[ vuki68 @ 21.01.2005. 07:51 ] @
Provajderi pocinju da uvode ADSL !!!

Zanimljivo pitanje za mene, ali i za druge korisnike moze biti da li ce ili preko PPPOA ili PPPOE?

U kom slucaju se primenju je DHPC a u kom DNS? Koju varijantu ce nam provajderi uvoditi?

Ono sto znam znam jeste da ce IP biti staticka i dinamicka !

Ako neko zna, neka nam odgovori !!

Hvala unapred !
[ Gojko Vujovic @ 21.01.2005. 08:58 ] @
Biće PPPoE konekcija, ovo što pitaš za dhcp/dns nema mnogo smisla dakle - beep, pogrešno pitanje. Pri uspostavljanju konekcije, putem PPP podprotokola dobijaš relevantne IP parametre, dakle verovatno nema DHCP-a. DNS ne služi za konfigurisanje nekonfigurisanih klijenata, već za name resolving kad su oni već povezani i konfigurisani. To što si "saznao" da IP adresa može biti statička i dinamička ništa ne govori, jer ona jedino to može i biti. Druga podela je na javne ili privatne, ali to sve zavisi isključivo od provajdera i njegove definicije usluge. Telekom na to nema uticaja. Oni su layer niže.
[ vuki68 @ 21.01.2005. 12:22 ] @
Recino prilikom konfigurisanja SpeedTouch Routera pominje se PPPOE-DHPC Zasto?

evo sta pise:

This chapter describes the Routed PPPoE configuration of a SpeedTouch™500Series Multi-User ADSL Gateway
via the embedded Setup Wizard.
Note This procedure is also valid for the SpeedTouch™600Series Business DSL Routers.
Preparatory Steps for using Routed PPPoE
The following information must be available to successfully configure a Routed PPPoE interface on
the SpeedTouch™:
* The VPI/VCI value of the Virtual Channel on which the PPPoE connection service is enabled
* The encapsulation method (normally LLC/SNAP)
* The Routed PPPoE interface’s IP configuration, either via single IPCP, or via IPCP subnet masking. The latter
configuration requires all local nodes to be configured for DHCP and the SpeedTouch™ DHCP server being
* The user name and password for the ISP account.
* Optionally, a Service name and/or Access Concentrator name.
Up to 12 Routed PPPoE interfaces can be active simultaneously on the SpeedTouch™. In case of multiple Routed
PPPoE connectivity, the parameters above must be provided per connection.
General Configuration Procedure
Proceed as follows to configure a Routed PPPoE interface for a SpeedTouch™510/530/570:
1 In the SpeedTouch™ Web interface, click Advanced > Easy Setup to start the embedded Setup Wizard.
Click Next.
2 Select the service Routed PPPoE-DHCP-NAPT.
[ Gojko Vujovic @ 21.01.2005. 13:40 ] @
The Routed PPPoE interface’s IP configuration, either via single IPCP, or via IPCP subnet masking.

IPCP je taj podprotokol PPP-a o kome sam ti pričao. On konfiguriše ruter, tj. parametre na tunelu.

The latter configuration requires all local nodes to be configured for DHCP.

DHCP konfiguriše lokalne mašine.