[ Radovan__III @ 17.01.2005. 10:55 ] @
Nadao sam se jednom domenu koji je trebao da istekne juce ali je produzen ,tako da sad ponovo trazim pravo ime. Da li me neko moze uputiti na neki sajt na kome mogu vise procitati kako da stvorim brand name ( ili ako vec ima nekih vec stvorenih imena ) domen a ne da imam nesto kao www.ja-pecam-u-mutnom.com.

Trzi sam na vise mest spisak domena koji isticu ali uvek se to zavrsavalo na tome da su to deomeni kod neke firme koji isticu za 5-6 meseci a na sajtu im pise da isticu "kao" sutra ( velika kradja ).

[ boccio @ 17.01.2005. 11:28 ] @
Evo ti odlomak iz knjige "How I Sell My Domain Names", koju naravno zbog copyright-a ne mogu JAVNO da postavim ovde :)

Catching Valuable Expired Domain Names

Many of the pros will tell you that they no longer search and register for
new names. But what they do is, they target expired or expiring names −
specifically names that have traffic or links or are listed in top search
There are several services on the internet that will now enable you to hunt
for and register these type of names. Without going into too much details,
here are the ones I have used successfully and recommend:

Domainsbot − In addition to a expired name search, it also
Provides a Lists of Expired, Soon−to Expire & Popular Domain
Names. Searches Yahoo & DMOZ. Subscription−based.
DomainsBot now has an innovative service called
DomainTelevision. Daniel Mejia and Max Ralli, experts in the
expired domain market are the brains behind DTV − the first
internet TV channel dedicated exclusively to domain names, and
broadcasted 24 hours / day on DomainTelevision.com. Their
excellent concept offers a 24hs/day internet streaming featuring 12
shows, 8 TV series, interactive tools, live news, adult−only shows,
and more... Transmissions include daily selections of expired and
expiring domain names, chosen and commented by expert domain
hunters; top articles to learn those little tips and tricks kept hidden
by the professionals; special tools to interact with the expired
domain database; a place where to sell your domains, and much

SnapNames − This works on a first−com first−served basis so that
you can Back−Order Expiring Domain Names You Want! Cost $69.

WhoisSearch − Gives a straight−forward no−frills Daily List of
Expired Names with Traffic & Links. Free.

Exody − One of the best in the expired domain industry. Quality
name lists, high value lists, hourly and daily expired available.

DomainPond − Provides a search engine for you to mine and a
List of Expired & Soon−to−Expire Domain Names. Free.

NameWinner −This is an alternative to SnapNames and Attempts
To Catch & Register Domains As They Expire. Auction−Based.

DeletedDomains − Comprehensive Search Tool to Find Deleted &
On−Hold Domains. Free services.

Dotster − Publishes a daily list of quality domain names expired.

There are a few very useful research tools that can help you decide if you
should register a particular domain name:
1. To check traffic: Alexa gives you a comparative ranking in terms of
traffic received by the domain.
2. To check the number of links: Marketleap gives you the number of links
that a domain name has.
3. To check the number of searches made for a particular keyword in a
month according to Overture : use the Overture tool. Multiply by 12 to get
a ball−park estimate of the number of times the keyword is searched for in
the top 10 search engines.
4. To check which search engines the domain is listed in:go to IXQuick,
enter the domain name in the search box and go.
5. To check the popularity of the keyword try: Google results, enter the
keywords separated by a space in quotes. e.g. "toy store" if your domain is
An even smarter thing to do, before you register a domain name, is to see
if you can generate a list of potential prospects who may be interested in
the name. You will use 'tools' like YellowPages, SwitchBoard,
Namedroppers and even Yahoo.com. All these are described further in
Chapter 3.
So if you're looking to register a few domain names, expired ones may be
the smart way to go rather than conjuring up new names.
[ mega023 @ 02.06.2005. 01:10 ] @
koristi www.whois.sc
mnogo lakse se pronalaze slobodni domeni jer uvek ponudi 20ak mogucnosti
[ Dejan Bizinger @ 03.06.2005. 10:22 ] @
Nadao sam se jednom domenu koji je trebao da istekne juce ali je produzen ,tako da sad ponovo trazim pravo ime. Da li me neko moze uputiti na neki sajt na kome mogu vise procitati kako da stvorim brand name ( ili ako vec ima nekih vec stvorenih imena ) domen a ne da imam nesto kao www.ja-pecam-u-mutnom.com.

Za tu svrhu preporucujem ti sajtove www.dnjournal.com i www.domainguru.com

Ali bih samo hteo da ti kazem da ime jeste potreban ali ne i dovoljan uslov za stvaranje brand name-a.

Trzi sam na vise mest spisak domena koji isticu ali uvek se to zavrsavalo na tome da su to deomeni kod neke firme koji isticu za 5-6 meseci a na sajtu im pise da isticu "kao" sutra ( velika kradja ).

Ne moze se bas reci da je to "velika kradja" jer domeni ne isticu onda kada pise da isticu, to je pravilo. Ukratko cu ti objasnisti zasto to nije tako. Firma preko koje je domen registrovan ti obicno daje dodatni rok od 30-40 dana posle zvanicnog isteka registracije da doregiStrujes svoj domen. To je zbog toga da budu sigurni da vlasnik domena nije zaboravio da ga doregistruje. Tada je domen obicno u Registrar-Hold statusu. Tada a i nekoliko dana pre zvanicnog isteka registracije domen se ne moze prebaciti na drugog domain registry-ja. Nakon ovih 30-40 dana (u zavisnosti od firme) dolazi tzv. Redemption period. Ako se ne varam to traje oko 15 dana. Tada vec ti obicno firma preko koje si registrovao domen ni ne dozvoljava da domen doregistrujes po zvanicnoj ceni doregistracije vec ti za tu uslugu trazi cesto i 150$ a nekad i ne zeli da ti izadje u susret. To je njihovo pravo. Nakon toga dolazi status Pending deletion koji traje obicno 5 dana i domen je ponovo slobodan.

Ovo je okvirno kako sve tece sto se tice domena. To se razlikuje od firme do firme i neke mogu da "drze" domen i po nekoliko meseci. Nikad ne mozes tacno da znas kada ce jedan domen da bude slobodan. A ako cekas da istekne neki dobar domen pa da ga ti onda registrujes budi siguran da u najvecem broju slucajeva to neces uspeti jer tu na scenu stupaju mega domen kompanije poput Buydomains-a koja ima portfolio od preko 300 000 domena. Oni (i druge slicne) kompanije imaju softver koje gotovo u svakoj sekundi vrse proveru raspolozivosti domena. Zato je manje-vise jedini izgled da uspes u registraciji da platis neki servis poput gore-pomenutog Snap Names-a ili Pool.com koji ce da pokusa da registruje domen cim on istekne.