sales are at six million units in the U.S. and Japan compared to Sony's PSP at 4.26 million.

The pup simulator Nintendogs has sold 950,000 units in the U.S. and carries twice the female purchase rate than traditional software.

Nintendo currently owns 72% of the handheld market, with Game Boy Advance at 41%, Nintendo DS at 31%, and PSP at 28%.

[ bkaradzic @ 09.12.2005. 06:03 ] @
The NPD Group also released US hardware sales for the month of November (in total units sold):

* GBA: 892,438
* PS2: 546,096
* NDS: 381,619
* PSP: 359,772
* Xbox 360: 332,121
* NGC: 278,284
* Xbox: 191,320

[ bkaradzic @ 14.12.2005. 05:13 ] @
Unreal Tournament and Unreal Championship have sold more than 9 million units worldwide

[ franticnick @ 14.12.2005. 20:08 ] @
Samo da pohvalim "rubriku" koju vodis. Podaci su zaista jako korisni.

Samo napred.

[ bkaradzic @ 14.12.2005. 22:10 ] @
The first independent figures regarding the launch performance of the Xbox 360 in North America have been released by the NPD Group, revealing that 325,902 consoles were sold by the end of November.

Shortages of the hardware at retail have held back Microsoft's console sales, which lag behind the early performance of the original Xbox - which sold 556,000 units in a comparable amount of time after launch back in 2001, despite direct competition from Nintendo's GameCube, launched only three days later.

Activision, in particular, will be delighted with this showing; Call of Duty 2 was far and away the most popular launch title for the Xbox 360, and with just over a quarter of a million sales, 77 per cent of all Xbox 360 purchasers brought home the game with their console.

Electronic Arts took the next two places in the inaugural Xbox 360 monthly chart, with Madden NFL 2006 selling some 178,000 units, and Need for Speed Most Wanted selling 108,000, while Microsoft's Perfect Dark Zero - the best selling title in the UK at launch - was the highest ranked first-party game at number four, with sales of nearly 86,000 units.

[ bkaradzic @ 14.12.2005. 22:12 ] @
Battlefront II was the top-selling title for the month, racking up over a million unit sales, and was followed in the ranking by EA's Madden NFL 2006, which sold 627,000 units - up significantly over the performance of last year's iteration.

[ bkaradzic @ 14.12.2005. 22:44 ] @
Dragon Ball Z * One of the hottest brands in the video game industry with more than nine million units sold since May 2002

[ bkaradzic @ 15.12.2005. 23:41 ] @
Need for Speed: Underground 1 & 2
EA spokesperson Peter Nguyen told the Straight that the two “underground” series games have sold more than 15 million units. Assuming that the average video game sells for approximately $50, total retail sales would be in the $750-million range.

[ bkaradzic @ 16.12.2005. 22:59 ] @
The Nintendo DS has sold a remarkable 8.83 million units worldwide with 2.37 million units of that being sold in the US. The DS has also performed well on the software front, 5.16 million for the US and 23.8 million worldwide.

Nintendo GameCube is still selling, knocking the 10 million marker on the head in the US and 19.31 million units sold worldwide. Software sales for the GameCube are at 79.49 million units sold in the US and 169.51 million worldwide.

Figures for the Game Boy Advance (all versions) are currently at 29.8 million units in the US and 70.04 million units worldwide. Software sales for the US have reached 128.34 million and 296.12 million worldwide.

Nintendo also revealed the performance of their top five franchises in terms of software sold. Mario topped the list at 184 million units, followed closely by Pokémon with 143 million units. Zelda, Donkey Kong, and Metroid completed the list with 47, 44, and 11 million units each, respectively.

[ bkaradzic @ 19.12.2005. 22:00 ] @
Blizzard has announced that their highly popular MMORPG, World of Warcraft, has surpassed 5 million users worldwide.

[ bkaradzic @ 20.12.2005. 19:09 ] @
Veoma interesantan link za sve vas što pravite casual igre:
The home of the Casual Games weekly top seller chart, the all time best sellers chart and many other sales charts for ‘casual’ games sold in placed like Real Arcade.

[ tosa @ 27.12.2005. 05:10 ] @


Australia Sales Chart, Week Ending December 18
There was no new action in the majority of the charts, but the lower reaches saw a couple of returning favorites from earlier in the year. After a week’s absence from the charts, the Xbox version of Need for Speed: Most Wanted showed up again in the #10 spot, and the long-astray Nintendogs came home to #9 with Dachshund & Friends.

Other than that, the chart remains untroubled by big releases. Sales of Need for Speed: Most Wanted for PS2 sufficiently picked up again to bring it up to #1 over last week’s NFL Rugby League 2, which fell to #4 this week. That shift also brought WWE SmackDown! vs. Raw and Buzz: The Music Game Quiz both up one notch, to #2 and #3 respectively.

Other games hanging around on the chart are PSP smash hit Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories, this week as last week at #5, Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire, now up to #8, and the twin Sony punch of SingStar 80s Bundle and EyeToy: Play 3, taking up the #6 and #7 spaces.

TW LW Title Publisher Formats
1 2 Need for Speed: Most Wanted EA PS2
2 3 WWE SmackDown! vs. Raw THQ PS2
3 4 Buzz: The Music Quiz Bundle Sony PS2
4 1 NRL Rugby League 2 HES Interactive PS2
5 5 Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories Rockstar PSP
6 9 SingStar 80s Bundle Sony Xbox
7 8 EyeToy: Play 3 Pack Sony PS2
8 10 Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire EA PS2
9 - Nintendogs: Dachshund & Friends Nintendo Nintendo DS
10 - Need for Speed: Most Wanted EA Xbox
[ tosa @ 27.12.2005. 05:11 ] @

December 23, 2005

Japanese Sales Charts, Week Ending December 18
Game software have increased once again in Japan, in what is generally the second busiest retail week of the year, with sales up 22 percent on last week, and 163 percent above the weekly average. This underlies a strong end to the year which looks set to continue into the next few weeks, with major releases such as Kingdom Hearts II and a new Nintendo DS Brain Training game yet to come.

The number one title was the latest in Namco’s Tales of role-playing series, with Tales of the Abyss recording an impressive 404,667 unit sales. Aided by the time of year and the tenth anniversary of the series in Japan, this is notably better than the performance of Tales of Legendia in August which recorded around 242,000 sales in its first week, as well as January’s Tales of Rebirth, which had approximately 335,000 units sold in the first week.

The rest of the chart, though, has been completely dominated by Nintendo format games, with no less than six first party titles from the publisher itself. Animal Crossing: Wild World recorded sales of above 100,000 for the third week running to come in at number two with 183,699 units sold, while Mario Kart DS also sold more than 100,000 in its second week with 145,666 units.

Nintendo’s results in terms of hardware sales are even more extraordinary, with the Nintendo DS accounting for 65.89 percent of all hardware sold this week with a total of 408,770 units sold - only 60,000 less than achieved during the launch week. Considering the continuation of underwhelming performance of its game software, the PSP has also sold well, with 95,689 units sold for a 15.42 percent share of the market.

The Xbox 360’s second week on the charts, though, has been even more disappointing than the first, with the console, showing 8,623 units sold, failing to outsell even the GameCube. This is a performance so far in Japan beneath even the low standards of the original Xbox’s launch - in large part thanks to the continued non-appearance of Dead or Alive 4 or any other prominent Japanese-developed titles.

The PlayStation 2 was the third best selling console this week in Japan, with a 8.92 percent market share and 55,342 units sold. The Game Boy Advance family of consoles was next with a 5.48 percent overall share (Game Boy Advance SP: 19,098, Game Boy Micro: 14,432, Game Boy Advance: 416), followed by the GameCube at 2.88 percent and 17,849 units sold. Despite plenty of stock the Xbox 360, as mentioned, could manage only a 1.39 percent market share and 8,623 units sold, beating only the original Xbox on 0.03 percent and 182 units sold.

TW LW Title Publisher Format Release Date
1 NE Tales of the Abyss Namco PS2 2005.12.15
2 4 Oide yo Doubutsu no Mori Nintendo DS 2005.11.23
3 2 Mario Kart DS Nintendo DS 2005.12.08
4 NE Final Fantasy IV Advance Square Enix GBA 2005.12.15
5 10 Tamagotchi no PuchiPuchi Omisecchi Bandai DS 2005.09.15
6 9 Pokémon Fushigi na Dungeon: Aka no Kyuujoutai Nintendo GBA 2005.11.17
7 6 Pokémon Fushigi no Dungeon: Ao no Kyuujotai Nintendo DS 2005.11.17
8 11 DS Training For Adults: Work Your Brain Nintendo DS 2005.05.19
9 1 Rogue Galaxy Sony PS2 2005.12.08
10 12 Gentle Brain Exercises Nintendo DS 2005.06.30
[ bkaradzic @ 27.12.2005. 05:31 ] @
Domestic sales of Nintendo DS portable game machine reached 5 million units in less than 13 months after its launch in early December 2004, the fastest-ever pace in Japan's video game market, Nintendo said on Monday.

[ bkaradzic @ 27.12.2005. 05:35 ] @
Bilder said "Blitz," which was released in October and has sold 350,000 units, fictionalizes real behavior that the NFL tries to downplay, such as off-the-field fights and wild parties. Its release came around the same time authorities in Minnesota launched an investigation after allegations surfaced of misconduct during a boat party attended by several Minnesota Vikings players.

[ bkaradzic @ 29.12.2005. 20:10 ] @
Istraživanje kako žene i muškarci koriste Internet. Evo neki interesantni podatci u vezi igara...


Using the internet for entertainment: Men use the internet more than
women as a destination for recreation.

Men use the web for more kinds of entertainment and recreation than women do, with
just a few exceptions. Women play games as much as men, they listen to audio clips and
watch video clips, and they share files. But men pursue a host of other activities with
greater enthusiasm.

Both men and women do instant messaging, and exchange invitations. Men and women
are about equally likely to go online to listen to music, and watch videos. Sharing files
has a more volatile history. First men did this more often, and now women do. Finally,
men and women are equally likely to go online for no particular reason and to play online

Online activities done by men and women equally

Play games / 36% men / 37% woman / Jun 05
Download games / 22% men / 19% woman / Jun 05
Play lottery or gamble / 4% man / 4% woman / May 03

Part 5. Functions of the internet: How men and women use it as a tool to communicate, transact, get information, and entertain themselves.

How Women and Men Use the Internet - 32 - Pew Internet & American Life Project
Men have recently closed the gap with women in playing online games. Women have
traditionally led men in this data point; as late as November 2004, significantly more
women, 44%, than men, 34%, said they had played games online. In that same survey,
about equal numbers of men and women also said they downloaded such games to play
online. 15

While the last few years have seen tremendous growth in gaming, for one segment of the population, college students, gaming is virtually a commonplace. Computer, video and online games are woven into the fabric of everyday life for college students. And, they are more of a social/socializing activity than most suspected.

• All of those surveyed reported to have played a video, computer or online game at one time or another. Seventy percent (70%) of college students reported playing video, computer or online games at least once in a while. Some 65% of college students reported being regular or occasional game players.

• Students cited gaming as a way to spend more time with friends. One out of every five (20%) gaming students felt moderately or strongly that gaming helped them make new friends as well as improve existing friendships.

• Gaming also appears to play a surrogate role for some gamers when friends are unavailable. Nearly two-thirds (60%) of students surveyed agreed that gaming, either moderately or strongly, helped them spend time when friends were not available.

• Two-thirds of respondents (65%) said gaming has little to no influence in taking away time they might spend with friends and family,

• Students integrate gaming into their day, taking time between classes to play a game, play a game while visiting with friends or instant messaging, or play games as a brief distraction from writing papers or doing other work.

• Gaming is integrated into leisure time and placed alongside other entertainment forms in their residence, and that it forms part of a larger multitasking setting in which college students play games, listen to music and interact with others in the room.

• Most college student gamers seem to associate positive feelings with gaming, such as “pleasant” (36%), “exciting”(34%), and “challenging” (45%). Fewer students reported feeling frustrated (12%), bored (11%), or stressed (6%) by gaming.

• Close to half (48%) of college student gamers agreed that gaming keeps them from studying “some” or “a lot.” In addition, about one in ten (9%) admitted that their main motivation for playing games was to avoid studying.

• College student gamers’ reported hours studying per week match up closely with those reported by college students in general, with about two-thirds (62%) reporting that they study for classes no more than 7 hours per week, and 15% reported studying 12 or more hours per week.

• One third (32%) of students surveyed admitted playing games that were not part of the instructional activities during classes.

[ bkaradzic @ 30.12.2005. 02:11 ] @
According to a TheStreet.com report, Klasell had previously expected Microsoft to ship 2 million systems worldwide for the holiday season. But, after analyzing media reports and having "conversations with retailers", Klasell has revised his estimate to only 1.2 million Xbox 360s shipped so far, with 700,000 to 800,000 of those going to the U.S. region, though these figures are still unconfirmed.

[ bkaradzic @ 02.01.2006. 05:23 ] @
Quake and Doom are the jewels of Id's portfolio. Since the original Quake came out in 1996, Id has sold more than 11 million games. And more than 20 million units of other first-person shooter games using Id technology have been sold.

[ bkaradzic @ 04.01.2006. 18:41 ] @
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Nintendo Co. Ltd (7974.OS: Quote, Profile, Research) said on Tuesday worldwide sales of its Nintendo DS portable video game player have hit 10 million worldwide, with about 4 million sales coming from the United States.

[ bkaradzic @ 06.01.2006. 22:49 ] @
Big Fish Acquires FunPause

Casual gaming website Big Fish Games, one of the top four casual gaming websites, has acquired French casual game developer FunPause.

Big Fish Games, which publishes, develops and distributes online games, distributed 100 million casual games to 25 million customers in 2005, and also released 365 games the same year. The acquisition of FunPause is expected to help Big Fish gain an even stronger grasp on the burgeoning worldwide casual games market.

"We are excited to be a part of the fastest growing casual game site in the world," said Emmanuel Marty, director of Big Fish Games Studios Europe and former CEO of FunPause. "We are being given the liberty to maintain our creative freedom to produce award winning games, while benefiting from the years of experience and success that Big Fish Games brings to this market."

The Montpellier, France-based FunPause developed Atlantis and Fairies, both of which hit number one on casual game distribution sites Yahoo, MSN, AOL, Shockwave.com and EA's Pogo site.

Big Fish Games was in the news recently when indie developer Telltale signed a multititle agreement with the company last month.

[ bkaradzic @ 10.01.2006. 00:24 ] @
But despite its almost overnight success in the US, Xbox hasn't been a hit in Japan. In 2005, the Xbox 360 sold 81,770 units in Japan, while the original Xbox sold 123,000 units in the first three days of its 2002 release, according toFamitsu/Enterbrain, Inc.And Microsoft controls only 5 percent of the Japanese market, compared with an estimated 80 percent for Sony.

[ tosa @ 10.01.2006. 02:29 ] @

CiRCLE's licensed DVD music quiz tops the charts
Ellie Gibson 13:42 09/01/2006
More than 400,000 copies of NOW game sold in the UK alone

Following a Christmas which saw bumper sales of interactive DVD games, Derby-based publisher CiRCLE has released figures for its first DVD title, Now That's What I Call A Music Quiz.

According to CiRCLE, more than 400,000 units have been sold since NOW was released on December 5th. The game saw off rivals such as Who Wants to Be a Millionaire 3 to become the the best-selling DVD game of quarter 4 2005 - and it's still topping the UK's DVD game retail sales chart.

The NOW DVD game features more than 1500 questions, single and multiplayer modes and tutorial commentary by DJ Mark Goodier. All musical content is provided by Virgin, EMI and Universal, who are responsible for marketing and distributing the CiRCLE-developed title.

CiRCLE has confirmed plans to release further DVD games in the future, and games licensed by the Discovery Channel, Eurosport, FIFA and the NBA are due out in the first quarter of this year.

The interactive DVD format has grown increasingly popular since it first emerged in late 2003 - sales rose by 600 per cent over the course of just one year, and more than one million copies of blockbuster titles such as Scene iT? and the original WWTBAM have been sold.

According to a Screen Digest forecast, the format will generate USD 1 billion by 2007, with 300 million consumers from around the globe playing DVD games - a figure that's set to hit 493 million by 2010.
[ bkaradzic @ 12.01.2006. 00:22 ] @
Madden 2004 sold an estimated 4.8 million units.

Call of Duty managed 1.7 million followed by less than a million for Big Red One.

PC and Xbox 360 game Call of Duty 2 (1.5 million)

The 2004 game X-Men Legends sold 1.2 million with last year's X-Men Legends II probably hitting around 750K. A third game this year is estimated to manage only 550K.

True Crime Streets of L.A. has sold 2.1 million units since its 2003 launch.

[ bkaradzic @ 12.01.2006. 21:48 ] @
The move would make strategic sense for Nintendo, which has sold over 13 million units of the Nintendo DS worldwide in the past year, and is believed to have fairly low levels of stock of the existing hardware in the retail channel in most of its major markets at present.

[ bkaradzic @ 13.01.2006. 23:23 ] @
600,000 Xbox 360 U.S. game units sold in U.S.-NPD

[ bkaradzic @ 13.01.2006. 23:34 ] @
Geometry Wars
Since the 360 was launched less than two months ago, the trial version of the game has been downloaded more than 200,000 times, according to Canessa. Nearly 45,000 people have purchased the full game and had their high scores posted on Xbox Live's global-leader board.

[ bkaradzic @ 14.01.2006. 02:01 ] @
U.S. Video Game Industry Achieves Record-Breaking Year

Naysayers thought it couldn't be done, especially with the terrible sales performances during the fall/winter period, but thanks largely to portable gaming the U.S. video game industry has set a new record of $10.5 billion.

[ bkaradzic @ 18.01.2006. 22:27 ] @
Having already sold more than 326,000 units by the end of November, the hard-to-find next-gen console saw another 281,000 ship during December, bringing the total to around 607,000.

[ bkaradzic @ 19.01.2006. 08:24 ] @
Once one of the most popular game machines, the PC is losing ground to consoles, handhelds and even wireless phones. Even as the rest of the industry expands, sales of PC-based games are falling like a rock, dropping 12% last year, for instance, according to research firm NPD.

"It's inevitable that [PC game sales] will go down, but I wouldn't think they would go down that precipitously," said Michael Pachter, an analyst who covers the video-game software industry for Wedbush Morgan Securities. "You want to see everything up. You don't want to see anything down 12%."

Software makers sold about 45 million units of PC-based games last year, tallying $1.08 billion in retail sales, according to NPD. That was down from 2003, when they sold 52.7 million units with a retail value of $1.22 billion. And even 2003's sales totals were down 14% from the prior year, when gamemakers sold $1.4 billion worth of PC titles at retail.

However, the figures from 2005 appeared grim for one game platform in particular--the PC. According to a report released late yesterday by the industry-research group NPD, 2005 saw PC-game revenue slide from 1.1 billion in 2004 to just $953 million, a 14 percent decline. By volume, the drop-off was even greater, going from 47 million games sold in 2004 to just 38 million in 2005--a slump of 19 percent.

As one might expect, the number one game of 2005 was World of Warcraft, with 957,000 units sold. Taking both second- and third-place slots was Electronic Arts, with The Sims 2: University's 574,000 units and The Sims 2's 559,000 units.

[ bkaradzic @ 19.01.2006. 23:44 ] @
France, Paris – 19 January, 2006 -- Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.’s World of Warcraft®, the world’s leading subscription-based massively multiplayer online role-playing game, has surpassed the one million customer milestone in Europe, more than quadrupling the previously estimated size of the entire European MMORPG market since its launch in February 2005. In addition, World of Warcraft topped the sales charts* for full-price PC games in Europe last year. Worldwide, the game has a growing audience of more than 5.5 million customers.

[ bkaradzic @ 24.01.2006. 19:12 ] @
"Psychonauts," though, was a critical darling – earning a spot on many critics' holiday buying guides. Despite this, the game never found an audience. Sales were awful, coming in at under 100,000.

[ bkaradzic @ 25.01.2006. 01:47 ] @
The Rayman® range: 15 million units sold

Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell®: over 12.5 million units sold

Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six®: over 12.5 million units sold

Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon®: over 8.5 million units sold

Myst®: over 11 million units sold

Prince of Persia®: over 5 million units sold

Chessmaster®: over 5 million units sold

Settlers®: over 5 million units sold

Brothers in Arms: 1.7 million units sold

[ bkaradzic @ 25.01.2006. 19:14 ] @
Vivendi Universal has announced that multi-format title 50 Cent: Bulletproof has proved to be a hit with gamers, with more than 1 million copies sold in the US and UK since the game launched last November.

[ bkaradzic @ 25.01.2006. 21:56 ] @
Dance Dance Revolution, a favorite at arcades, has built up a solid following among youth and adults, who enjoy the game's fast pace, fun music and sweat-inducing challenges. In the game, players must dance on a large pad lined with sensors, timing their rapid steps carefully to the music and to video prompts on the screen. Since the game was introduced on American video consoles in 2001, Konami has sold 3 million units.

[ bkaradzic @ 27.01.2006. 18:57 ] @
Need for Speed
The franchise has sold more than 60 million units since it first appeared in 1995.


[ bkaradzic @ 29.01.2006. 00:08 ] @
Hollywood Games in 2005
Top 10 Games of 2005 were based on Star Wars. Star Wars Battlefront II for PlayStation 2 sold over 1 million units to rank sixth overall, while Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith for PS2 sold about 931,000 copies for the eighth spot and Lego Star Wars for PS2 came in tenth place with sales of 807,000 units.

Star Wars Battlefront II for Xbox sold 779,000 units

Star Wars Battlefront for PS2 came in 16th with over 679,000 units sold and earned 87th place for Xbox with sales of over 347,000 copies

Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith for Xbox sold over 570,000 to earn the 27th spot for the year and the GBA version sold 326,000 copies for 100th place.

Lego Star Wars on Game Boy Advance sold over 491,000 copies for 38th place and the Xbox version sold another 417,000 copies for 53rd place.

Ubisoft had solid success with its Peter Jackson's King Kong game, which ranked 72nd for 2005 as the PS2 version sold approximately 376,000 copies in just two months.

The Xbox Kong game, though unraked, sold about 180,000 copies in 2005.

Activision's Madagascar game came in 73rd and 75th place for 2005. The GBA title sold over 374,000 units, while the PS2 game sold about 370,000 copies.

THQ's The Simpsons Road Rage for GBA, which came in 85th place with sales of over 348,000 units, and The Incredibles for GBA, which took the 88th spot with sales of over 345,000 units.

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe sold over 212,800 units on GBA and over 173,700 units on PS2.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, the first game to blend both the literary works and the film cast, sold over 282,200 units on PS2 and over 214,100 copies on GBA for 2005.

[ bkaradzic @ 03.02.2006. 05:14 ] @
Napokon podatak o prodaji indie/shareware igara. Radi se o igri Democracy firme Positech Games
Date: June 2005
Downloads: 1,300
Buy page views: 965
Sales: 178
Price: 22.95 USD
Gross profit: 3551,1 USD
Conversion rate: 13.69%

July 2005
The figures for July are down to 6.1%, but thats due to a huge download spike whose sales impact might not have trickled through yet.

June 2005 - January 2006 (8 months)
Sales: 2000
Avg. Price: 21.45 USD (went up from 19.95 to 22.95 4 months ago)
Gross profit: 42900 USD

[ bkaradzic @ 05.02.2006. 07:04 ] @
Date: December 18th - 26th Dec (9 days)
Downloads: 52,000 (including 2 Portals)
Sales: 165
Price: 19.99 USD
Gross profit: 3298.35 USD
Avg. Conversion rate: 0.3%

Total expenses: about 30% from gross profit (portals, affiliates, ecommerce provider and other fees)

Net profit: 2300 USD

Additional comments:
Xmas bonus was released as an experiment. The sales figures aren’t typical, Xmas bonus was targetted and released within 2 weeks of Xmas. No additional marketing was done. The Net Profit percentage is not typical. Normally we would advertise a title.

[ tosa @ 08.02.2006. 08:06 ] @
I jos jedna statistika o shareware igri!
Link je isti: http://www.gameproducer.net/category/sales-statistics/

Game: Cactus Bruce and the Corporate Monkeys
Short description: Gameplay is a cross between a Frozen Bubble-type game and a Breakout-type game.
Developer: Blue Tea Games
Released: November 2004
Current Version: 2.4, revised 10 times.
Team size: 5 people
Time to complete: 2.5 months (v1.0)

Date: Jan 2005 - Dec 2005 (12 months)
Downloads: 555 000 (estimation)
Sales: 4993 units
Price: 19.95 USD
Gross sales: 99610 USD
Conversion rate: 0.6 - 1.2%
[ bkaradzic @ 12.02.2006. 00:05 ] @
Distributed by Eidos Interactive, the original LEGO Star Wars was the No. 13 best-selling video game of 2005 (according to NPD Funworld) with over 2.5 million copes sold worldwide, and also won its fair share of awards. A few of the most notable include G4 Videogame TV's Best Adaptation of 2005 at the G-Phoria Video Game Awards, IGN.com's Best Platform Game, GameSpot.com's Best Use of Creative License, and it was one of 1UP.com's Hidden Gems of the Year. To date the first game has sold more than 3.3 million units worldwide.

[ bkaradzic @ 24.02.2006. 19:00 ] @
Title: Morning’s Wrath
Short description: Classic Adventure / RPG fusion. It combines rich story and puzzles with intense melee and spell-casting combat.
Developer: Ethereal Darkness Interactive
Released: October 1, 2005
Current Version: 1.3
Team size: 5 person team
Time to complete: 3 years
Distribution: Boxed and Downloadable version
Distribution Outlets: MorningsWrath.com, JustAdventure.com
Demo download size: about 80 MB

Date: Oct 2005 - Feb 2006 (5 months)
Downloads: over 3000 (2000+ from download.com, over 1000 from other places)
Sales: 100 units
Price - boxed: 29.95 USD
Price - download: 19.95 USD
Gross sales: 2000 - 3000 USD
Conversion rate: about 3.3%

Revenue share:
The manufacturer MRW Connected: about 50% (responsible orders, issues with sales, etc.)
Developers: about 50%

Bugdet: 3000 USD (tools, graphics and audio, little bonuses to developers during the development)
Webhosting Costs: Sponsored

Advertising & Promotion methods:
* Press Releases
* Demo
* Reviews
* Forums

[ bkaradzic @ 28.02.2006. 07:57 ] @
Trideset najprodavanijih IP.


[Ovu poruku je menjao bkaradzic dana 02.03.2006. u 19:33 GMT+1]
[ bkaradzic @ 02.03.2006. 18:32 ] @
Developer Blizzard announced today that its ever-popular MMORPG World of Warcraft has exceeded 6 million worldwide subscribers; Spanish version on the way.

Just last December, Blizzard had announced that it had reached a 5 million user WoW milestone.

In addition, the game will soon be available in Spanish, bringing the number of WoW-supported languages up to four in Europe. English, German and French editions are currently available. The Spanish version of the game will be complemented by a fully Spanish website, along with a Spanish-speaking support and community staff.

Localization will be performed by Blizzard.

[ bkaradzic @ 29.03.2006. 23:52 ] @
Title: Titan Attacks
Developer: Puppygames
Released: 5th March 2006
Current version: 1.2
Team size: 2 part-time + 2 contracted
Time of development: 6 man-months
Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux

Price: 9.95 USD
Units sold: 457 as of 27th March 2006 (in 22 days)
Downloads: 9658 as of 27th March 2006 (in 22 days)
Conversion rate: 4.7%

* Sound: 351 USD
* press releases: 99 USD

* Direct sales: 3810 USD
* Affiliate sales: 70 USD

Advertising & Promotion methods:
* Press Release
* Apple.com front page coverage
* Promosoft to PAD download sites
* Free listing on download.com
* PPD on download.com
* Finding review sites and ask for reviews
* Choosing affiliates carefully

[ tosa @ 01.04.2006. 11:50 ] @

March 31, 2006

Japanese Sales Charts, Week Ending March 26
The Japanese games market has continued to show clear signs of positive growth in 2006, with another week in which three of the top ten games all sold over 100,000 units. Final Fantasy XII fell off steeply from its opening weekend, though, to register 237,678 units sold.

In the end, FF XII was almost beaten by the latest Pokémon spin-off, Pokémon Rangers: Diamond-Pearl e no Michi which registered 193,337 units sold on its debut. Nintendo has marketed the game in conjunction not only with a new movie in Japan but also as a prelude of sorts to the forthcoming Diamond and Pearl role-playing game sequels, and it is expected to enjoy considerable sales for a number of weeks.

The third placed title was the latest Ace Combat flight simulator from Namco which enjoyed a healthy 109,100 sales in its first week. This was followed by Animal Crossing: Wild World, which again added considerably to its more than 2 million lifetime-to-date Japanese sales with an extra 82,797 units sold. Koei’s latest Dynasty Warriors spin-off fared rather worse at number six, though, with just 54,360 units sold.

In terms of hardware, the Nintendo DS increased its lead over the other formats with 159,293 consoles sold – 119,986 DS Lite and 39,307 of the original hardware. Thanks to Final Fantasy XII, the PlayStation 2 was in second place for the second week with 34,169 unit sold, perhaps affecting sales of the PSP, which sank to a recent low of 31,077 units. The Game Boy Advance family of consoles sold 10,608 units, followed by the GameCube with 1,458 units, and the Xbox 360 in last place as usual with 1,415 units.

TW LW Title Publisher Format Release Date
1 1 Final Fantasy XII Square Enix PS2 2006.03.16
2 NE Pokémon Rangers: Diamond-Pearl e no Michi Nintendo DS 2006.03.23
3 NE Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War Namco PS2 2006.03.23
4 2 Oide yo Doubutsu no Mori Nintendo DS 2005.11.23
5 3 Kahashima Ryuuta Kyouju Kanshuu: Motto Nouo Kitaeru Otona DS Nintendo DS 2005.12.29
NE Shin Sangoku Musou 4 Empires Koei PS2 2006.03.23
7 4 Eigo ga Nigate na Otona no DS Training: Eigo Duke Nintendo DS 2006.01.26
8 5 Kahashima Ryuuta Kyouju no Nouo Kitaeru Otona DS Training Nintendo DS 2005.05.19
9 NE Harukanaru Toki no Uchi de 3: Unmei no Meikyuu Koei PS2 2006.03.23
10 7 Mario Kart DS Nintendo DS 2005.12.08
[ bkaradzic @ 06.04.2006. 18:42 ] @

Sales Stats: Tribal Trouble
Posted in Sales Statistics
April 6th, 2006

Title: Tribal Trouble
Developer: Oddlabs
Released: 1st April 2005
Team size: 4 full-time + 2 freelance
Time of development: 2½ years (includes startup of the company, with many months spent on business
plans and other bureaucracy.)
Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux

Price US $29.95
Direct online sales: 1500
….. Windows: 460 (31%)
….. Mac OS X: 680 (47%)
….. Linux: 160 (11%)
….. Undefined: 200 (11%)
Portal sales: 400
Danish box sales: 650
German box sales: (sorry, not allowed to say)

Downloads: 100,000 (initiated - from own server)
- Windows: 60,000
- Mac OS X: 25,000
- Linux: 15,000

Conversion rate: 1.5%
- Windows: 0.8%
- Mac OS X: 2.8%
- Linux: 1.1%

Net income: US $60,000 (roughly)

- Music/SFX/GFX: US $6000
- Servers: US $2000
- PR (press releases, gifts for PR competitions): US $600
- GDC (trip for 3 to San Jose + flyers and merchandice): US $4800

Tribal Trouble Developer Sune Nielsen added:

Of course there are a lot of other expenses, but none tied directly to Tribal
Trouble. These include hardware, software, rent and saleries (though they are
low :)), amounting to more than US $40,000. Our first fiscal report isn’t done
yet and I’m not the one working on it, so this is as close as I can get at
the moment.

[ bkaradzic @ 07.04.2006. 01:43 ] @
IGF keeps indie spirit alive in game industry

The video game industry has its own garage-band indie scene where programmers work on labors of love below the radar of the major publishers.

Introversion's Arundel confirms that much of the success of "Darwinia" is due to the decision to sell the game both in retail stores (approximately 10,000 units) and on his company's Web site (approximately 8,000 units). In addition, he signed a deal with Valve Software whose digital distribution system, known as Steam, is available to independent developers. He sold another 17,000 copies through Steam.

"That's about 35,000 copies at about $15 per copy," says Arundel. "When you figure we made half a million dollars with no advertising or marketing whatsoever, that's not too bad."

[ bkaradzic @ 26.04.2006. 21:57 ] @
To date, Lumines has sold more than 700,000 units worldwide, and both it and Meteos are well-rated by critics as some of the top puzzle titles for the PSP and Nintendo DS.

[ bkaradzic @ 27.04.2006. 18:19 ] @
Title: Crystal Cave & Crystal Cave GOLD

Description: Crystal Cave and Crystal Cave Gold are family-fun puzzle games.
Developer: 300AD
Released: 1st March 2004, GOLD August 2004, Mac August 2005
Team size: 2
Time of development (all version together): 2 months (not fulltime, only 3-4 hours/day). 2 weeks programming + graphics, 3 weeks levels design, 1 week testings and one month creating level hints (due to customer requests, because some levels are really hard).
Platform: Windows, Mac OS X

Price: US $12.95 (Crystal Cave), US $19.95 (Gold)
Direct sales:
- Crystal Cave: 334 copies
- Crystal Cave Gold: 252 copies
- Crystal Cave Gold MAC: 74 copies
Net sales: (Net sales is the cash received. Gross sales is the sales before payment processing fees.)
- Crystal Cave: US $3328.09 USD (Gross sales: US $4649.84, including sales taxes)
- Crystal Cave Gold: US $3450.78 (Gross: US $5427.36, including sales taxes)
- Crystal Cave Gold MAC: US $1211.72 (Gross: US $1559.54, including sales taxes)
Other sales:
- Portals, distributors: US $4000 - $5000 (Gross: not allowed to say - Gameproducer’s guess: near $15000)
TOTAL: US $11000 - $12000

Conversion rates: (counted from files requests, not from full download files)
- Windows: 1.0%
- Mac: 0.7%

Windows: 55000 (25.000 download.com, 30.000 primary and secondary servers)
Mac: 12100

- press release: US $100
- porting the mac version: US $150
- other (download.com, google adwords, etc.): US $650
TOTAL: US $900

Promotion methods:
- Manually submitted to download sites first year
- PromoSoft
- Press release
- Google adwords
- Download.com (US $99 program for 4 months)
- newsletters to friends
- competitions (that were self made)
- sending infor to several news conferences

Additional comments:
Pavel Tovarys:
Tip for developers - don’t do very hard logic levels. Some of levels in Crystal Cave GOLD are extremelly hard and there are no many people who finish them and casual players have usually problems with middle difficulty levels, so we got hundreds of level support request “how could I finish the level” and we had to create a special hints page for the players. Some of players send us tens of support mails ;)

Thanks for the sales statistics Pavel, and good luck with the sales.

[ bkaradzic @ 30.05.2006. 19:40 ] @
SPOnG can't decide if it's shocked or not that Japanese gamers bought an estimated 480,000 copies of New Super Mario Bros for their Nintendo DS consoles in the first day the game went on sale. This means that a million units might well be snapped up inside the first week.

[ bkaradzic @ 05.06.2006. 05:07 ] @
Evo i jedan podatak o prodaji domaće igre:
DEXSOFT Multimedia je do sada izdala vise od 10 CD-ROM naslova od kojih je svakako najpoznatiji "Kuca za igranje" (Jatszóház), serija od tri dela, od kojih je prvi deo prodat u vise od 10.000 primeraka na madjarskom trzistu.

[ bkaradzic @ 11.06.2006. 22:56 ] @
Its Guitar Hero, an instructional game developed with game publisher RedOctane, carries the MTV brand and has sold more than 340,000 units in just six months—a hit for an original game, says CNET's Larson. And it is currently developing a game tied to forthcoming Vin Diesel vehicle The Wheelman from Paramount and MTV Films.

[ bkaradzic @ 13.06.2006. 02:44 ] @
Lista od 718 igara koje su prodane u više od milion kopija.

Worldwide Million Selling Software
[ Filip Strugar @ 13.06.2006. 11:47 ] @
bkaradzic: Lista od 718 igara koje su prodane u više od milion kopija.

Bez veze, izostavili su StarCraft, on je prodat u vise od 10mil, trebao bi biti u prvih 20. Ko zna sta su jos izostavili - npr Civilization je sigurno prodat u vise od milion.
[ bkaradzic @ 13.06.2006. 17:48 ] @
Filip Strugar: Bez veze, izostavili su StarCraft, on je prodat u vise od 10mil, trebao bi biti u prvih 20. Ko zna sta su jos izostavili - npr Civilization je sigurno prodat u vise od milion.

Da, piše tamo da su dosta toga izostavli... Ako imaš podatke iz nekog izvora koji možeš da citiraš, skroluj na dno te stranice i klikni na ovaj link: ;)
Any comments on these numbers? Come and have your say in the forum

[ bkaradzic @ 15.06.2006. 17:44 ] @
OceanDive - Screensaver And Exploration Game Reaches Over $60000 Sales
Title: OceanDive (download :: purchase)
Developer: SCS Software
Description: Combination of a 3D scuba diving screensaver and exploration game
Released: March 3, 2005
Team: 4 full time + 4 part time (2 programmers and 2 artists in the core team, with occasional submissions from a further 2 artists, and occasional support from 2 other programmers.)
Development Time: 4+1 calendar months (4 months main production, extra month for technical post production)
Platform: Windows
Development platforms & tools: Windows & Linux, Visual studio 2003, GCC, Alias Maya, Adobe Photoshop.

Sales to date:

* Price: US $19.99
* Direct Online sales: over 4,000 copies
* Net Revenue: about US $60,000
* Downloads: 280,000 (from Download.com, but way over half those people were driven to download.com from our own site)
* Website: We attract 30,000-40,000 unique visitors per month to www.oceandive.com.
* Retail distribution: a couple of smaller deals in Europe below $10,000
per deal, still waiting for the right offer for US retail distribution.

[ Filip Strugar @ 15.06.2006. 18:28 ] @
bkaradzic: Da, piše tamo da su dosta toga izostavli... Ako imaš podatke iz nekog izvora koji možeš da citiraš, skroluj na dno te stranice i klikni na ovaj link: ;)

Nazalost ne mogu iskopati na netu nista pametno, osim izjava kao sto su 'za ---- godinu je prodat 6 miliona primeraka' i to da je otprilike pola cele prodaje otpalo na koreju :))


Top Selling Windows Games for Week Ending 3 June 2006
[ bkaradzic @ 19.06.2006. 18:44 ] @
Guild Wars Exceeds 2 Million Units Sold

The combined sales of Guild Wars and its follow-up, Guild Wars Factions have exceeded two million units sold worldwide to date.

Publisher NCsoft also announced that the NPD Group recorded Guild Wars Factions as May's number one-selling PC game for North America. It also topped the charts in Europe that same month.

“As a top seller for GameStop and EB Games, we watch with high interest how this property continues to make a stronghold for itself in the marketplace," said GameStop's Bob McKenzie, senior VP of merchandising.

The original Guild Wars launched in April 2005, and Guild Wars Factions launched on April 28, 2006. The subscription-free MMO is developed by Bellevue, Washington-based ArenaNet, a subsidiary of NCsoft, and is available for play in Korea, North America, Europe, Japan and Taiwan.

By comparison, Blizzard's subscription-based World of Warcraft reached 6 million players worldwide in February.

[ tosa @ 30.06.2006. 08:20 ] @
Spiderman 2 the Movie made $360m in box office receipts during its first month in the US, and 36 million people saw it. In stark contrast, the game made $20m in its first month in the US, and sold a meagre 405,000 copies.
[ Aca_LP @ 19.07.2006. 14:33 ] @

Total direct sales: 3,050 units (in the year since release)

Asteroid Miner
- February: US $17,97
- March: US $5.99
- April: US $29.95
- May: US $23.96

Starship Tycoon
- February: US $619.62
- March: US $671.58
- April: US $599.63
- May: US $621.64

Democracy (You might also want to check out the previously published Democracy sales stats)
- February: US $5206.76
- March: US $4,253.83
- April: US $3528.38
- May: US $5916.80

[ bkaradzic @ 24.07.2006. 02:43 ] @
Since then, the company has garnered considerable success with the relaunch of the Tomb Raider series in Crystal Dynamics’ Tomb Raider: Legends, which has now sold 2.9 million units worldwide on all formats. The more recent Hitman: Blood Money has also performed well, according to the firm, with 1.5 million units sold in Europe and North America.

[ bkaradzic @ 24.07.2006. 03:01 ] @
The inaugural episode is still a retail bestseller, and while Lombardi declines to give numbers sold via Steam, it’s worth noting that for the original Half-Life 2, which sold four million total units, an estimated 1 in 4 were bought and distributed over Steam. It’s safe to assume a similar ratio will obtain for the episodic version.

The Steam Numbers
Total Steam Users: 8 million total, 5 million active (last 30 days)
Sales: Unknown for Half-Life Two: Episode One
Half-Life 2 sales via Steam: 750,000-1 million @ approx. $49.95 each

[ bkaradzic @ 25.07.2006. 21:21 ] @
20 Million Dollar Failure

The launch window picked was close to perfect: December 17, 2002, just in time for Christmas, virtually assuring millions of sales. In-house predictions called for an ongoing active subscriber base of up to 1 million people, but The Sims Online launched out of the gate and promptly fell flat. Six months after launch, Wired reported 125,000 retail copies sold and 97,000 active subscribers - not bad, but not enough to justify the game's $20 million budget. By April, 2004, their subscription rate peaked at around 55,000, and has now stagnated near 35,000.

[ bkaradzic @ 31.07.2006. 06:20 ] @
All of these small transaction fees add up - Habbo Hotel had $30 million in revenue last year.

53 million Habbo characters have been created and close to 7 million unique users worldwide visit Habbo each month (source: Nielsen Netratings, June 2006). The service is available in 18 countries.

[ bkaradzic @ 01.08.2006. 23:02 ] @
Next-Gen.Biz has ranked the top 100 games of the PlayStation 2 / Xbox / GameCube generation based wholly on unit sales. Analysis includes revenues, average review scores, commentary, spin-offs and more.

[ bkaradzic @ 08.08.2006. 18:20 ] @
List of commercial failures in computer and video gaming
[ bkaradzic @ 09.08.2006. 21:42 ] @
Here are some notes on how this list works.

* Stats, ordering and research: thanks to game publishers, retail analysis sources and NPD data.
* Games are ranked purely by units sold. This tends to favor games released earlier, rather than later, and games which have spent a long time at a lower price point have also done well, but we wanted to reward longevity and popularity across all audiences, not just hardcore – a particularly important criterion for the large child-oriented sector of the handheld market.
* For the Pokemon and Super Mario Advance series, only the top selling SKU is represented on the list. This was to prevent these two franchises from choking the upper echelons of the list – apparently, people buy a lot of them.
* This list is for the U.S market only.
* This list only features games released since the introduction of Game Boy Advance, PlayStation Portable, and Nintendo DS.

[ bkaradzic @ 11.08.2006. 00:55 ] @
Ovu igru je napravio tim od 9 ljudi za 90 dana (podatak sa GDC06, Iwata).

Brain Age Sales Top 4 Million Units
Nintendo's Brain Age for the DS has sold four million copies worldwide, exhibiting the widespread appeal of a well-executed "non-game."

So far, 600,000 units have sold in the Americas, 3 million in Japan and 500,000 in Europe, according to Nintendo. The company describes the game as the "cornerstone" for its pick-up-and-play Touch Generations brand of games.

Another smart title in the Touch Generations catalog is Big Brain Academy, which consistently appears in the top 10 DS sellers on Amazon.com's sales charts and has sold over 250,000 copies since its June 5 US launch. Nintendo launched Touch Generations in late May, a brand which also includes titles such as Magnetica and Sudoku Gridmaster.

The success of games like Brain Age bodes well for Nintendo's Wii strategy. The company's upcoming console will cater to the same gamers who are attracted to pick-up-and-play games.

Nintendo of America VP of marketing Perrin Kaplan told BusinessWeek in June, "One of our goals was to target people entering the game world for the first time. It's absolutely about tapping into emerging markets."

[ bkaradzic @ 01.09.2006. 04:55 ] @
Major publisher and developer Electronic Arts announced that it has already sold an estimated 2 million copies of Madden NFL 07 since it was released on August 22, a new all-time record for the veteran sports franchise.

The game is currently available for the Xbox 360, Xbox, PlayStation 2, GameCube, PC, Nintendo DS and PSP, with versions for the Wii and PlayStation 3 planned for release later this year alongside each console's respective launch.

If accurate, this would make the latest entry in the 17-year old franchise the best selling version yet, up a full 12 percent from sales of last year's release, which saw sales of 1.8 million units over the same general period.

[ bkaradzic @ 12.09.2006. 21:49 ] @
"We are proud that Call of Duty 2 is the first title to sell over one million units on the Xbox 360 in the U.S."

[ Aca_LP @ 20.09.2006. 18:31 ] @


Title: Pharaohs’ Curse Gold
Developer: Ancient Soft
Release date: 2002
Team size: 1 developer, 1 artist and 1 musician
Time of development: about 4 month part time
Platform: Windows (Mac, Linux versions planned)


* Downloads: 1500 monthly
* Direct Sales: 4-15 units monthly
* Affiliate sales: 1-2 units monthly (not regular)
* Price: USD 19.95


* Music USD 19
* Graphics USD 350
* Hosting USD 100
* Download.com Ads USD 99 (in 2004)
* Shareware Tracker USD 59

- Submitting to shareware sites
- Download.com
[ bkaradzic @ 20.09.2006. 18:43 ] @
Marble Blast Ultra sold for 800 MS points and Tunnell noted that the game was close to 120,000.

[ bkaradzic @ 20.09.2006. 18:48 ] @
Intervju sa Jason Kapalka iz PopCap Games.
Casual game biz poised for growth despite non-paying customers

It's got a business model that's drastically in need of repair, which may be one reason why the casual games audience is spreading like wildfire. Indeed, because the typical casual game comes with a "try before you buy" offer, fewer than 2% of those played are actually purchased. Conversely, that means that 98% of casual gamers are playing for free without a cent going to the games' developers or publishers.

Still, sales of casual games -- small, downloadable video games with simple rules that make it easy for a mass audience to begin playing almost immediately -- have skyrocketed from practically zero in 2002 to over $600 million in the U.S. alone in 2004. They're expected to top $2 billion domestically by 2008, according to a white paper prepared by the International Game Developers Association (click here to download PDF of paper).

While Jason Kapalka didn't invent casual games -- that honor goes to Microsoft with its Microsoft Solitaire which came bundled with Windows as early as 1990 -- he has had a lot to do with its growing popularity. In 2001, he created "Bejeweled" which has sold 10 million copies, spawned countless "match three" clones (so-called because the goal of the game is to create a line of three identical pieces), and is available on nearly every platform, including cell phones, PDAs and in-flight versions, with a slot machine adaptation on the way.

As chief creative officer and a founder of Seattle-based developer and publisher PopCap Games, Kapalka has also designed nearly two dozen of the company's hit titles, including "Zuma," "Bookworm," and "Chuzzle."

[ bkaradzic @ 21.09.2006. 21:40 ] @
Lucas Arts dropped us a line pointing out that their Lego Star Wars II game, out for one week, has already sold more than 1.1 million copies across the eight platforms it was released on.

[ bkaradzic @ 28.09.2006. 21:56 ] @
$113,160.53 Indie Game Sales
[ bkaradzic @ 11.10.2006. 04:49 ] @
DALLAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--With over 500,000 units sold since its launch in 2005, the LUXOR franchise is one of the most successful brands ever in casual gaming. And now, MumboJumbo is pleased to announce the launch of LUXOR 2, the much anticipated sequel to the #1 casual game of 2005.

[ bkaradzic @ 16.10.2006. 18:34 ] @
Sales Statistics: GL Golf, Over $28,000 Total Sales
Title: GL Golf (Download for Mac :: Buy)
Developer: Nuclear Nova Software
Released: March 2004
Time of Development: 5 months part time as a hobby, plus continued improvement since the release, maybe 1-5 hours a week
Platforms : Mac OS X

About development:

I developed GL Golf as a hobby to enter into the uDevGames 2003 contest. It won Editors Choice and received lots of positive feedback. I decided to improve the game and release it as shareware, and I was amazed by the sales. It took about two months to get the sales up to the average rate, but for over two years I have maintained a steady income. This is mostly due to constant updates of the game, at least once a month. I’ve added several new features to every patch, and the version today looks like an entirely different game than the one released in March of 2004.

GL Golf

* Price: US $15
* Sold 641 units
* Total: US $9615

GL Golf Combo

* Price: US $25
* Sold 645 units
* Total: US $16125

GL Golf Expansion

* Price: US $10
* Sold 263 units
* Sales: US $2630

Total sales
$28360 over two and a half years. Average monthly sales - 43 copies of GL Golf or the Combo pack with a total of $945 a month.

Total Downloads - 85,000 + downloads from sites OTHER than Apple.com.

I don’t how many downloads Apple.com sends me, I actually need to setup a simple counter on my website to count the number of downloads the send me. I am estimating it to be a large number, possibly 25,000-50,000

Jake continues:

I mostly used these five sites - apple.com, download.com,
macupdate.com, versiontracker.com, and macgamefiles.com . They
probably send me 90% of my downloads, and are 100% esential to ANY
mac game.


* Contracted course maker’s commission - $2,640
* Affiliate Sales - $265
* eSellerate and Plimus Commission - $2,836

Tips to other developers.
As told by Jake Leveto:

* The casual game market is perfect for small shareware games. My target audience is adults, most of which aren’t hardcore gamers.
* Update often, adding new features and fixing bugs. Golf is a perfect example of a game that can be improved very easily, and it is much easier to update a game than to make a new game from scratch.
* If possible create an add-on (expansion pack) for an extra cost, the course pack
accounts for around 1/3rd of my revenue.
* Listen to your users, ask for feedback. Most of the features I’ve added to GL Golf have been suggested by owners.

Future Plans

Continue improving GL Golf and my other two games. Due to college I don’t have the time to program a game from scratch, and Its much faster and easier to keep working on GL Golf. I would love to have the game ported to Windows, because all of the sales above are only from Mac users. I may have time to do this in the future but I am considering paying someone to do it for me.

GameProducer.net comments
I think GL Golf is an excellent example of a successful indie game: made part time, continously upgrading it, steady sales. Big congratulations to Jake at Nuclear Nova Software for sharing the numbers and tips. Good luck with the sales!

[ bkaradzic @ 19.10.2006. 18:35 ] @
Sales Statistics: Tropic Ball - Great Indie Game Sales Experiment

Developer: TenGames
Release date: July 2006
Team size: 1 developer and 1 musician
Time of development: about 6 month part time
Platform: Windows

Downloads: 1000 monthly
Direct Sales: 4-5 units monthly
Affiliate sales: not regular
Price: USD 19.95


* JUN: USD 10.5
* JUL: USD 41.6
* AUG: USD 102
* SEP: USD 229 (2 weeks sales through Russian publisher nevosoft.ru, direct sales through TenGames.net were zero)


* Music USD 130
* Hosting USD 70


* Submitting to shareware sites
* Download.com
* Publisher nevosoft.ru

GameProducer.net comments
It’s great to see people sharing numbers - and it’s especially nice to get these from Ten Games who said “Tropic Ball was an experiment to test indie game sales”. Abramov was bit hesitant to start another indie game, but I think this is a fine start, and you definitely should continue making games. Either improve this game or make something totally new. You’ve proved yourself that your game can sell - that’s excellent. And perhaps you could use similar approach as GL Golf is using: lower the price for the main product, but offer a full priced combo pack and an expansion pack. Whatever you decide to do, good luck!

And anybody out there with some extra cash and need for a nice game: go to TenGames and purchase Trobic Ball. Purchasing the game supports indie scene where every penny counts.

[ bkaradzic @ 24.10.2006. 06:22 ] @
Prey is a success. We know that within the first two months it passed one million units sold worldwide.

[ bkaradzic @ 09.11.2006. 07:05 ] @
Xmas Bonus got new updated sales stats. The total (as of end of July) is 230 - spread across Big Fish Games, Reflexive and Cloverleaf games.

Monthly breakdown:

December 2005 - 179 units
January 2006 - 39 units
February 2006 - 4 units
March 2006 - 0 units
April 2006 - 2 units
May 2006 - 2 units
June 2006 - 1 unit
July 2006 - 3 units

Total: 230 units

Conversion rate was 0.51% on one portal and less on the others.

[ bkaradzic @ 22.11.2006. 02:55 ] @
As "Gears of War" continues to emerge throughout the world ahead of the holiday sales rush, the Xbox 360 juggernaut has sold an impressive 1 million copies world-wide in just its first two weeks of release—elevating the game to the fastest-selling title of 2006 and fastest-selling original Xbox game of all time.

[ bkaradzic @ 08.12.2006. 00:52 ] @
Nov. Game Industry Sales Up 34%

Research firm NPD Group has reported overall November US videogame sales were up 34 percent year-over-year, with software sales up 15 percent; NPD’s Anita Frazier optimistic about full year.

ImageTotal industry sales for the month were $1.7 billion and $9.4 billion year-to-date. NPD analyst Frazier expressed to Next-Gen, “I don't think any category shows any signs of the growth letting up. … I would not be surprised to see total year sales come in north of $13 billion once December figures are in.”

Videogame console software sales were $804 million versus $702 million in November 2005, topped by Microsoft’s Gears of War, which sold 1 million units and raked in $61.5 million in sales (including the higher-priced Collector’s Edition).

Square Enix’s Final Fantasy XII followed at 896,000 units and $49 million in sales, and the third slot was filled by Nintendo’s Legend of Zelda: The Twilight Princess for Wii, which sold 412,000 copies and generated $20.2 million in sales. Activision’s $80 Guitar Hero II with controller came in fourth at 356,000 units and $28 million in sales.

Frazier noted that Gears of War is Microsoft’s first Xbox 360 game that it has released at the $60 price point (the Collector’s Edition was $70), and it still managed big sales. The analyst called the game “a testament to the power of great content,” adding “Price just isn't a barrier when the content delivers.”

The software results fall in line with analysts’ expectations.

New consoles PlayStation 3 and Wii launched November 17 and 20, respectively, making blips on a radar which was dominated by sales of the Nintendo DS.

The Wii sold 476,000 units for the month, while the shorter-in-supply PlayStation 3 sold 197,000 units.

The little DS juggernaut sold 918,000 units in November, bringing life-to-date US sales to 8.1 million units. The PS2 followed as the second-best selling piece of hardware for the month with 664,000 units sold. Third place was held by the never-say-die GameBoy Advance with 641,000 units.

Xbox 360 was next, with 511,000 units sold, bringing life-to-date US sales to 3.8 million units. The PSP followed with 412,000 sold during the month.

Frazier said she was “surprised” by the continued strong performance of the PS2 and GBA.

Total hardware sales came to $771 million, up 69 percent compared to last November. The amount was comprised of $519 million in console hardware (a 103 percent increase) and $252 million from portables (a 26 percent increase).

“As for console hardware sales, the biggest contributor in terms of units was clearly the PS2, but the 360 and the Wii contributed the most in dollar sales,” Frazier said. “The 360 accounted for about 26 percent of total hardware dollar sales.”

Year-to-date hardware sales were $3.3 billion.

Accessory sales were up 19 percent year-over-year at $158 million.

Frazier said of the results, "It's just such overall good news that bodes very well for the health of this industry."

[ bkaradzic @ 14.12.2006. 06:15 ] @
Guild Wars Exceeds Three Million Sold

Breakthrough Game Series Hits Major Milestone as ArenaNet Announces Wintersday Festival and Exciting New Game Features

BELLEVUE, Wash.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Fuelled by sales of the hit game Guild Wars Nightfall™, the latest release in the award-winning Guild Wars® franchise, sales for one of the world’s leading subscription-free online roleplaying games have surpassed three million units worldwide in a little more than a year and a half. This milestone event was announced today by ArenaNet®, developer of Guild Wars®, Guild Wars Factions™, and Guild Wars Nightfall™, and NCsoft® Corporation, the world’s leading developer and publisher of online computer games.

“Reaching three million units sold in such a short amount of time is absolutely incredible,” says Robert Garriott, CEO, NCsoft North America. “Coupled with the recent news of Guild Wars Factions winning Billboard’s Multiplayer Game of the Year, we couldn’t be prouder of what the team at ArenaNet has accomplished with the Guild Wars games.”

[ bkaradzic @ 14.12.2006. 18:57 ] @
Total Nintendo DS Software Sales (as of 12th November, 2006)

1.) More Brain Training (Nintendo) - 3,417,956
2.) New Super Mario Bros. (Nintendo) - 3,351,234
3.) Animal Crossing: Wild World (Nintendo) - 3,335,195
4.) Pokémon Diamond / Pearl (Nintendo) - 3,060,032
5.) Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training (Nintendo) - 2,837,394
6.) Mario Kart DS (Nintendo) - 1,626,242
7.) English Training (Nintendo) - 1,408,243
8.) nintendogs (Nintendo) - 1,335,185
9.) Big Brain Academy (Nintendo) - 1,299,188
10.) Tamagotchi Connection: Corner Shop (Bandai) - 1,110,046
11.) WarioWare: Touched! (Nintendo) - 1,013,297
12.) Super Mario 64 DS (Nintendo) - 960,718
13.) Tetris DS (Nintendo) - 889,178
14.) Final Fantasy III (Square Enix) - 860,490
15.) Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team (Nintendo) - 751,848
16.) Pokémon Ranger (Nintendo) - 629,103
17.) Shaberu! DS Oryouri Navi (Nintendo) - 586,211
18.) 42 All-Time Classics (Nintendo) - 572,915
19.) Tamagotchi Connection: Corner Shop 2 (Bandai) - 568,820
20.) Jump! Super Stars (Nintendo) - 549,265
21.) Common Knowledge Training (Nintendo) - 444,812
22.) Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time (Nintendo) - 416,479
23.) Mario Slam Basketball (Nintendo) - 348,649
24.) Pokémon Dash (Nintendo) - 348,376
25.) Kirby & the Power Paintbrush (Nintendo) - 315,211
26.) Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors 2 (Bandai) - 298,440
27.) Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime (Square Enix) - 293,970
28.) Pokémon Link (Nintendo) - 293,807
29.) Children of Mana (Square Enix) - 280,775
30.) Zaidan Houjin Nippon Kanji Nouryoku Kentei Kyoukai Kounin: KanKen DS (Rocket Company) - 222,443
31.) Naruto: Saikyou Ninja Daikesshuu 3 (Tomy) - 220,928
32.) Kirby Squeak Squad (Nintendo) - 219,807
33.) Digimon Story (Bandai) - 213,770
34.) Yoshi Touch & Go (Nintendo) - 197,337
35.) Super Princess Peach (Nintendo) - 196,641
36.) Mushi King (Sega) - 191,388
37.) Mogitate Tingle no Barairo Rupee Land (Nintendo) - 181,000
38.) Densetsu no Stafi 4 (Nintendo) - 164,950
39.) Daigassou! Band Brothers (Nintendo) - 164,166
40.) Sudoku Master (Hudson) - 153,819
41.) Naruto RPG 2: Chidori vs Rasengan (Tomy) - 131,748
42.) Power Pro Kun Pocket 8 (Konami) - 122,788
43.) Naruto: Saikyou Ninja Daikesshuu 4 (Tomy) - 120,154
44.) Tales of the Tempest (Namco) - 117,971
45.) Phoenix Wright - 117,784
46.) Unou no Tatsujin: Soukai! Machigai Museum (Namco) 116,506
47.) Harvest Moon DS for Girls (Marvelous Interactive) - 112,503
48.) Minna no DS Seminar: Kanpeki Kanji Ryoku (TDK) - 111,817
49.) Eyeshield 21: Max Devil Power (Nintendo) - 110,260
50.) Kanji Sonomama DS Rakubiki Jiten (Nintendo) - 109,182
51.) Harvest Moon: Colobocle Station (Marvelous Interactive) - 107,136
52.) Rockman EXE 5 DS Twin Leaders (Capcom) - 106,526
53.) Trace Memory (Nintendo) - 105,452
54.) Rune Factory (Marvelous Interactive) - 104,037
55.) Yu-Gi-Oh Nightmare Troubadour (Konami) - 102,249
56.) Mushiking 2 (Sega) - 102,185
57.) Feel the Magic (Sega) - 100,263
58.) Pac Pix (Bandai Namco Games) - 98,650
59.) Phoenix Wright Best Price (Capcom) - 95,148
60.) BLEACH DS (Sega) - 95,044
61.) Polarium (Nintendo) - 94,947
62.) SD Gundam G Generation DS - 94,317
63.) Rockman ZX (Capcom) - 93,972
64.) Power Pocket Koushien (Konami) - 93,220
65.) Egg Monster Hero (Square Enix) - 92,096
66.) Ochaken no Heya DS (MTO) - 89,800
67.) Kirarin Star Revolution Kira Kira Idol Audition (Konami) - 89,690
68.) Metroid Prime Hunters (Nintendo) - 89,662
69.) Atsumare! Power Pocket no Koushien DS - 88,147
70.) Star Fox Command (Nintendo) - 86,588
71.) Chou-Gekijou-Ban Keroro Gunsou: Enshuu Dayo! Zenin Shuugou (Bandai Namco Games) - 83,771
72.) Gekitou! Custom Robo (Nintendo) - 83,365
73.) Project Hacker (Nintendo) - 83,144
74.) Naruto RPG 3 (Tomy) - 80,974
75.) Kenshuui Tendo Dokuta [ Lifesigns ] (Spike) - 76,786
76.) DS Talking Travel Software Vol. 4 America - 74,853
77.) Puyo Puyo Fever (Sega) - 74,218
78.) Atama Scan (Sega) - 72,343
79.) DS Rakubiki Jiten (Nintendo) - 71,557
80.) World Soccer Winning Eleven DS (Konami) - 68,789
81.) Doraemon: Nobita no Kyouryuu 2006 DS (Sega) - 61,635
82.) Meteos (Bandai Namco Games) - 57,880
83.) Point Blank DS (Bandai Namco Games) - 57,865
84.) Chousoujuu Mecha MG (Nintendo) - 57,815
85.) Gintama DS: Yorozuya Daisoudou (Bandai Namco Games) - 54,249
86.) Cooking Mama (Taito) - 51,712
87.) Tennis no Oujisama 2005 DS (Konami) - 51,658
88.) Choco Inu no Omise (TDK Core) - 50,958
89.) DS Talking Travel Software Vol. 3 Korea - 49,714
90.) Ouendan (Nintendo) - 49,236
91.) Futari wa PuriCure Max Heart DANZEN (Bandai Namco Games) - 47,848
92.) Magical Starsign (Nintendo) - 46,820
93.) Jissen Pachislot Fist of the North Star DS (Sega) - 46,353
94.) Resident Evil Deadly Silence (Capcom) - 46,280
95.) Jissen Pachislot Fist of the North Star SE (Sega) - 45,956
96.) San Ex Land Theme Pack de Asobou (MTO) - 45,301
97.) Bomberman (Hudson) - 44,608
98.) Phoenix Wright Justice for All Best Price (Capcom) - 44,608
99.) Mawashite Tsunageru Touch Panic (Nintendo) - 43,921
100.) Kanpeki Kanji (TDK Core) - 43,664

[ bkaradzic @ 20.12.2006. 18:31 ] @
Why Gears Of War Costs $60

Curious who is reaping the rewards from each $60 game sold? Based on interviews with industry players and experts, we've broken down the dollars and cents of the console gaming industry to see who's getting the most action.

Art/Design: 25% (about $15)

The rippling oceans, expressive faces and explosive action sequences gamers want to see don't come cheap. Publishers pay millions for computer-generated graphics, animation and motion-capture talent. "It's just like making a movie," says ABI Research's Michael Wolf.

Programming And Engineering: 20% (about $12)

This expense includes the gaming "engine"--the software equivalent of a game's guts--which can be bought, developed in-house or licensed, such as Epic's Unreal engine. Also included: artificial intelligence programs, online game-play systems, video compression software and "localization" for international markets. Engineering and development costs can quickly escalate when publishers agree to port a game title to an additional platform--and most of them now have to do so, notes ABI Research's Wolf. Some third-party developers secure deals to receive a cut of royalties based on how well a game sells.

Retail: 20% ($12)

Most games wholesale for about $48, giving retailers like EB Games, or Best Buy $12 of markup; at best, a dollar of that may drop to the store's bottom line.

Console Owner Fee: 11.5% (about $7)

This is why Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo are laboring so mightily to make their machines to success: Each gamemaker that wants to roll out a new title has to fork over a fee for each unit sold. This may vary per console maker--some publishers say creating games for the PlayStation 3 is more expensive because of fees Sony charges to use its Blu-Ray DVD standard. "But that number can get smaller depending on the publisher's status," says Peer Schneider, vice president of content publishing at IGN, News Corp.'s gaming portal. "The fee can be waived for exclusivity to a platform--that will buy you a kickback."

Marketing: 7% (about $4)

The game marketing budget is smaller if a game belongs to a well-known franchise, such as one of Activision's Tony Hawk titles, or can benefit from the marketing extravaganza tied to a movie budget (like Activision's Spiderman games). But good luck trying to market a brand new game concept. "To say, 'This is our new universe that you've never heard of,' that'll pile on additional marketing costs," says Luke Smith, news editor of Ziff Davis Media's gaming site 1up.com.

Market Development Fund: 5% (about $3)

It's not just enough to end up on a retailer's shelf--if you want good placement, or a spot in a retailer's advertising, you'll have to pay up again. This includes paid placement for print circulars, banner ads and highlights within a retailer's TV spot.

Manufacturing Costs, Packaging: 5% (about $3)

Blu-Ray discs might cost more, and so will collectible "special edition" sets. Otherwise, this amount covers the blank DVD media, the game imprinting, the sturdy plastic case and the included instruction manual.

Licensing: 5% (about $3)

From athletes and sports leagues to Marvel characters and movie studios, if a game title takes its name and plot from a well-known pop culture icon, publishers can expect to pay top dollar for the licensing rights. Headlining voice talent, such as Marlon Brando in Electronic Arts' The Godfather game, may even receive a percentage of retail revenues; unnamed voice actors and musicians get a flat fee. Costs vary widely here. For original-concept games, this cost is zero.

Publisher profit: 1.5% (about $1)

After all other parties--including the in-house or outsourced development teams--have been paid, the publisher collects about a buck toward the bottom line. As these pricey consoles become more mainstream, those dollars will add up.

Distributor: 1.5% (about $1)

If a small publisher wants to reach mass audiences, or a large publisher wants to sell to a small-time retailer, they'll need help from a game distributor, such as Ingram Entertainment.

Corporate Costs (quantitative analysis, management overhead): 0.3% (about 20 cents)

Number crunching is cheap, says Sega of America president Simon Jeffrey. Lawyers are not. But publishers need to pay all of them. And if they find themselves in legal trouble--as Take-Two Interactive did when it had to defend its Grand Theft Auto game's racy content in federal court--this number will shoot way up.

Hardware development costs: 0.05% (less than 3 cents)

Before a game developer can begin its craft, it must have access to the hardware the game will run on. For Xbox 360 and PS3 games, engineering teams pay tens of thousands for access to developers' kits and demo units--some of which get destroyed in the process.

[ bkaradzic @ 01.01.2007. 00:41 ] @
Evo jedna interesantna (ali bajata) vest:
Domaće tržište

Prema rečima Dejana Kravića, generalnog direktora firme Extreme CC d.o.o. koja se od 2003. godine bavi distribucijom zabavnog softvera u Srbiji, prodaja video igara je u prethodnoj godini ostvarila značajan rast, ali glavnu kočnicu i dalje predstavlja visok nivo piraterije. Na prodaju utiče i prosečan standard stanovništva, tako da je najpopularniji takozvani Budget cenovni segment, i u ovom rangu cene originala sa PDVom kreću se od 500-800 dinara. Zavisno od angažovanja lokalnog distributera, ali delom i od politike izdavača prema tržištu, cene naslova koji se prodaju kod nas mogu biti i mnogostruko povoljnije nego što je to u Evropi, a neretko niže i od propisanih za istočnu Evropu. Najprodavanije igre u 2005. godini, po podacima Extreme su: Warcraft III (Vivendi Universal), Warcraft III Frozen Throne (Vivendi Universal), Guild Wars Prophecies ( NCsoft), World Of Warcraft (Vivendi Universal), HalfLife (Vivendi Universal), Heroes Of Might and Magic 3 (Sold Out), Disneys: Donald Duck Quack Attack (Buena Vista Games), Need for speed Underground 2 (Sould Out), Project IGI (Sold Out) i Hitman (Sold Out).

Samo prvih 5 igara prodalo se u više od 1000 primeraka, a naš sagovornik procenjuje da će u ovoj godini ukupan promet porasti za nekih 30-40%, tako da bi svih prvih deset igara sa top liste trebalo da pređu magičnu cifru od 1000 prodatih. Iako u svetu dominira prodaja konzolnih igara, kod nas je raspodela tržišta igara oko 85% za PC, a tek oko 15% za konzole.

[ bkaradzic @ 07.01.2007. 04:26 ] @
The three Mystery Case Files games, including the latest title, Mystery Case Files: Ravenhearst, have sold more than 700,000 units.

[ bkaradzic @ 10.01.2007. 18:14 ] @
The Independent in London has published a list of the all-time best-selling game franchises, with U.S originated product making up only six of the top 20.

1. 'Mario': 193 million.
2. 'Pokémon': 155 million
3. 'Final Fantasy': 68 million
4. 'Madden NFL': 56 million
5. 'The Sims': 54 million
6. 'Grand Theft Auto': 50 million
7. 'Donkey Kong': 48 million (centre)
8. 'The Legend of Zelda': 47 million
9. 'Sonic the Hedgehog': 44 million
10. 'Gran Turismo': 44 million
11. 'Lineage': 43 million
12. 'Dragon Quest': 41 million
13. 'Crash Bandicoot': 34 million
14. 'Resident Evil': 31 million
15. 'James Bond': 30 million
16. 'Tomb Raider': 30 million
17. 'Mega Man': 26 million
18. 'Command & Conquer': 25 million
19. 'Street Fighter': 25 million
20. 'Mortal Kombat': 20 million

[ bkaradzic @ 10.01.2007. 23:47 ] @
Dead Rising has sold more than a million copies worldwide.

[ bkaradzic @ 11.01.2007. 23:07 ] @
Title: Triptych
Developer: Chronic Logic
Released: June 2002
Development time: Two full time developers 3 weeks (plus one artists for a week or so for interface improvements which were added in patches)
Platforms:Windows (OSX and Linux added later)
Expenses: Less than $200 for art and sound

2002: 462 copies
2003: 147 copies
2004: 159 copies
2005: 143 copies
2006: 60 copies
Total Sales: 972 copies

Price: $14.95 USD

Total sales from chroniclogic.com after fees: $13000 USD
Other sales total: $12000 USD
Approximate total income: $25000 USD

[ bkaradzic @ 11.01.2007. 23:25 ] @
World Of Warcraft Hits 8 Million Mark
[ bkaradzic @ 12.01.2007. 02:19 ] @
Breaking: U.S. Video Game Industry Totals $12.5 Billion in 2006

As was predicted, the U.S. gaming industry toppled its old record in 2006. December alone was up almost 28% and on an annual basis the industry grew 19%. Tons of data and exclusive in-depth commentary from NPD analyst Anita Frazier inside...

The NPD Group has just released its December and year-end totals for 2006, and it's truly stunning. The U.S. video game industry has reached an all-time high at $12.5 billion, easily eclipsing last year's record $10.5 billion. The final month really put the industry over the top, as December total sales hit a whopping $3.7 billion, an increase of 27.8 percent. Software sales for December totaled $1.7 billion, up just 5.4 percent.


[ bkaradzic @ 17.01.2007. 22:32 ] @
- Following news earlier month that Capcom's zombie-slaying Xbox 360 eclusive Dead Rising had sold more than a million copies worldwide, company officials have now confirmed that the recently released Lost Planet: Extreme Condition has shipped over a million units globally following its December 21 release in Japan and subsequent January 12 release in Europe and North America. Taken together, Capcom notes that the success of both of these titles makes the company the most successful Japanese software publisher producing games for the Xbox 360. Lost Planet, a third-person action title that pits players against both aliens and pirates on a snowy ice-covered world, has been met with generally positive reviews since its release, and boasts both a single player campaign, as well as multiplayer modes with support for up to 16 players via the Xbox Live.

[ bkaradzic @ 19.01.2007. 19:32 ] @
Gears of War Achieves 3 Million In Global Sales
[ bkaradzic @ 23.01.2007. 20:56 ] @
Burning Crusade Sells 2.4M on Day One

Blizzard announced today that World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade sold 2.4 million units worldwide in its first day of availability, breaking day-one PC game sales records in North America and Europe.

ImageBlizzard said that around 1.2 million copies of the expansion sold in North America on day one, representing over half of the estimated 2 million-plus North American World of Warcraft players.

The original base World of Warcraft, released in November 2004, had also held the day-one PC game sales record at one point in North America with a relatively skimpy 240,000 units sold in its first 24 hours of availability.

The new release sold 1.1 million units in Europe, where there are over 1.5 million World of Warcraft players.

Blizzard added that by the end of the first day of the game’s availability, 1.7 million players had logged in to play The Burning Crusade.

The title launched in North America, Europe, Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia on January 16, and launched in Australia and New Zealand on January 17.

Blizzard said that it had supplied over 4 million copies to retailers worldwide. The game retails for $39.99 in the US.

CEO Mike Morhaime commented, “The Burning Crusade has already exceeded even our most ambitious expectations.”

[ bkaradzic @ 25.01.2007. 19:07 ] @
Who are Casual Gamers?

Well it’s not spotty teenagers who buy Half Life or who download pirated games with BitTorrent - no Siree! In fact you often hear that it’s mainly women over 30 - is this true? Yep, you bet. I was just given a report from Popcap, one of the largest developers and distributors of casual games on the Internet, and it includes details of a recent survey that they did of casual gamers.

Check it out:

* 76% of Players are Female! Yep, so it’s no use making gore filled zombie-fests.
* Average age of 48. Wow, so some younger developers might be making games aimed at someone just like their mum - imagine that!
* 89% Are 30 or Older. So basically only 11% are teenagers and in their 20s.
* 71% are 40 or older and 47% are 50 or older. So nearly half of casual gamers are over 50! You better think about that carefully when designing a casual game.
* 88% of players overall indicated they experienced stress relief from playing casual games. So casual games need to be fun and progressive but not “stressful”.
* 74% of all respondents cited mental exercise as a benefit. Aha, so they can’t be mindless games either. They need to keep the grey cells going.

Popcap claim this was the largest ever survey of casual game players (the survey was done in August 2006). Now, a few things may mean that their statistics are slightly skewed (as with all surveys): a) only a certain type of person takes surveys, perhaps women over 50? b) we don’t know where Popcap did the survey. If it was on their site, perhaps it attracts a certain kind of casual customer that is a bit different from Reflexive customers for example. c) we don’t know how many people took the survey. However, I suspect that the survey is pretty accurate to be honest.

A cool thing about women over 50 is that they probably have a good source of income and some spare time on their hands and aren’t afraid to spend money on games. This is great news for *good* casual game developers. Compare that market to say the market for some kind of Indie First Person Shooter game… Imagine I made a low-budget FPS game (haha); well the teenagers and young men that would maybe buy it mostly spend their money on big budget retail games for PCs and consoles or they pirate games (sad fact but true), and so my FPS game would have to compete with those factors. Therefore it would probably not have much chance. Having said that the casual game market is becoming increasingly competitive with game development budgets rising and many more games entering the marketplace everyday.

[ bkaradzic @ 07.02.2007. 22:52 ] @
Square Enix Ltd and Buena Vista Games have conveyed that the KINGDOM HEARTS series of action role-playing games has shipped in excess of 10 million units worldwide, propelling it into one of the top game series in the world.

The cumulative sales figures for the series at December 2006 are:

- KINGDOM HEARTS (PAL Release: 1st November 2002, PlayStation 2)
Japan: Over 1.5 million
North America: Over 3.0 million
Europe & PAL: Over 1.1 million

- KINGDOM HEARTS: Chain of Memories (PAL Release: 6th May 2005, Game Boy Advance)
Japan: Over 0.4 million
North America: Over 0.9 million
Europe & PAL: Over 0.2 million

- KINGDOM HEARTS II (PAL Release: 29th September 2006, PlayStation 2)
Japan: Over 1.1 million
North America: Over 1.7 million
Europe & PAL: Over 0.7 million

[ real_overklokan @ 12.02.2007. 14:35 ] @
fina para za screensaver / igru ;o)

[ bkaradzic @ 12.02.2007. 21:53 ] @

What were the 100 best selling games in North America last year? Next-Gen has compiled a list, with all platforms aggregated, as well as full analysis on the issues facing publishers and developers as they strive to maximize sales. Click through for more...

[ tosa @ 15.02.2007. 14:56 ] @

Let's welcome in Media Create's record of the past week's game sales in Japan. This is where you'll get big numbers and not-so-big numbers, mixed in with the crucial numbers one through ten -- a mathematician's wet dream. Firstly, here's this week's chart, with combined total sales of titles inside those pouting parentheses:

1) Virtua Fighter 5 - 48,346 units sold last week (new entry / Sega, PS3)
2) Wii Sports - 45,897 (1,004,555 units sold to date / Nintendo, Wii)
3) Wii Play - 36,090 (879,432 / Nintendo, Wii)
4) More Brain Training - 32,800 (3,963,712 / Nintendo, DS)
5) New Super Mario Bros. - 29,026 (4,118,078 / Nintendo DS)
6) Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - 27,519 (304,113 / Capcom, PS2)
7) Wario: Master of Disguise - 26,815 (185,695 / Nintendo, DS)
8) Harvest Moon: The Island I Grew Up On - 26,804 (106,212 / Marvelous, DS)
9) Luminous Arc - 25,676 (new entry / Marvelous, DS)
10) J-League Pro Soccer 5 - 24,468 (131,541 / Sega, PS2)

[ bkaradzic @ 11.03.2007. 19:43 ] @
The Burning Crusade shifts 3.5 million copies

WoW expansion prepares for launch in China after western success

Blizzard has announced that sales of The Burning Crusade expansion pack for World of Warcraft have topped 3.5 million units - with the pack as yet unlaunched in the enormous Chinese market.

The game has sold some 1.6 million copies in Europe to date, with 1.9 million copies shifted in countries which play on the North American servers - including Australasia (some 100,000 copies), Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia.

[ tosa @ 19.03.2007. 05:47 ] @

The Japanese top ten follows, with weekly sales figures:

1. Yoshi's Island DS / 303,114 DS
2. Monster Hunter Portable 2 / 93,099 PSP
3. Layton Kyoujo no Fushigi na Machi / 45,344 DS
4. Kenka Banchou 2: Full Throttle / 42,131 PS2
5. Super Robot Taisen W / 36,310 DS
6. Wii Sports / 35,298 Wii
7. Gundam Musou / 31,145 PS3
8. Dragon Quest Monsters – Joker / 26,452 DS
9. Wii Play / 26,340 Wii
10. Motto Nou o Kitaeru Otona DS Training / 20,716 DS

[ bkaradzic @ 23.03.2007. 02:28 ] @
The first Tetris game released in 1985 for the PC. Since then, the game has released across nearly every game system and sold more than 70 million units worldwide. Over a three year span, THQ shipped more than two million units of Tetris Worlds for the Xbox, Game Boy Advance and Windows PC.

[ bkaradzic @ 27.03.2007. 06:37 ] @
Next Gen Wars - The Latest Worldwide Console Sales

[ bkaradzic @ 20.04.2007. 04:40 ] @
On the software front, God of War II climbed its way to the top of the charts with 833K units, taking advantage of the huge PS2 user base. Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 for Xbox 360 was a distant second with 394K sold while Guitar Hero II for Xbox 360 sold 291K coming in third.

Four of the top 10 games were for Xbox 360, two were for PS2, two were for DS, one was for Wii (Wii Play w/ Remote with 273K) and one for PS3 (MotorStorm, 199K).

In less than one month, God of War II became the best-selling title of the January-March quarter.


1) World Of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Expansion Pack - Vivendi - $3,345,464 grossed
2) Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars - Electronic Arts - $3,262,078 grossed
3) The Sims 2 Seasons Expansion Pack - Electronic Arts
4) Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars Kane Edition - Electronic Arts
5) The Sims 2 - Electronic Arts
6) World Of Warcraft - Vivendi
7) Stalker: Shadow Of Chernobyl - THQ
8) Supreme Commander - THQ
9) Age Of Empires III - Microsoft - 17,936 units sold; $864,335 grossed
10) Microsoft Flight Simulator X Deluxe - Microsoft - 11,959 units sold; $786,820 grossed
11) Battlefield 2142 - Electronic Arts
12) Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Shivering Isles Expansion Pack - 2K Games
13) The Sims: Life Stories - Electronic Arts
14) Medieval II: Total War - Sega of America
15) The Sims 2 Pets Expansion Pack - Electronic Arts
16) Titan Quest: Immortal Throne Expansion Pack - THQ
17) Warcraft III Battle Chest - Vivendi
18) Civilization IV - 2K Games
19) The Sims 2 Nightlife Expansion Pack - Electronic Arts - $542,790 grossed
20) Vanguard: Saga Of Heroes - Sony Online Entertainment - $533,884 grossed

When you rank the top 10 by units sold rather than gross income it all looks rather different:

1) The Sims 2 Seasons Expansion Pack - Electronic Arts - 104,758 units sold
2) World Of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Expansion Pack - Vivendi - 87,087 units sold
3) World Of Warcraft - Vivendi
4) Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars - Electronic Arts
5) The Sims 2 - Electronic Arts
6) Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars Kane Edition - Electronic Arts
7) Stalker: Shadow Of Chernobyl - THQ
8) Supreme Commander - THQ
9) Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Shivering Isles Expansion Pack - 2K Games - 25,201 units sold
10) 3333 XP Games JC - Viva Media - 24,938 units sold

And now the console charts, all of which are ranked by gross income.

Xbox 360

1) Guitar Hero 2 With Guitar - $25,578,100 grossed; 291,434 units sold
2) Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighting Battleperson 2 - $23,343,680 grossed; 394,481 units sold
3) Major League Baseball 2K7
4) Def Jam Icon
5) Crackdown a.k.a. The Halo 3 Beta Game
6) Gears of War
7) Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas
8) Armored Core 4
9) NBA Street Homecourt - $3,069,938 grossed; 51,368 units sold
10) Lost Planet: Extreme Condition - $2,614,490 grossed; 43,887 units sold


1) Wii Play With Remote - $13,573,160 grossed; 272,919 units sold
2) Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 - $6,048,062 grossed; 121,428 units sold
3) Sonic And The Secret Rings
4) Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
5) Warioware: Smooth Moves
6) Cooking Mama: Cook Off
7) Rayman Raving Rabbids
8) SSX Blur
9) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - $1,454,085 grossed; 29,226 units sold
10) Call of Duty 3 - $1,114,600 grossed; 25,347 units sold

Playstation 3

1) MotorStorm - $11,896,100 grossed; 199,075 units sold
2) The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - $4,463,276 grossed; 75,138 units sold
3) Def Jam Icon
4) Resistance: Fall of Man
5) NBA Street Homecourt
6) Major League Baseball 2K7
7) Virtua Fighter 5
8) The Godfather: The Don's Edition
9) Formula One Championship Edition - $1,361,988 grossed; 22,792 units sold
10) Armored Core 4 - $1,207,098 grossed; 20,220 units sold

Playstation 2

1) God of War II - $41,531,780 grossed; 833,209 units sold
2) Guitar Hero 2 With Guitar - $11,329,750 grossed; 143,399 units sold
3) Major League Baseball 07: The Show
4) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
5) God of War
6) Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
7) Major League Baseball 2K7
8) Guitar Hero
9) WWE Smackdown Vs. Raw 2007 - $1,735,801 grossed; 35,377 units sold
10) DDR Super Nova Bundle - $1,735,405 grossed; 29,039 units sold


1) Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - $2,257,489 grossed; 45,212 units sold
2) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - $1,046,565 grossed; 26,253 units sold
3) Naruto: Clash of Ninja 2
4) Super Smash Brothers Melee
5) Lego Star Wars
6) Mario Kart: Double Dash
7) Paper Mario: Thousand Doors
8) Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy
9) Super Mario Strikers - $403,854 grossed; 13,485 units sold
10) Mario Superstar Baseball - $370,920 grossed; 12,369 units sold


1) Halo 2 - $1,463,830 grossed; 49,214 units sold
2) Major League Baseball 2K7 - $827,138 grossed; 27,936 units sold
3) Need For Speed: Carbon
4) Mortal Kombat: Armageddon
5) Call of Duty 3
6) Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy
7) Scarface: The World Is Fucking Yours
8) NBA Live 07
9) Lego Star Wars - $264,743 grossed; 14,135 units sold
10) Fable - $254,491 grossed; 12,813 units sold

Overall Top 30

1) God of War II - Playstation 2
2) Guitar Hero 2 With Guitar - Xbox 360
3) Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2 - Xbox 360
4) Wii Play With Remote - Wii
5) MotorStorm - Playstation 3
6) Guitar Hero 2 With Guitar - Playstation 2
7) Major League Baseball 2K7 - Xbox 360
8) Def Jam Icon - Xbox 360
9) Crackdown - Xbox 360
10) Major League Baseball 07: The Show - Playstation 2
11) Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 - Wii
12) Gears of War - Xbox 360
13) Sonic And The Secret Rings - Wii
14) The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - Playstation 3
15) Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - Wii
16) Warioware: Smooth Moves - Wii
17) Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas - Xbox 360
18) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Playstation 2
19) Def Jam Icon - Playstation 2
20) Armored Core 4 - Xbox 360
21) Resistance: Fall of Man - Playstation 3
22) NBA Street Homecourt - Xbox 360
23) NBA Street Homecourt - Playstation 3
24) Major League Baseball 2K7 - Playstation 3
25) Lost Planet: Extreme Condition - Xbox 360
26) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Xbox 360
27) The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - Xbox 360
28) God of War - Playstation 2
29) Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories - Playstation 2
30) DDR Universe Bundle - Xbox 360


Sony's aging PS2 also impressed Frazier. "Though I have expected the PS2 to continue to have a long life into the next-gen cycle, March's unit sales of PS2 hardware showed growth versus the same month last year, and in fact it was the best-selling console system for the month. Certainly price point and ample retail inventory play into this, and it's a testament to the size of the more mass market consumer segment. Of course this bodes extremely well for the future of PS2 software sales going forward."

[ bkaradzic @ 29.04.2007. 18:12 ] @
Ubisoft's big game for the quarter was Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 on the Xbox 360, which has sold 1 million units. Titles from late last year have also continued to do well, including Rainbow Six Vegas, which is now up to 1.7 million in sales, as well as the company's two key Wii titles - Red Steel has sold 950,000, with Rayman Raving Rabbids just below it at 850,000 units.

[ bkaradzic @ 07.05.2007. 22:29 ] @
Developer: Chronic Logic
Released: May 2004
Development time: About 6 months with three developers.
Platforms: Windows, OSX and Linux

Development Expenses:
Sounds and music: $3500
Of the $3500 only $500 was paid up front and the rest was a percent of royalties after Gish was released and selling.

Marketing Expenses:
Independent Games Festival (IGF) entry fees: $200.00
Rough estimate of Affiliate and other fees: $2000.00

Total Expenses: $5700.00

The time of the developers and the cost of office space, computers, etc. is not taken into account here.

Sales from chroniclogic.com per year:
2004: 2587
2005: 1335
2006: 449
2007: 140 (through April)
Misc others sales: 10

Total Sales: 4521

Price: $19.95 USD

SWREG (Credit card orders): $79543.98
PayPal: $1436.86
Manual orders (checks, cash, money orders): $195.48

Approximate net sales from chroniclogic.com: $81176.32

Total income from other sites: $6212.04
(Garage Games, Reflexive Arcade, Linspire, Totalgaming.net and Manifesto games)

IGF Prize winnings: $16000.00

Total Retail publishing: $17539.71
(Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Russian, Singapore and Malaysia)

Approximate total income: $121,000 USD

[ bkaradzic @ 10.05.2007. 22:54 ] @
With more than 900,000 units of “Crackdown” sold-through in only two months, Microsoft Game Studios and Realtime Worlds are extending the game’s unparalleled experience, offering gamers several exciting new features, including vehicles, weapons, game modes and seven highly explosive, new Achievements.

[ bkaradzic @ 18.05.2007. 02:04 ] @
Hardware Sales For April

* Nintendo DS - 471K
* Wii - 360K
* PlayStation 2 - 194K
* PlayStation Portable - 183K
* Xbox 360 - 174K
* Game Boy Advance - 84K
* GameCube - 13K

Top 10 Software Sales For April

01. Pokemon Diamond (DS) - 1.045M
02. Pokemon Pearl (DS) - 712K
03. Super Paper Mario (Wii) - 352K
04. Wii Play (Wii) - 249K
05. Guitar Hero II (Xbox 360) - 197K
06. Guitar Hero II (PS2) - 142K
07. Spider-Man 3 (Xbox 360) - 117K
08. Spider-Man 3 (PS2) - 105K
09. God of War II (PS2) - 101K
10. MLB '07: The Show (PS2) - 79K

[ bkaradzic @ 30.05.2007. 21:24 ] @
Desktop Tower of Money: 3 tips to profit from casual games

So here’s a couple ways to a create successful game online:

a), Find an investor who’s crazy enough to give you millions of dollars, or b), Put it on a distribution network and hope you get enough customers willing to buy it as a download.

Then there’s c), Make a Flash mini-game, let people play it for free, and watch the ad revenue pour in when the site gets 20 million pageviews a month.

[ bkaradzic @ 30.05.2007. 21:25 ] @
As announced in April, Ubisoft's sales hit EUR 680 million during 2007 - an increase of almost 25 per cent. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles shifted more than 1 million copies, as did Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter, while other good performers included Rainbow Six Vegas (1.7 million) and Wii exclusive Red Steel (950,000).

[ Aca_LP @ 09.08.2007. 00:29 ] @

Estimated sold copies: average 500 per day (from Big Fish Games portal)
Price: $20 (or $7 with game pass).
Estimated average price: about $17 (assuming 25% of buyers use game pass)
Total estimated income: $250,000 (in the first month after the release)
Downloads: 600 000 in first two weeks, estimated 1 000 000 downloads in the first month
Estimated conversion rate:1.5%

[ bkaradzic @ 15.11.2007. 21:14 ] @
Broj "stanovnika" WOW je skoro isti kao broj stanovnika u Srbiji. :)
The company also noted that its subscriber base has continued to grow from the 9 million mark it celebrated in July to more than 9.3 million, which it says is up more than one million subscribers since December 31 of last year.

[ bkaradzic @ 11.12.2007. 23:24 ] @
Microsoft has confirmed to GameDaily BIZ that BioWare's critically acclaimed RPG is off to a red hot start with one million copies sold in less than three weeks.

[ bkaradzic @ 13.12.2007. 20:54 ] @
Assassin's Creed Passes 2.5 Million Sold
[ bkaradzic @ 15.12.2007. 02:10 ] @
Kako se prodaju PC igre:
Research firm NPD Group said that EA and Crytek's critically lauded FPS Crysis sold just 86,633 units last month, following its release on November 13.

Midway and Epic Games’ Unreal Tournament 3 for PC fared even worse, selling just 33,995. However, sales will be supplemented by PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions. The game launched for PC on November 19, also receiving strong reviews.

[ bkaradzic @ 18.01.2008. 07:14 ] @
Broj prodatih kopija u 2007:
The annual top 10 is as follows:

1. Halo 3 (Xbox 360, Microsoft) - 4.82 million
2. Wii Play w/remote (Wii, Nintendo) - 4.12 million
3. Call of Duty 4 (Xbox 360, Activision) - 3.04 million
4. Guitar Hero III: Legends Of Rock w/guitar (PlayStation 2, Neversoft/Budcat/Activision) 2.72 million
5. Super Mario Galaxy (Wii, Nintendo) - 2.52 million
6. Pokemon Diamond (DS, Nintendo) - 2.48 million
7. Madden NFL 08 (PS2, Electronic Arts) - 1.90 million
8. Guitar Hero II w/guitar (PS2, Activision) - 1.89 million
9. Assassin's Creed (Xbox 360, Ubisoft) - 1.87 million
10. Mario Party 8 (Wii, Nintendo) - 1.82 million

Više na:
NPD: 2007 U.S. Game Industry Growth Up 43% To $17.9 Billion
[ bkaradzic @ 22.01.2008. 22:06 ] @
World Of Warcraft Hits 10 Million Subscribers

Blizzard Entertainment has announced that World of Warcraft has recently passed 10 million subscribers worldwide since its launch on November 23, 2004. According to Blizzard, WoW now hosts more than 2 million subscribers in Europe, more than 2.5 million in North America, and approximately 5.5 million in Asia.

[ bkaradzic @ 25.01.2008. 19:28 ] @
Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare™ Ranks #1 Title in Units Worldwide for Calendar 2007

Game Sells in Excess of Seven Million Units According to The NPD Group, Chart Track and The GFK Group

SANTA MONICA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Activision, Inc. (Nasdaq: ATVI) announced today that Call of Duty 4®: Modern Warfare™ was the #1 title in units worldwide for calendar 2007, according to The NPD Group, Chart Track and The GFK Group. Developed by Infinity Ward, Call of Duty 4®: Modern Warfare™ has sold in excess of seven million units worldwide since its launch in November.

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare has garnered critical acclaim, securing more than 18 perfect score reviews and over 40 combined Editors’ Choice and Game of the Year awards in the U.S. alone. The game has been nominated for 10 prestigious Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences awards, including Game of the Year. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare also currently is the #1 Xbox 360™ title on Xbox Live, based on unique users, according to www.majornelson.com.

“We’re very excited about this achievement especially given so many competitive titles this year,” said Will Kassoy, senior vice president, global brand management, Activision Publishing, Inc. “Consumer and critics agree that Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is one of the best games ever created and further establishes Call of Duty as one of the premier brands in the industry. This ground-breaking game and franchise continue to establish new standards by which all other action games will be judged.”

[ bkaradzic @ 28.01.2008. 23:55 ] @
Top 10 PC Games of 2007

1. World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade – (Vivendi) – 2.25 million
2. World of Warcraft– (Vivendi) – 914K
3. The Sims 2 – (Electronic Arts) – 534K
4. The Sims 2 Seasons Expansion Pack – (Electronic Arts) – 433K
5. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare – (Activision) – 383K
6. Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars – (Electronic Arts) – 350K
7. MS Age of Empires III – (Microsoft) – 313K
8. Sim City 4 - (Electronic Arts) – 294K
9. MS Flight Simulator X - (Microsoft) - 280K
10.The Sims 2: Bon Voyage Expansion Pack – (Electronic Arts) – 272K

[ bkaradzic @ 29.01.2008. 08:00 ] @
Broj prodatih kopija:


* Wii Sports - 17,850,000
* Wii Play - 9,230,000
* Super Mario Galaxy - 5,190,000
* Mario Party 8 - 4,350,000
* The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - 4,300,000
* Super Paper Mario - 2,160,000
* Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree - 2,000,000
* Mario Strikers Charged - 1,650,000
* Metroid Prime 3: Corruption - 1,140,000
* Link's Crossbow Training - 1,070,000
* Wii Fit - 1,050,000

Nintendo DS

* Nintendogs - 17,790,000
* Pokemon Diamond & Pearl - 14,170,000
* New Super Mario Bros. - 13,140,000
* Brain Age - 11,710,000
* Brain Age 2 - 9,840,000
* Mario Kart DS - 9,670,000
* Animal Crossing Wild World - 9,200,000
* Super Mario 64 DS - 5,780,000
* Big Brain Academy - 4,610,000
* The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass - 3,820,000
* Pokemon Ranger - 2,610,000
* Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time & Explorers of Darkness - 1,540,000

[ bkaradzic @ 08.05.2008. 04:38 ] @
'Grand Theft Auto' sales top $500 mln in 1st week

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Take-Two Interactive Software Inc (nasdaq: TTWO - news - people ) scored over $500 million in global sales of its criminal action game "Grand Theft Auto 4" in its first week, making it one of the most lucrative entertainment launches in history.

[ bkaradzic @ 26.11.2008. 01:05 ] @
Steve Demeter wrote "Trism", a sliding-block, color-matching puzzle game, in his spare time, and put it on Apple's App Store for $4.99. Just two months later, the game had earned Demeter over $250,000, and prompted him to quit his day job at a bank and start a development studio.


Evo i game play video:
[ franticnick @ 26.11.2008. 20:16 ] @

Steve Demeter wrote "Trism", a sliding-block, color-matching puzzle game, in his spare time, and put it on Apple's App Store for $4.99. Just two months later, the game had earned Demeter over $250,000, and prompted him to quit his day job at a bank and start a development studio.

Sajt novoosnovanog studija: http://onyx.demiforce.com/
[ bkaradzic @ 01.12.2008. 22:45 ] @
The Mystery Case Files franchise has sold more than 2.5 million units thus far.

[ bkaradzic @ 04.12.2008. 03:57 ] @
Prodato 312541 kopija Garry's Mod za dve godine... To je oko 428 kopija dnevno po $9.99, ili $3.12 miliona za dve godine... ;)
[ franticnick @ 27.02.2009. 10:23 ] @
Covek zaradio $600.000 za mesec dana igrom za iPhone: http://blog.wired.com/gadgets/2009/02/shoot-is-iphone.html
[ bkaradzic @ 23.09.2010. 05:07 ] @
Minecraft igra zarađuje oko ~$250K dnevno.

Ovde možete da gledate statistiku prodaje:

Sales of one man indie game hit, Minecraft, have surpassed $250,000 per day.

According to stats provided by developer, Mojang, one copy of the $10 game is currently being purchased every 3 seconds, representing sales of more than $12,000 per hour.

The world-building game has been in development for more than one year. It is largely a one man project of experienced Swedish game maker, Markus Persson (full credits here).

Minecraft drops the player into a vast, pristine, and hostile world in which they must build tools and find resources in order to survive. The focus is on gameplay, and graphics are deliberately crude. Both single player and multiplayer versions exist. In the multiplayer version, players are free to either collaborate or compete.

Minecraft had been selling more than 4,000 copies a day for several weeks, but sales spiked to new highs after a server meltdown prompted Mojang to offer the game for free over the weekend. Many of those who tried the game, which has been dubbed 'Minecrack' for its addictive quality, obviously liked it so much that they purchased it as soon as the servers came back online on Wednesday.

Indeed, Mojang has quite a habit of finding triumph in adversity: an earlier bump in sales was apparently triggered by publicity surrounding Paypal's decision to temporarily lock Persson's account because the amount of money flooding in was deemed 'suspicious'. Sales grew to over 6,000 a day during this period.


[ tosa @ 23.09.2010. 08:19 ] @
bkaradzic: Minecraft igra zarađuje oko ~$250K dnevno.

Ovde možete da gledate statistiku prodaje:


Mislim da su u pitanju evri, greška je u članku jer računaju da je jedna kopija $10 a ne 10e :)
[ bkaradzic @ 17.10.2010. 01:29 ] @

Angry Birds is a puzzle video game developed by Rovio, a developer based in Finland. Since its release for Apple's iPhone and iPod Touch devices, over 6.5 million copies of the game have been purchased,[1] and versions have appeared for other touchscreen-based smartphones.
