[ tiranin @ 16.02.2005. 18:44 ] @
Imam nekoliko računara koji su povezani preko switcha. Pošto koristim SBB kablovski internet, svaki računar je od SBB dobio IP adresu(10.1.0.x). Switch je povezan na cable modem i sve fino šljaka.
Međutim, kućna mreža radi samo kada na računarima isključim firewall, a pošto su svi u SBB mreži i idu na internet nezavisno, želim da podignem neku zaštitu.
Pitanje je vrlo jednostavno. Kako da podesim XP firewall da mi moja mreža ostane funkcionalna, a da ipak podignem nivo zaštite prema spolja?
[ Goran Mijailovic @ 16.02.2005. 19:43 ] @
Hm imam neki tekst uglavnom mrka kapa ako sam ja dobro razumae.
If for some reason your Ping returns a timeout message, then you might have another problem. The most common issue has to do with Windows XP and the Internet Connection Firewall (ICF). The Windows XP Network Setup Wizard will sometimes enable ICF on your Ethernet adapter. ICF is designed to protect you from threats outside of your network by blocking unauthorized traffic from reaching your PC. It is supposed to be used only on the interface that directly connects to your Internet connection. However, if ICF is enacted on an interface that is being used to connect to another PC, it will block all the transmissions being sent to it. It will not even respond to pings. ICF must be disabled in order for the connection to work.
To disable ICF simply right-click on "My Network Places" and select Properties. Right-click on your LAN connection and again select Properties. Go to the Advanced tab and uncheck the box that reads "Protect my computer and network by limiting or preventing access to this computer from the Internet." Click OK. Now try to ping the other PC again. It should work fine.
[ Srđan Krstić @ 16.02.2005. 20:41 ] @
Mislim da sa Win Firewallom ne mozes. Moja preporuka ti je da uzmes neki drugi fw, konfigurabilniji, gde mozes da dodajes pravila kakva god zelis, pa ces lako za lokalni subnet da dozvolis sta ti treba, a za ostalo ne.
[ tiranin @ 17.02.2005. 10:45 ] @
I pretpostavljao sam da tako stoje stvari.
Ali da dodam neko pitanje.
Da li uopšte, kada sam u SBB kablovskoj mreži, iza NATa, ima potrebe za firewallom ?
I, ako ima, koji besplatni firewall mi možete preporučiti, a da mogu u njemu postaviti dozvole za računare iz moje kućne mreže ?
[ bobanex @ 17.02.2005. 23:57 ] @
to sto si iza nat-a ti nece mnogo pomoci nemoj ni da pokusas da se konektujes bez firewalla
nisam koristio ni jedan besplatni ali uvek i svuda preporucujem agnitum outpost firewall