[ axez @ 11.02.2005. 22:21 ] @
[ _owl_ @ 11.02.2005. 23:12 ] @
Bla, bla, bla, sila boga ne moli. Da li je neko imao problema sa pucanjem Opere kada ode na M$.com (u clanku pise da se strana renderuje drugacije, meni se pre desavalo da Opera jednostavno pukne)?
[ Sundance @ 12.02.2005. 00:35 ] @
Pogle šta se dogodi kad se koriste non-MS browseri (FF, Mozilla, Opera, Lynx i ekipa :)



Jailed for using a nonstandard browser

A Londonder made a tsnuami-relief donation using lynx -- a text-based browser used by the blind, Unix-users and others -- on Sun's Solaris operating system. The site-operator decided that this "unusual" event in the system log indicated a hack-attempt, and the police broke down the donor's door and arrested him. From a mailing list:

For donating to a Tsunami appeal using Lynx on Solaris 10. BT [British Telecom] who run the donation management system misread an access log and saw hmm thats a non standard browser not identifying it's type and it's doing strange things. Trace that IP. Arrest that hacker.

Armed police, a van, a police cell and national news later the police have gone in SWAT styley and arrested someone having their lunch.

Out on bail till next week and preparing to make a lot of very bad PR for BT and the Police....

Igrate se sa životom, kažem vam ja... :>
[ _owl_ @ 12.02.2005. 14:13 ] @
Cuo sam za ovo mada ovde je presudila ljudska pamet (u vrlo malim kolicinama).
Secam se price da kada je britanska vlada uvodila E-Gouverment (ceo sistem je razvio M$) sajtu je moglo da se pristupi samo iz IE-a.
Ustvari na osnovu ove dve price izgleda da je tesko biti korisnik non Win sistema u GB.
[ dinke @ 12.02.2005. 22:42 ] @
Njah, ja redovno lynxom placam svoj skype account. I jos me niko nije uhapsio. Za sada :))