[ Srđan Krstić @ 16.02.2005. 09:34 ] @
Par citata preuzetih odavde


Today's Microsoft is a megacorporation with thousands of patents. Microsoft said in court that the main competition for MS Windows is "Linux," meaning the free software GNU/Linux operating system. Leaked internal documents say that Microsoft aims to use software patents to stop the development of GNU/Linux.

When Mr. Gates started hyping his solution to the problem of spam, I suspected this was a plan to use patents to grab control of the Net. Sure enough, in 2004 Microsoft asked the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) to approve a mail protocol that Microsoft was trying to patent. The license policy for the protocol was designed to forbid free software entirely. No program supporting this mail protocol could be released as free software--not under the GNU GPL (General Public License), or the MPL (Mozilla Public License), or the Apache license, or either of the BSD licenses, or any other.

The IETF rejected Microsoft's protocol, but Microsoft said it would try to convince major ISPs to use it anyway. Thanks to Mr. Gates, we now know that an open Internet with protocols anyone can implement is communism; it was set up by that famous communist agent, the U.S. Department of Defense.


But capitalism means monopoly; at least, Gates-style capitalism does. People who think that everyone should be free to program, free to write complex software, they are communists, says Mr. Gates. But these communists have infiltrated even the Microsoft boardroom. Here's what Bill Gates told Microsoft employees in 1991:

"If people had understood how patents would be granted when most of today's ideas were invented and had taken out patents, the industry would be at a complete standstill today...A future start-up with no patents of its own will be forced to pay whatever price the giants choose to impose."

Mr. Gates' secret is out now--he too was a "communist;" he, too, recognized that software patents were harmful--until Microsoft became one of these giants. Now Microsoft aims to use software patents to impose whatever price it chooses on you and me. And if we object, Mr. Gates will call us "communists."

Pa, drugovi i drugarice, sta da kazem - Ziveo TITO :):):)
[ axez @ 16.02.2005. 16:02 ] @
Bingo......ne mora billy G to da kaze, svi znamo zasto to oni forsiraju...;)

I ovo je dobar citat...;)

When someone uses the term "intellectual property," typically he's either confused himself, or trying to confuse you.
[ degojs @ 16.02.2005. 16:06 ] @
Sad, da je MS taj koji ima najveću kolekciju patenata, možda bi to i bilo tako. Koliko znam, mnogi drugi (npr. IBM) su daleko "jači" od MS po tom pitanju.
[ Dragi Tata @ 16.02.2005. 16:13 ] @
Srećom su okačili sliku na vrh teksta pa nisam gubio vreme da ga čitam.
[ axez @ 16.02.2005. 16:16 ] @
degojs: Sad, da je MS taj koji ima najveću kolekciju patenata, možda bi to i bilo tako. Koliko znam, mnogi drugi (npr. IBM) su daleko "jači" od MS po tom pitanju.

Pa nebitno koliko je i ko je jaci.
IBM koliko mi je poznato ne koristi svoje patente da bi unistio open source.
Ovde je u pitanju druga stvar, a to je...ako ih ne mozes pobediti.....zabodi im noz u ledja, po mogucnosti na spavanju.

Ovde bi mogla i druga vest da se ubaci.

Recimo Bill Gates je pretio danskom premijeru da ce zatvoriti svih 800 radnih mesta u Navisionu ako danska ne podrzi inicijativu za softverse patente u EU.


Sve lepo od lepseg...;)
Jednom kriminalac, uvek kriminalac...;)

[ FormatC @ 16.02.2005. 23:37 ] @
Šta će jadni Uncle Bill, eto kako pare kvare ljude.
[ _Super_Ellite_Bug_ @ 20.02.2005. 19:37 ] @
Stalman-e, dodji u Srbiju, ovo je obecana zemlja za tebe... :o)
[ FormatC @ 21.02.2005. 00:25 ] @
Dok ne bude legalizacija.